Diaries from Plynck Runs
Who is in the group
& marching order
& watch order
First Adventure: the Gargoyle House
April 7, 2007: Plow 1 through Plow 4,
5038: find Gargoyle, enter
June 23, 2007: Plow 4 through Plow 5,
5038: explore, trash house
Second Adventure: Journey to Greater Woodknife
November 3, 2007: Plow 5 through Dragon 11,
5038: exploring McGuffin puzzle
January 5, 2008: Dragon 11 through Sword 3,
5038: heading towards Milsfyd
February 2, 2008: Sword 3 through Sword 12:
skirting Quidson, mostly undead, lots of undead
March 8, 2008: Sword 13 through Sword
17: lots more undead
April 5, 2008: Sword 17 through Beggar 2: get to Greater
Woodknife, Assassins
May 3, 2008: Beggar 2 through Beggar
17: save the scholar, cleanup
Third Adventure: We're Off to See the Baron
June 20, 2009: Beggar 21, 5038 through
Pail 1, 5040: hired by Fuori, beginning of trek
July 4, 2009: Pail 2 through Pail 17, 5040:
minor :-) encounters, plus Soul Nibbler
August 22, 2009: Pail 18 through Pail 25,
5040: Cauldron Born, granite shield, menhirs and central structure
September 19, 2009: Pail 25 & 26, 5040:
Into the structure; apparatus, locked rooms, demon & gargoyles
Novenber 7, 2009: Pail 26 & 27, 5040:
Elementals, Pudding, Broodkeeper, Dutch Renaissance viewscapes
January 16, 2010: Pail 27, 5040: exploring
Dutch Renaissance viewscapes, Runehounds, Ropers, Tube Spiders
February 27, 2010: Pail 27 & 28, 5040:
Rampagers, Ruin Chanter and Elementals, Rot Reavers (and Zombies)
March 13, 2010: Pail 28 through Dragon 3,
5040: finish exploration, deliver Fuori, meet with Baron
Fourth Adventure: Re-structured Group
April 27, 2018: Sword 14 - 16, 5040: leaving
New Glysoph; massed archers, Scorpions, Allyps, Trolls
May 4, 2018: Sword 16 - 18, 5040: Colossal
Skeletons, Fear Trap, enter Mound
June 1, 2018: Sword 18, 5040: Hydra, Glyph,
evil puzzles, East = zombie
June 8, 2018: Sword 18, 5040: West = skeleton
hearders; Northeast = black knight in aspic; first Umber Hulk
June 15, 2018: Sword 18, 5040: still
Northeast = more Umber Hulks
June 22, 2018: Sword 19, 5040: Southwest =
wet corridor & chamber; crocs, Nagas
June 29, 2018: Sword 19, 5040: still
Southwest = more crocs, Aboleths, Giant Squid, Dire Shark
July 13, 2018: Sword 19, 5040: still Southwest
= plateau, masks needing Blessing; Southeast = acid pit, Mummies
August 10, 2018: Sword 19, 5040: Northwest =
flowing acid pit, Dragons
August 24, 2018: Sword 19 - 22, 5040: North =
Farryn's brother Elion; Bard, Rangers, Fighter, Barbarian, and Bugbears
August 31, 2018: Sword 22, 5040: still North
= searching; Bard
September 7, 2018: Sword 23, 5040: open the
vault; down; lost in fog; separated into portal rooms
September 14, 2018: Sword 23, 5040: end of
rooms, capstan elevator, golems
September 28, 2018: Sword 23, 5040: more
reach next level down
October 26, 2018: Sword 23, 5040: Elodons,
Slaughterstone Eviscerators
November 8, 2018: Sword 24, 5040: Runic
Guardians, NimbleWights
December 7, 2018: Sword 24, 5040: Cadaver
Collector Monks, and their "Mother", make 17th level
January 4, 2019: Sword 25, 5040:
Dryder/Contstruct melding, ShredSwarm, ShadeSteel
January 18, 2019: Sword 26, 5040: half-flesh
NimbleWights, Shardsoul Slayers
February 8, 2019: Sword 26, 5040: Beholder-eyed
April 12, 2019: Sword 26-27, 5040: portal pit,
multi-door room, Phase Retrievers
May 17, 2019: Sword 27, 5040: Chain Golem Ropers
May 24, 2019: Sword 27-28, 5040: Vampire Lernaean Pyrphydras
June 7, 2019: Sword 28 - Beggar 2, 5040:
- Invisible Stalker - Allyps (Mirror Images)
September 6, 2019: Begger 2-3, 5040:
Great Mind Flayer Fihyrs; puzzles
October 13, 2019: Begger 3, 5040: Use the
GameRing to remove obstacles
November 29, 2019: Begger 3, 5040: Land
Squid; journey back to outside
Fifth Adventure: Smaller Group
June 25, 2023: Pail 1 - 3, 5043: Events;
Benedictine; Giant Corn
July 16, 2023: Pail 3 - 4, 5043: Meet Aunt
Hillary; Start killing Yellowjackets
August 26, 2023: Pail 4 - 5, 5043: Wipe out
the Yellowjackets; through the portal; Pastoral World
September 10, 2023: Pail 5 - Dragon 16: find
Waalder Forest, explore some of it; fight monsters
October 8, 2023: Dragon 16 - 19: Cauldron Born Stone Giants; find
machine; disable automatae
November 19, 2023: Dragon 19 - Sword 6, 5043: Ambushing the Magician
February 18, 2024: Sword 7 - 19, 5043: Cauldron
Giants; Rhinoctoshark; Stone Snake; Glyph
March 17, 2024: Sword 19 - 25, 5043: Heat Planet & Guardian; No Fly
Zone; Castle
April 28, 2024: Sword 25 - Beggar 18, 5043:
various UberVampires
May 19, 2024: Beggar 18 - 20, 5043: time
(over)passes; palace & shrine; mutant rust monster; tic-tac-toe,
July 28, 2024: Beggar 20-21, 5043: lever, ooze,
logic, maze, lever, sonic elemental, chess
August 4, 2024: Beggar 21-22, 5043: maze,
lever, beholder, words, maze, lever, shiverblade, sudoku, maze
October 14, 2024: Beggar 22-24, 5043:
underwater, ocean monsters, lever, life absorber, logic puzzle
November 3, 2024: Beggar 24, 5043: SandWorld;
Greek Puzzle; Lizard Men; Here And Not Here
December 1, 2024: Beggar 25-28, 5043: Walking
Road; Not Here; Haxford; bandits
Jaunary 26, 2025: Tree 1 - 14, 5043: hiking to
Dun Add; Beast & Shade; Chaos; arrival; Marvin Dreamer; Duel
Treasure List from First
Treasure List from Second
Cryptic Note found on
Assassin in Greater Woodknife
Zora's Translation of Note
First Letter
from Baron Quokaphun
Safe Passage Document from Baron Quokaphun