4, 2009
XP Starting Out: 51,330
Pail 2
Land is flattening. Mid-afternoon we cross a stream. Dusk
2nd Watch
0: Undead attack, hit Zori, Beri, Ulfgar; Zora kills S-1 and wounds
1: Kes wakes up, looks out window; Ar'tas sleeps on; Beri
determines that they're Spectres and tumbles away, casts Fireball for 34; Ulfgar hits S-6 three
times and misses twice; S-2 misses; S-3 waits; S-4 hits Beri; S-5 hits
Beri; S-6 hits Ulfgar; S-7 misses; S-8 hits; Ben destroys S-3, yells,
"Spectres!"; Zora kills S-2; Valanthe hides; Fuori gets up and readies;
Jenna Turns S-6, S-7, and S-8 -- Ulfgar AoO kills S-6, hits S-8.
2: Kes tumbles out and shoots at S-4 but misses; Ar'tas tumbles
out and charges S-5 but misses; Beri tumbles away and hides; Ulfgar
moves Ben out and orients him; Devourer appears, Ulfgar and Ben save vs
Confusion; S-4 misses Ar'tas; S-5
hits Ar-tas; Ben Turns Devourer
and dusts S-4 and S-5.
Jenna casts Restoration on Beri
and also heals her. Jenna heals Ulfgar.
22: Turned undead show back up; Ulfgar charges S-8 and kills; S-7
misses Ulfgar; Devourer casts Confusion,
Ben and Jenna save, Jenna says, "Let me hit it."; Ben casts Flame Strike but it fizzles; Zora hits
Devourer for 14; Jenna hits Devourer and disrupts it.
23: Kes shoots at S-7 and hits; Ar'tas moves out, circles the
shelter; Beri looks out window; Ulfgar hits S-7 twice, kills.
1,470 XP
Running Total: 56,495
Pail 3
This is Kes's Birthday. We ride. Thunderstorms: horses
spook. Fuori speaks Horse. Ulfgar and Ar'tas calm Beri's
horse. We remount. Day and night pass.
Pail 4
We see a humanoid with a large pack. Ar'tas calls a halt, and
asks Ben to come forward. Ben speaks and freaks the humanoid out;
then he attacks!
1. Ulfgar moves to protect Ben; Zora does as well and readies; X-1
turns his staff into a longspear; Zora shifts forward and criticals on
X-1 for 91; X-1 hits Ulfgar for 44, 3 Fort saves, and 1 Will save;
Ar'tas misses; Kes starts singing, shoots, bloopers; Jenna casts Flame Strike but it fizzles; Ben casts
Flame Strike but it fizzles; Beri
casts a spell but it fizzles.
2: Ulfgar tumbles off horse, hits once and misses four times; Zora
tumbles off horse and criticals for 92.
Gelugon (Demon) 12' tall, claws, spines, tail
8,000 gp
15 gems (avg 826gp)
two scrolls:
arcane -- Summon Monster II, Blur, Ray of Enfeeblement
arcane -- Blindness / Deafness, Spectral Hand, Knock
hollowed bone, 4" long, with reservoir
Cast Detect Magic:
Longspear - minor
Flask - minor (universal solvent)
Bone - minor
Cowbell - medium
885 XP
Running Total: 57,380
Day continues. At sunset Ulfgar is getting bitten on his neck,
takes a point of CON damage. No one sees anything. Ulfgar
feels a leathery small thing with teeth. Ulfgar hits it
barehanded and it goes away. Jennabink has heard of a "Soul
Nibbler". Soul Nibblers can only be attacked and damaged by
person attacked. Return every 24 hours. Discussion of
possible remediation ensues. Night passes.
Pail 5
Prairie goes on forever. Thunderstorms in the distance.
Ben causts Augury: "Will
Protection from Evil help Ulfgar vs the Soul Nibbler?"
Ulfgar is bitten and smacks it with gauntlet.
We discuss questions.
Pail 6
Bern casts Commune.
Questions. Jenna casts Glyph
on Ulfgar. We see locust tracks. Late afternoon
Glyph triggers 55 hp cold.
Ulfgar criticals and it goes away.
Pail 7
Jenna casts Divination, "How can
Ulfgar kill the Soul Nibbler within one week?" "Find cleric or
wizard who can cast Wish, Limited Wish, Miracle, Holy Word."
We're attacked by giant centipedes
0: Jenna's and Ben's horses run away with them; Kes's horse
dumps her and runs; Ar'tas tumbles off his horse and hits C-1; C-1 hits
Ar'tas and poisons; C-2 hits Ulfgar; C-3 moves to Kes and poisons her;
C-4 attacks Beri.
1: Fuori casts Electric Orb
on C-4 for 28; Ulfgar criticals for 97 then misses twice; Zora tumbles
off horse and criticals on C-4 for 144; Beri casts Enhanced Fireball on C-1 and C-2 for
68; Kes tumbles off horse, starts singing, shoots C-3; Ar'tas shifts to
flank and hits C-1, kills; Jenna rides her runaway horse; C-3 attacks
Fuori, she saves vs poison; Ben rides his runaway horse.
2: Fuori casts defensively and Dimension
Doors away; Ulfgar criticals fo 98 on C-3, kills.
11: Secondary posion damage on Ar'tas, Kes, Beri; Fuori
saves. All get healed.
707 XP
Running Total: 58,087
We plunder body parts:
eight poison glands (two per centipede mouth): each can make one Neutralize Poison potion
Thunderstorms again.
Ben casts Anti-Life Shell before
sunset; Soul Nibbler attacks anyway.
3rd Watch
Big wet storm
Pail 8
Jenna casts Divination, "How can
the group kill the Soul Nibbler?" Failed.
Day passes. Ulfgar uses waraxe on Nibbler.
Rains all night.
Pail 9
Ben casts Divination, "How can
the group kill the Soul Nibbler?" "I see no way for the group to
do this. I do not know it to be impossible."
Rain stops.
Prairie flowers. Beautiful.
Jenna gathers useful herbal flowers.
Ben casts Sanctuary on Ulfgar -
no luck.
Pail 10
Jenna casts Divination, gets an
Beri learns spells
We all see swarms
1. Kes casts Fireball
on herself and swarm on her; Swarms attack, do 9 on everyone; Jenna
casts Searing Light, kills swarm;
Fuori casts Ice Burst for 29,
kills her swarm, also Zora's, Ulfgar's, Beri's, Kes's, also hurts Zora,
Ulfgar, Beri, Kes, Jenna, Fuori, also kills all horses and ponies
except Ar'tas's and Ben's; Ar'tas dismounts and asks to be hit; Zora
hits Ar'tas's swarm; Ulfgar goes and gets Ar'tas's horse; Ben casts Flame Strike on self and kills his
2: Kes casts Fireball on
Ar'tas; Jenna does nothing; Fuori calls Ben's horse; Beri casts Fireball on Ar'tas and kills swarm.
Healing happens.
235 XP
Running Total: 58,322
Polymorphs get cast on Ulfgar and
Jennabink (who have an unusual shared experience)
1st Watch
Giant Dire Tigers attack
0: Ar'tas yells, "Tigers attacking. Help!", hits T-1; Zora
hits T-4, kills; Ben hits T-3; T-1 pounces on Ar'tas; T-2 misses.
1: Ar'tas tumbles away, opens the door, yells; Ulfgar wakes up,
grabs Jenna's weapon; Zora charges T-2 and crits for 84; Ben casts Flame Strike on T-3; T-1 hits Ulfgar;
T-2 hits Zora; T-3 hits Ben; Beri gets up and moves to window; Fuori
gets up and moves to window; Kes gets up, starts to sing; Jenna gets
up, moves to door.
2: Ar'tas goes total defensive; Ulfgar hits T-1 three times;
Zora hits T-2, kills (covers outside of window with blood); Ben hits
T-3; T-1 hits Ulfgar five times; T-3 hits Ben; Beri casts Magic Missile on T-1; Fuori goes to
other window; Kes shoots T-1 twice; Jenna casts Cure Critical on Ar'tas.
3: Ar'tas stays total defensive; Ulfgar hits T-1, kills; Zora
charges T-3, crits for 129, kills.
Healing ensues.
Zora left two tigers intact enough to skin; collect all four sets of
teeth and all sixteen sets of claws.
707 XP
Running Total: 59,029
Pail 11
Polymorph Ulfgar and Jenna back to
themselves. Jenna casts Planar Ally,
named Birath. Promise of favors exchanged.
[Editor's Note: In particular, the group has promised to
investigate some strange structure, vaguely on top of a "shield" to the
east, that is somehow blocked / shielded against Birath's looking into
Beri casts Tensor's Floating Disk
for Fuori and Jenna to ride; Flowers are wilting.
Make camp. Birath comes back and casts Miracle at sunset: Soul Nibbler is gone.
600 XP
Running Total: 59,629
Pail 12
Afternoon rain
Pail 13
No rain
3rd Watch
Meteor shower. Very pretty, Some of those on watch see a major
collision in the Ring (Ulfgar speculates about the possibility of a gap
in the Ring having been created).
Pail 14
Ben's Birthday, but it still rains.
Pail 15
Rain, very thick low clouds.
Two Red Dragons
1: D-1 breathes fire; D-2 breathes fire; Beri casts Mass Fly on all but Ulfgar; Ulfgar
activates Boots and flies up to D-1; Ben casts Prayer; Jenna reserves; Fuori casts Ice Burst on D-2 for 54; Ar'tas
reserves to stay with Zora; Zora and Ar'tas mvoe to D-2, hits; Ar'tas
backstabs for 32; Kes sings, moves with Jenna to D-1, shoots; Jenna
casts Harm.
2: Dragon Aura takes effect, Ar'tas is affected; D-1 misses
Jenna, hits Kes and Ulfgar; D-2 hits Zora and Ar'tes; Beri casts Magic Missile on D-1, kills; Ulfgar
charges D-2, crits for 71; Ben heals Zora; Fuori casts Electric Orb on D-2 for 30; Zora hits
D-21 and kills it.
1,414 XP Running
Total: 60,443
Take hides for armor, teeth for daggers.
Healing ensues.
Pail 16
Cast Find the Path and fly to
12,000 gp
600 pp
34 gems (800gpv average)
two rings: minor magic and medium magic
bronze griffon figurine: medium magic
Pail 17
Cast Identify:
Cowbell (Gelugon): attracts nearest herd animals into stampede
through area where cowbell is ringing
Ring 1 (dragons): Warmth
Ring 2 (dragons): Shooting Stars
Griffon Figurine (dragons): Figurine of Wonderous Powers: twice
per week, up to 6 hours each, turns into real griffon
Bone Tube w/dust (Gelugon): Dust of Appearance: like combo of
Glitterdust & Faerie Fire, lasts 2d100 minutes, affects things in a
10' cube
Huge Longspear (Gleugon): +3 attack and damage
Huge Leather (x2) (Ogre Magi): +1 AC
Huge Greatsword (x2) (Ogre Magi): +1 attack and damage
Huge Longbow (Ogre Magi): +1 attack and damage
Run stopped here.
2,500 XP for roleplaying: mostly innovative ideas in dealing with Soul
Running Total: 62,943