June 29, 2018

Sword 19, 5040

Begin spiral pattern to explore the middle of the cavern.  Find a deep dropoff point - we're going to the dropoff! He's going to touch the butt.

We find more crocodiles - yay :-(  
Z explodes C-15, C-18, C-17; A slashes, Beari casts, F shoots, Ben mace wacks.  All are gone.

New Giant Ickies appear: 2 Aboleths.
F shots A-20 for damage; Beari casts Otiluke's Freezing Sphere on A-21; Ben casts Destruction and destroys A-20;  A hides;
A-21 tries to mess with Beari; she says Oh Hell No; F shoots, kills A-21.  We take all its bits.

Finish Spiral.
When Tentacles Attack!  Oh no!  Tentacles hit Ben, Beari, Z, miss F.  A goes to try and see the creature in the pit: it's squidward - the giant kind; F pokes at tentacle, hits "aggressive poking".  Z chops off a tentacle, cleves off another one, cleaves, attacks, damages another one; Beari moves 30' away; Ben casts Harm.
Tentacles attack again but We have a WHALE BATTALION! No, we don't. So sad. Oh well. Guess we'll just get beat up some more. A pokes some more; F pokes some too;
The tentacles run away - now it is an ex-squid - Pining for the Fjords.

We need to examine the depths so Ben casts Breathe Water. We use immoveable rod: sling bullets, pouch and rope to to get down and start searching - we leave Mrrr on Dry land.  We find more walls

Big thing bites F.  Dire Shark - fast swim-by attack hunts by sight and smell; walls are diverging again.
Heeeres Brucie - Adventurers are friends, Not food ... is what we'd like to hav happen but we all know it just wants to bite.
Ben casts Prayer: +1s rain down; A waits for the shark to swim by again AOO - 17 damage; Beari casts Bigby's Clenched Fist and punches the shark just like a Superheroine in a Sharknao movie on SYFY channel in the summer;
Ben casts Searing Light; A pokes the shart; Z kills shark.