May 17, 2019

Sword 27, 5040

9:00 AM

Move down the hall doing all regular trap finding until we reach the next door.
Trapped - Arden fails disarm, takes -2 CON; door is still trapped.  Arden disables trap.  Ben casts Restoration and Arden feels better.  Unlocks, opens door into a big room: 70' wide and 120' long - dark with floor covered in rubble.

Beari casts Mass Fly so we are less rubble-bound

1. Columns have sticky arms: two from each:
Arden gets hit by 2 tentacles for 5 & 4
Elion gets hit by 2 for 4 & 4
Farryn gets hit by 1 for 5
Zora gets hit by 2 for 12 & 4
Beari gets hit by 2 for 10 & 4
Ben gets hit by 2 for 14 & 4

Wierd combo of chain golem and roper is no fun.  Beari should know - she dated one in high school  Wounding recurs every round - it's why we had to break up

Elion escape artist and attack
Beari casts Blink and blinks away bye-bye
Zora does dicing blades and gets rid of one tentacle
Arden tries to excape but fails
Ben casts Implosion, kills CGR1
Farryn attacks CGR2: miss, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit for 11, 12, 13, 13, 10 + 30 for up close

2. CGR5 and CGR6 try to grapple Arden - succeed for 4 wound and 27 squeeze
CGR5 tries to grapple Zora - fails - 4 wound
CGR3 and CGR4 grapple Elion - one success one fail - 4 wound and 5 squeeze
CGR3 grapple Farryn - 2 wound and 8 squeeze
CGR4 hits Farryn for 2
CGR2 grapples Ben - 4 wound and 10 squeeze

Elion activates Haste - hits, misses, hits misses, hits - 23
Beari casts Disintegrate on CGR4 - kills
Zora attacks CGR5 for 124, kills one tentacle charges CGR5's other tentacle for 28
Arden bloopers, loses round
Ben continues Implosion on CGR2 - fails to get through Spell Resitance
Farryn attacks with rapier - hits, hits, misses, misses, hits - 11, 10, 7

3.  CGR5 and CGR6 try to pin Arden - CGR5 fails but CGR6 succeeds, Arden cannot move - 4 wound and 14 squeeze
Zora is free; Beari is free; Ben is free
CGR3 tries to pin Farryn - fails - 4 wound and 15 squeeze

Beari casts Mordenkainen's Sword, hits CGR3 for 24
Zora hits CGR5 tentacle - kills; cleaves for 28, hits for 29, 32, kills
Arden successfully escapes
Ben continues Implosion on CGR2 - fails to get through Spell Resistance
Farryn is just done

4.  Elion is wounded, squeezed, and pulled
Farryn is wounded, squeezed, pinned, and pulled

Elion tries to escape - fails, uses Dimension Door to escape, CGR3 is his dodge
Beari uses M's Sword on CGR3 for 24
Zora moves, attacks CGR3 tentacle - hits, misses, hits, hits - kills
Arden shoots at CGR3 - hits, misses, misses
Ben finishes Implosion on CGR6 - kills
Farryn is pinned

5. CGR2 pulls pinned Farryn towards it
CGR3 hits Arden

Elion throws his Thunder Damage thingy at CGR2 - hits - 22 damange
Beari uses M's Sword on CGR3 for 23
Zora attacks CGR2 - hits, misses, misses, hits, hits - kills - Farryn is free
Arden attacks tentacle with rapier - misses, hits, misses
Ben casts Destruction on CGR5- kills
Farryn kills CGR3

Yay - All Dead!

1,000 XP for Chain Golem Ropers