End of Previous Campaign
Arrive in Ginjieb.
Finish all the bureaucratic nonsense; move into rental mansion; continue with selling, swapping, and purchasing; begin complex item manufacturaing, begin training.
Bodies w/Spider Tattoo on Chest
Big Boom, Earth Quakes, Water Drained, Tsunamis Hit, Boats Stuck in Mud – After water came back
Sundowns and Sunrises.
Extra Undead.
Very Cold Winter.
Backstreet Strangler acquitted – rioting ensues.
Gladiator guy survives and quits.
Arden makes friends with randos in bars and thieves, tries to compromise law keepers (Naughty!), talks to Muckety Mucks about us helping with big messes. Becomes a lawyer with some variable moralities – tries to help low lifes, becomes a lawyer for the mob.
No info on the land squid.
We go! Teleport to Land Squid Land and then fly from
-- Never Mind – we don’t go.
There is a knock at the door. 6’6” Gray Man steps inside. Bows and accuses us of murdering his brother. He wants the rings back. Won’t answer questions about why he wants the rings, what he will do with them when he has them? Gave them to his brother for amusement during imprisonment.
[Benedictine the Evil Squid Man.]
Suddenly the house is falling 128’, hits something, we take damage, house falls again, stops again, house falls again, stops again, house lands on a corner in the trees. Ther are no feet sticking out.
Seem like we are in some kind of orchard, giant corn stalks. Corn is 200’ tall, planted in a hexagonal pattern.
Feels like the same plane.
Furniture is piled in corners. Things are broken and fallen off shelves. Staff & all their possessions are gone. Ben casts Create Water over the stove on fire.
There is a malachite box which is in the entryway Has no traps but does have magic – Overwhelming Aura from one source, Transmutation. It’s a key. Benedictine is sorry for his GAD. Squids is dumb. Search the house for new keyholes – find none, Key is roughly 9” long and made of iron. As far as we can see it is cornstalks and the green and muddly.
Arden flies up to look around. It looks like cornstalks forever. Time is passing – the sun is moving. Arden suggests we go west. Beari casts Mass Fly. Fly 40 miles west. Still corn. See giant birds flying by. We go 60’ / round. Birds fly 3,000’ / round. The birds are normal birds like sparrows and robins.
Beari casts Rope Trick and we all climb in the pocket.
Beari casts Analyze Dweomer. It takes 8 hours. Zora and Arden help Ben out with his many belly lint issues. We find out the key unlocks a lock somewhere. Surprise, surprise, surprise. The magic of the key is too strong for Analyze Dweomer to give a clear answer about.
Ben casts Break Enchantment. Nothing Changes.
We try to use it as a Portkey. Nothing happens.
Arden tries Use Magic Device. Nothing Happens.
From Spellcraft, Beari understands that this device will only work when connected to its partner device. We don’t know anything about portals,. And we also don’t know nothin’ ‘bout birthin’ no babies.
We are the Keymaster. is Pelor the Gatekeeper? Does the stupid Squid have a brand new pair of roller skates cause we’ve got a brand new key?
Ben Communes with Pelor:
[Editor’s Note: written list is incomplete; trying to fill in from memory.]
1. Are we on our home plane? YES
2. Where is the portal that fits this Key? UNCLEAR
3. Is the portal that this Key fits more than 100 miles away? YES
4. Is it on our home continent? NO
5. Is it in the northern hemisphere? UNCLEAR
6. Are we on our home planet? NO
7. What direction must we travel to reach the portal? WEST
8. Has our size been changed from our original state? NO
9. Is everything else here naturally bigger than where we started? YES
10. Are you having a nice day? YES
Beari casts Mass Fly. We fly. We hit darkness. Take damage and are dazed. We are tumbled, but not nauseated. There are rocks flying around. We are inside a bird’s gizzard. We need to get out. Beari finds a wall. Casts Passwall to make a tunnel. All move into tunnel. Zora uses sword to lengthen tunnel to get us out. Round 6 Zora hits again – 16’. R7 Zora hits again -15’ – we fly out and take more subdual damage, then fly up and away from the bird.
XP = 84.
We fly, land, wash off bird mung, use Pearl of Power to Mass Fly. Continue on ‘til we are passed our destination w/o seeing it. Landscape does not change at all in that time. Land, cast Secure Shelter, rest and discuss next questions for Pelor; try to make questions narrow down options.
Cottage begins to shake. Look out window, see nothing, Poke outside, save against acid – maybe we are inside something? Arden opens the door, saves vs acid again. The acid is damaging the shelter. Shelter will be destroyed in an hour. Beari casts Teleport w/o Error. We are now outside the awful colossal snake we were inside It is coming towards us.
Beari casts Lightning.
Arden tries to poke the snake in the eye and then hide.
Ben casts Destruction. Snake is completely consumed by holy fire.
XP = 24
Beari casts Rope Trick. We all climb in. We rest and learn spells again.
Ben casts Commune:
[Editor’s Note: written list is incomplete; trying to fill in from memory.]
1. Is the portal on the surface of the planet? NO
2. Is it in the air? NO
3. Does it move or is it fixed? FIXED
4. Is it underground? YES
5. Is it in a cave or construction? CONSTRUCTION
6. How many miles is the portal from here? THIRTY-TWO
7. What direction is the portal from us? EASTERLY
8. Is it North-East? NO
9. Is it East-North-East? YES
10. Is there a clearing around the portal? NO
11. Is it in a hill or mountain? HILL
12. Does the place have a name? YES
13. What is its name? <no answer>
14. What is its first name? AUNT
15. What is its second name? HILLARY
16. What is its third name? NONE
17. Is the housing of the portal hidden? MAYBE
18. Is the portal hidden? MAYBE
19. Is the portal magic? YES
Beari casts Mass Fly. We begin to fly 30 miles ENE. We land at 31 miles and begin walking.
Arden and Zora notice and move out of the way. Praying Mantis lands on Beari and attempts to grapple. Beari takes damage. Beari casts Blink. Zora does smackys. Arden does smackys. Praying Mantis attacks Ben. Ben takes damage. Ben casts Destruction. Praying Mantis is completely consumed by holy fire.
XP = 26
Beari casts See Invisible. We keep walking and looking for Aunt Hillary and her “Secret Portal”.
Colossal Shrews attack us. S1 and S2.
Init. Surprise! (Damn it)
S1 attacks Ben – misses
S2 attacks Beari misses
Arden moves to flank S1 with Ben
Zora moves to flank S2 with Beari
Zora beats on S2, knocks it down from 250 HP to 5.
Arden beats on S1, knocks it down from 250 HP to 7.
S2 attacks Beari – misses
S1 attacks Ben – misses
Ben casts Blade Barrier, oriented vertically, kills S1 and S2.
XP = 36