7, 2009
XP Starting Out: 73,488
Pail 26, 5040
2:00 pm
Ar'tes checks the stairs for traps. Finds none so we continue up
the stairs to a new room. There is a fountain in each corner.
Ar'tes checks the door for traps, finding none, Ulfgar enters the
room. We all enter the room. Ulfgar approaches a fountain.
Out of each fountain comes a Greater Spawn of Jubilex. Kes yells,
"Water Elementals: don't let their slime stay on you!"
0. E-1 hits Ulfgar for 29; E-2 and E-3 move; E-4 hits Kes for
20 & slime.
1. Beri casts Electric Orb
on E-3 for 42; Ulfgar activates his boots, hits E-1 three times; Ben
casts Banishment on E-1 and it
disappears; Zora charges E-2 for 19 & 3 electricity; Jenna casts Flame Strike on E-4 for 27 holy and 22
flame; Fuori charges E-3 for 9; Ar'tes tumbles behind E-2; E-2 hits
Zora twice; E-3 hits Fuori once; E-4 entwines with Kes; Kes tumbles
away, yells, "Hit me with cold or fire. They are immune to acid."
2. Beri casts Disintigrate
on E-3 and it turns to dust (which is impressive since it started as
water); Ulfgar charges E-4 and hits it twice; Ben casts Flame Strike on E-4 for 29 holy and 26
flame; Zora hits E-2 twice; Ar'tes takes an opportunist hit on
E-2; Jenna casts Searing Light on
E-4 and kills it. Fuori charges E-2 for 8; Ar'tes hits E-2 three
times; E-2 hits Fuori for 19; Kes takes all five of her
Alchemists fire, puts them on the floor, and jumps on them for 28 fire
damage (and gets rid of the slime).
3. Beri laughs at Kes; Ulfgar charges E-2 and hits; Ben heals
Kes for 38; Zora hits E-2 and kills it.
Kes jumps in the fountain to put out the flames on her. Ben heals
Kes and Fuori.
XP 900
Running Total: 74,388
We gather up the powder from the disintigrated water elemental so we
will have some "instant water".
Ar'tes searches and finds an amulet, 600gp, 11 gems, a wand, a stone
(dusty rose colored prism shaped).
Kes will use the supposed dusty rose ion stone.
2:30 pm
The next corridor seems to be filled with Black Pudding.
1. Kes shoots BP, splits it into A & B, spilts it into A,
B, & C; Ar'tes splits D off of C, E off of D; Fuori looks on;
Ulfgar abstains; Zora splits B to F, E to G, A to H; Jenna splits A to
I, A to J; Beri splits B to K, B to L; Ben splits C to M, G to N; there
are now fourteen puddings.
2. Kes blows up 14 puddings
XP 275 Running
Total: 74,663
No treasure.
Ar'tes checks the hallway for traps -- seeing none we move down the
hall. In the hall we find a big spidery thing.
1. Fuori casts Dimensional
Door and takes Ar'tes with her to the other side of the spidery.
Beri casts Lightning Bolt;
Ulfgar charges and criticals for 71; Spidery hits Ulfgar three times;
Zora charges and criticals for 135; Ar'tes tumbles to flank but
misses; Kes yells, "Ar'tes watch out" and casts Fireball, but spell fizzles.
Jenna charges Ulfgar and heals him forcefully with Cure Critical for 34; Ben casts Searing Light on Spidery for 34.
2. Fuori charges and criticals for 20; Ar'tes takes an
opportunistic hit for 33; Beri casts Odeluke's
Freezing Sphere as a ray for 57 points of cold; Ulfgar activates
his boots and hits for 34; Spidery hits Jenna for 28, Zora for 28,
Ar'tes for 30; Zora hits for 29, 28, kills.
XP 900 Running
Total: 75,563
No treasure.
We go back to the fountain room and put up the Secure Shelter.
3:00 pm
Get through the night.
Pail 27, 5040
In the morning Kes and Beri get all their spells back, but the clerics
only get spells fifth level or lower -- they fill higher level slots
with 5th level spells.
8:00 am
We continue down the hall and find another large room (click
for image)
It has some fuzzy humanoid figures who are not moving. We
approach cautiously. Ar'tes checks out the stairs and door.
Ulfgar checks out the figures. He throws a coin at them and
it goes right through them.
1. A Broodkeeper storms out of the door and charges Ulfgar -
Ar'tes AoO for 10 - BK hits Ulfgar twice with a pounce and grapples him
and rakes him four times; Fuori casts Electric
Orb; Zora charges, criticals for 111; Beri casts Odeluke's Freezing Orb as ray for 52;
Kes casts Greater Magic Weapon on
her crossbow and starts singing; Ar'tes flanks and criticals; Ulfgar
tries an opposed grapple and is unsuccessful; Jenna casts Bestow Curse but it doesn't work; Ben
casts Searing Light.
2. BK chews on Ulfgar again; Fuori hits for 15; Ar'tes takes
an opportunistic hit for 33; Zora hits for 39, criticals for 132,
kills; Swarm spill out from carcus onto Fuori for 9; Beri reserves for
nobody else in range of fireball; Kes casts Fireball but swarm saves (Fuori saves;
Ar'tes takes 7); Ar'tes tumbles away; Ulfgar moves away; Jenna casts Searing Light but it fizzles; Ben says,
"Fuori, run!", reserves for that.
3. Fuori runs; Beri casts Fireball
for 32; Ben Summons a Celestial
Orca over the swarm, which acts as a wet blanket when it falls (and
does 137); Zora hits; Swarm moves to Beri for 22; Kess shoots flaming
crossbow bolts three times; ULfgar drops his ax and pulls out his flail
and hits twice; Jenna casts Flame Strike
for 24 holy and 17 flame, kills.
Then there was healing. The Broodkeeper's heart is good for two
Fast Healing potions (2 hrs fast heal 5 pts / round).
XP 1,800
Running Total: 77,363
XP 450 Running
Total: 77,813
9:00 am
Ulfgar and Ar'tes look into the room beyond the open doors.
Ulfgar sees a room with murals not he wall beyond the archway.
Ar'tes looks for traps and finds none. Beri casts Read
Magic and looks for symbols in the murals. No symbols. Kes
examines the murals: they are scenes of torture.
There are no secret doors in the mural room or the room the Broodkeeper
came out of. Ar'tes and Ulfgar clime and fly to the "window".
Things look weird. They throw a copper piece in and it
We go up the stairs 40' up over 40' distance (click
for image)
1. Zora, Beri, and Fuori are attacked by the hoops that were
hanging. Kes casts Shatter
on the collar on Zora; Zora hits it for 16, 19, 19, 19, kills; Ulfgar
flies to Beri and looks at the collar: it looks like lead; he activates
his boots and attacks the collar on Beri for four hits for 39; Beria
attacks with her dagger, hits for 3; Ben casts Shatter on the collar on Fuori for 51;
Ar'tes attacks the collar on Fuori for 4; Fuori attacks her collar for
6; Jenna attacks Beri's colllar for 2; Beri takes 4 points subdual and
Fuori takes 15 points subdual.
2. Kes attacks but misses; Zora attacks Fuori's collar for
19, kills, cleaves on Beri's collar for 23; Ulfgar deactivates his
boots, hits Beri's collar for 14, kills.
XP 250 Running Total
28,063 Thirteenth Level!
[Click HERE
to see a map of the underground thus far]