May 4, 2018
Sword 16, 5040
Clean up from Trolls, get through the night.
Sword 17, 5040
Travel - ACK! It's in the grass!
It runs away and nothing chases.
Tarvel - Cast Cottage
- Night Passes
Sword 18, 5040
Crash (dawn breaks)
We learn spells and put Cottage away.
Find 40' wide dirt track runs E<->W. Farryn searches for
tracks finds maybe claws marks mostly churned dirt. Travel looks
like from W to E.
(In which Zora becomes a drone.)
Zora flies up - sees a white blob on the horizon to the West moving
towards us. Closer looks like huge skeleton coming towards us fast -
Cast Rope Trick 5'
up and everybody in. Colossal Skeleton (CS) passes, we wait.
Zora flies up and sees CS coming again. We wait. CS passes.
Zora flies up again, higher, and sees track is roughly circular with a
6 mile diameter. Sees five CSs evenly spaced and move at same
rate - mound in the center.
Cast Summon Monster 1
- Celestial Dog. Wait to attack next CS. CS sees Dog, makes
piercing scream again. Dog attacks, CS AoO kills Dog, which returns to
the Celestial Plane.
20 minutes between when each CS passes.
Next plan - Ben will try to turn - Arden and Farryn behind ready
to shoot and draw attention away from Ben. Zora helps Ben back to
rope and up in the air.
(Ben is Zora's blunt weapon.)
CS has more than 29 hit die - Ben can't turn - Arden and Farryn shoot
as distraction. Arden hits for 3. CS doesn't die
(shocking!). Farryn hits then hides. Zora drags Ben away.
CS attacks Arden and misses. Ben says "wheee" has he flies
Walk to mound - find door: big, but too small for CSs to go in.
Check entire mound - only one door. Farryn sees no tracks.
Arden to door, careful for traps - finds trap on door - blocks
fall from above - disables trap. Checks lock for trap (finds
none) - opens lock. Will trap goes off: Fear - Arden, Farryn,
and Ben run away. Zora and Beari wait for them to come back (plan
B: teleport home and retire). Party enteres mound. It's
Change Marching order: Ben -> Beari -> Farryn -> Zora
-> 20' -> Arden
Slow move, 20' round, minimally trap checking with quarterstaff wrapped
in leather for quiet. Beari looking up/back with Darkvision.
100' in Arden finds pit trap with Illusion over it - 20'
across, can't see bottom of pit. Arden check for solid floor
across. Arden uses Zora as hovercraft.
We hear chittering babble - sounds like Allyps again. Ben
prepares to Turn - sound is behind us, Ben Turns in that direction;
we keep hearing but still don't find them. Continue on.