November 8, 2018

Sword 24, 5040

After Healing and Resting overnight and relearning spells we are ready to continue.

dtdluo - hall - dtd - fails, Arden makes his Fortitude save vs poison - dluo -- room with columns - go along wall - dtdlu - Arden fails unlock: lock is not disabled; this lock is differently abled -- it was super important to write this down!

dtdluo: this sequence happens again and again
DM gives a chocolate size demonstration

Runic Guardians (constructs, stunning blow, damage resistance, fast heal, reach)

Elion charges R44 for Kick Thing (60hp)
R43 AoO on Elion
R41 hits Arden
R42 misses Ben
R43 misses Beari
R44 misses Elion
Beari casts Cone of  Cold on R41 and R43
Farryn shoots R43
Arden tumbles to R41, hits, takes cover off his light stone to hide in shadows
Ben casts Bless: +1 ToHit
Zora hits R43 - kills, charges R41, hits, kills

Elion tumbles, charges R44, hits, kills
R42 hits Ben
Beari moves away
Farryn shoots at R42: 16, 10, 21, misses
Arden charges R42: 13
Ben smacks R42: 12, 6, 13
Zora partially charges R42:: kills

Arden puts away light stone - dtdluo - hall - dtdluo - room - again - again

NimbleWights (constructs, high spell resistance, can cast some magic, cold slows, fire stuns)

Beari casts Fireball for 35 and stunned 1 round
Farryn shoots at NW44: 19, 12, 18, miss
Zora to NW44: kills; cleaves NW43: 40, kills; cleaves NW42: 40, kills; cleaves NW41: 39, miss
Elion to NW41, kills

dtdluo - hall