January 18, 2019

Sword 26, 5040


Day is Broken -- no one casts Mending.
dtdluo - room with four round pillars; go around south wall

NimbleWights (good at criticals, have spells and spell resistance, but these are meaty: not the same as the previous NimbleWights; so cold and fire can only maybe affect them)

NWs attack Arden, Zora, Farryn
Elion tumbles away to charge and attack
Beari casts Ice Storm on NWGreen, moves back to door with Mrrr
Arden attacks NWGreen - crit, crit, kills
Farryn drops bow, draws rapier on NWBlue - hits, hits, misses, hits
Zora attacks NWRed - hits, misses, misses, misses, hits
Ben attacks NWBlue - misses

NWRed on Zora hits four times 52hp
NWBlue on Elion hits four times 58hp
NWPurple on ZOra hits four times 40hp
Elion tumbles out charges NWBlue - kills
Beari casts Magic Missile on NWPurple
Arden attacks NWRed - hits, hits
Farryn picks up bow, shoots NWPurple - hits, hits, kills; shoots NWRed- misses, hits
Zora attacks NWRed - hits, kills
Ben heals Zora, Elion, Arden

NimbleWights are all now clumsy

dtdluo - corridor goes 30' and turns right, another 20' to door - dtdluo - 50'x50' room with dooor on North wall, four pillars look like coweled hangmen

Shardsoul Slayer (construct, disorients, takes wisdom)

Arden pokes column, which turns into SS11
Elion spring attacks SS11
Beari casts Delayed Blast Fireball in middle of room, will go off in one round
Farryn moves to corner of room, shoots at SS14
Zora spring attacks SS11 for 41, jumps back into corridor
The SSs have a Confusion Aura - everyone in the room, plus Zora, make their Wisdom saves
(The SSs are stealing all the wisdoms from the friends - hope they're wise enough to be out of my giant fireball!)

Arden hits SS12, tumbles and bumps SS13
Ben casts Prayer (Farryn and Arden out of range)
Elion tumbles away from SS14 then partial charge back, hits
Beari (Delayed Blast Fireball goes off for 81) casts Fireball for 23
Farryn shoots SS12 - hits, hits, hits, hits
Zora spring attacks on SS14 - hits, hits
SSs Confusion Aura affects Arden, Ben, and Mrrr
SS11 charges Farryn, hits for 13hp & -1 Wisdom
SS12 attacks Elion, hits & -1 Wisdom
SS13 on Arden hits - 15hp & -1 Wisdom, 13hp & -1 Wisdom

Arden, confused, reacts to attack by SS13 - hits, hits, misses
Ben wanders into the wall
Elion tumbles back into the hall
Beari casts Mordenkaimen's Sword, hits SS14, move down the hall
Mrrr does NOT accompany Beari
Farryn shoots SS11 - hits, hits, hits, hits
Zora attacks SS14 - kills
SSs Confusion Aura affects nobody new
SS11 attacks Farryn - 11hp & -1 Wisdom
SS12 charges Arden, misses
SS13 Attacks Arden - 11hp & -1 Wisdom, 11hp & -1 Wisdom

Arden on SS13 - hits, hits
Ben wanders
Elion spring attacks SS11
Beari moves Sword to SS12 - hits
Farryn switches to rapier, hits SS11 five times
Zora attacks SS11 - hits and kills
SSs Confusion Aura affects nobody new
SS13 attacks Arden - hits & -1 Widsom, hits & -1 Wisdom
SS12 attacks Arden - hits & -1 Wisdom

Arden attacks SS13 - hits, hits
Ben wanders
Elion attacks SS12- hits
Beari attacks SS12 with Sword - hits
Farryn (haste) picks up bow, (rapid shots) hits four times on SS??
Zora spring attacks SS12 - hits, kills
SSs Confusion Aura affects Farryn
SS13 attacks Arden - hits & -1 Wisdom, hits & -1 Wisdom -- Arden is down

Ben is stuck trying to wander through closed door
Elion spring attacks SS13 - hits, kills
Farryn, confused, inspects her clothes

== out of combat ==

Elion stops Arden's bleeding, Arden is still down
Ben comes out of his confusion; heals Elion with the last three chargs of that wand; casts Heal on Arden: hp and Wisdom at full; casts Restoration on Elion: Wisdom at full

[DM note: Farryn still at -2 Wisdom]