April 5, 2008
starting out: 41,350
Sword 17,
Artes and Ulfgar see two large humanoids that look like
except that they are both wearing ll plate armor.
0. Ulfgar dismounts;
charges Zora, for 17; Mummy-2 charges Ulfgar for 13; Ar'tes tumbles
1. Kes sings Inspire Courage, tumbles
behind Mummy-2; Ulfgar takes 5' step to flank Mummy-1 with Ar'tes, hits
for 12; Beri gathers up horses; Ben casts Bless and dismounts;
casts Searing Light
on Mummy-1 for 47; Zora on Mummy-2 misses; Mummy-1 on Ulfgar hits for
Mummy-2 on Kes hits for 15; Ar'tes misses Mummy-1.
2. Kes pours oil on
Mummy-2 - AoO hits Kes for ?? - tumbles back; Ulfgar hits Mummy-1 for
12; Beri
casts Fireball on
Mummy-2 for 34, plus 6 from burning oil, notices that armor is
undamaged; Ben casts Magical
Weapon on his mace; Jenna casts Flame Strike on Mummy-1
and Ulfgar for ??; Zora hits Mummy-2 for 18, kills, 5' step, misses
Mummy-1 hits Ulfgar for 19; Ar'tes hits Mummy-1 for 8.
3. Kes checks for other
foes; Ulfgar hits Mummy-1 for 11, 11; Beri checks for other foes; Ben
Mummy-1, misses; Jenna checks for other foes; Zora misses, misses;
hits Ulfgar for 13; Ar'tes misses.
4. Kes checks for other foes;
hits Mummy-1 for 9, 10; Beri checks for other foes; Ben misses, misses;
checks for other foes; Zora hits Mummy-1 for 14, 20, kills.
XP running total: 42,510
Beri casts Protection
Evil; has party remove armor from mummys; casts Detect Evil: none on
armor, none within range in slow 360° sweep; casts Detect Magic: armor is
magic, major.
Jenna casts Healing Circle
for 17; uses wand on Kes for 12; casts Cure Critical twice on
Ulfgar for 37, 36.
Searching bodies, besides armor: 70 pp on each
Ulfgar and Zora to wear armor.
[Unknown to group, but +3 to save time during encounters between now
and when it is lored.]
Get through the rest of the night.
Sword 18
Get through the day; still traveling by night
Sword 19
Get through the day.
that night
1. Bodak-1 gazes at Ben
(saves); Bodak-2 gazes at Jenna (saves); Bodak-3 gazes at Zora (saves);
Bodak-4 gazes at Ulfgar (saves); Kes does ???; Zora yells warning,
dismounts, charges Bodak-2, misses; Ulfgar dismounts, charges Bodak-1
for 13; Ben casts Magic
Circle Against Evil; Beri casts Cone of Cold on Bodak-4
for 29; Jenna moves, casts Searing
Light on Bodak-4 for 57, kills.
2. Ar'tes moves into Ben's
magic circle, shoots Bodak-2 for 4; Bodak-1 gazes at Ulfgar (saves),
hits Ulfgar for 4; Bodak-2 gazes at Zora (saves), misses; Bodak-3 gazes
at Ben (saves); Kes casts Glitterdust
on Bodak-3; Zora hits Bodak-2 for 32; Ulfgar hits Bodak-1 for
40+; Ben casts Spiritual
Weapon, spiritual mace hits Bodak-3 for 3; Beri casts Ice Storm on Bodak-3
for 16; Jenna casts Searing
Light on Bodak-3, kills.
3. Ar'tes shoots Bodak-2
for 8; Bodak-1 gazes at Ulfgar (saves), misses; Bodak-2 gazes at Zora
(saves), hits for 4; Kes casts Glitterdust on Bodak-1,
Bodak-2, Ulfgar, and Zora; Zora hits Bodak-2, kills, hits Bodak-1 for
17; Ulfgar flanks Bodak-1 with Zora, hits for 30; Ben's spiritual mace
misses; Beri looks for other foes; Jenna moves into magic circle.
4. Ar'tes shoots Bodak-1 for 9;
Bodka-1 gazes at Ulfgar (saves), misses; Zora hits Bodak-1 for 17,
XP running total: 43,670
Jenna determines that pineal glands are good for Protection From Acid
potions; teeth are good for Protection from Electricity
potions; spleen is good for Protection from Fire
potions; we harvest four sets of each.
[no record of healing, maybe the damage was too minor]
Sword 20
Make camp and get through day.
Travel and get through night.
Sword 21
Make camp.
Morning (1st Watch)
Most people are up in Beri's Rope Trick room; Ben and
Ar'tes are on ground watching and guarding horses, Ulfgar is sleeping
on the ground.
Ar'tes and Ben see humanoid fighters running towards them.
0. Ar'tes wakes up
Ulfgar; Ben yells, "I see you!"; Fighters swarm defenders.
1. Ar'tes hits ?? for 23;
Ulfgar hits Fighter-4 for 5, 7; Fighter-9 hits Ulfgar for 9; others
Fighers miss; Jenna wakes Zora; Kes sleeps; Ben misses; Beri wakes Kes.
[note: I think there's a round missing here, as suddenly everyone is
out of the Rope Trick room]
2. Ar'tes gets behind Fighter-9
- AoO on Ar'tes for 7 - flanks and hits F9 for 30; Ulfgar hits
Fighter-9 for 13, kills, 5' step, hits Fighter-10 for 31, 13, kills;
Zora hits Fighter-13 for 19, 18, kills, cleaves Fighter-15 for 18;
Fighter-7 hits Zora for 12, 8; Fighter-11 hits Ben for 7; Fighter-12
hits Ar'tes for 14; Fighter-14 hits Ar'tes for 10; Jenna casts Prayer; Kes casts Keen Edge on Zora's
sword; Ben hits Fighter-1 for 5, 12; Beri casts Magic Missile on
Fighter-3 for 11.
3. Ar'tes goes total defensive,
backs out; Ulfgar hits Fighter-12 for 14, 32, kills, hits Fighter-11
for 12, 12; Zora hits Fighter-15 for 19, kills, cleaves Fighter-7 for
critical 31, kills, cleaves Fighter-4 for 15; Fighter-3 hits Ben for 7;
Fighter-5 hits Zora for 6; Fighter-16 hits Jenna for 7, 6; Jenna casts
defensively Cure Critical
on Ar'tes for 39; Kes hits Fighter-8 for 8, 3; Ben hits Fighter-1 for
9, 11, kills; Beri casts Lightning
Bolt on Fighter-3 and Figher-4 for 33, kills both.
4. Ar'tes tumbles behind
Fighter-8, sneak attacks and kills; Ulfgar hits Fighter-11 for 14,
kills, hits Fighter-2 for 12, 37, kills, hits Fighter-14 for 11; Zora
hits Fighter-5 for 19, 19, kills, cleaves Fighter-6 for 30; Fighter-6
hits Zora for 7; Fighter-16 mbles and hits Fighter-14 for 5; Jenna hits
Fighter-16 for 9, 5; Kes tumbles behind Fighter-16, hits for 17; Ben
reserves; Beri casts Magic Missile on Fighter-16 for 16, kills.
5. Ar'tes tumbles to Fighter-6,
hits for 29, kills; Ulfgar hits Fighter-14 for 35, kills.
XP running total: 44,445
Ben casts Healing Circle;
Jenna uses wand for 25 on Zora.
Bodies searched:
16 sets of scale mail
16 longswords
600gp each
Ben casts Detect Magic:
longswords are minor.
[I believe scale mail was abandoned?]
Tracking around the camp does not find any collection of horses, or any
indication of which directcion the fighters came from. No emblem on
their clothes to suggest they belong to an explicit group.
Get through the rest of the night.
Sword 21
Traveling during the day
Monsterous Scorpions rise out of the dirt on both sides of the group.
0. Scorpion-1 on ??? does
???; Scorpion-2 on Jenna hits for 28 plus -10 STR, puts Jenna at 0 STR.
1. Ar'tes reserves for a
fighter to move first; Ulfgar dismounts, hits Scorpion-1 for 39; Ar'tes
tumbles onto the back of Scorpion-1, hits for 38; Beri casts Fireball on Scorpion-2
for 40; Jenna casts Lesser
Restoration on herself for +3 STR; Scorpion-1 hits Ulfgar for
14, 10, miss with stinger; Scorpion-2 hits Zora for 13, Ben for 14,
Ar'tes's pony for 12 plus -4 STR; Zora has horse take 5' step, hits
Scorpion-2 for 22, 16; Ben casts Flame Strike on
Scorpion-2 for 42; Kes casts Keen Edge on Zora's
sword, moves away.
2. Ulfgar hits Scorpion-1
for 56; Ar'tes hits Scorpion-1 for 32, 22, 19; Beri casts Fireball on Scorpion-2
for 39; Jenna casts Flame
Strike for 21 Holy, 23 Fire on Scorpion-2; Scorpion-1 hits
Ulfgar for 29; Scorpion-2 hits Zora for 13, 14, 8, plus -4 STR; Zora
hits Scorpion-2 for 23, 7, kills; Beri casts Neutralize Poison on
Zora; Kes shoots at Scorpion-1, bloopers, loses round.
3. Ulfgar hits Scorpion-1
for 13, kills.
XP running total: 45,220 Tenth
Jenna casts Neutralize
Poison and Restoration
on herself. Ben casts Restoration on
Zora. Jenna and Ben casts Healing Circle spells
for 12 and 17. Wand used for other healing, including Ar'tes's
Poison sacs are taken for making potions.
Make camp not too much further along; get through the rest of the day;
get through the night.
Sword 22
Sword 23
0. Jenna'a and Ar'tes's horses fall into pits, Jenna and Ar'tes
successfully tumble to side and don't go with them; Four Umber Hulks
climb out of hiding.
1. Kes tumbles away; Ar'tes
tumbles to UH-3, hits for 9; Zora takes 5' step to UH-3, hits for 37,
17; Ar'tes uses Opportunist
to sneak attack UH-3, kills; Beri casts Magic Missile on UH-1
for 19; Ulfgar takes 5' step to UH-4, hits for 13, 10, 36, 11; Jenna
casts Slay Living
on UH-2, kills; Ben casts Flame
Strike on UH-1 for 14 holy & 17 fire; UH-1 charges Beri but
misses; UH-4 hits Ulfgar for 7.
2. Kes hits UH-1 for 18,
3; Ar'tes hits UH-1 for 8, kills; Zora hits UH-4, kills.
XP running total: 45,865
Horses have taken 2 and 4 points of damage; Ulfgar rigs a
block&tackle to haul them out of the pits.
[?no healing done?]
Searching the bodies finds 300gp plus two gems each.
Sword 24
0. Ar'tes notices that we are
being attacked by trolls, gets off horse and tumbles behind Troll-2;
Troll-1 misses Zora; Troll-2 hits Ar'tes for 11, 9, 16; Troll-3 hits
Jenna for 11; Troll-4 misses Ulfgar; Troll-5 hits Beri for 11; Troll-6
hits Kes for 10; Troll-7 hits Ben for 12; Troll-8 hits Ben for 9, 11,
1. Ar'tes reserves for
Zora's attack; Zora hits Troll-2 for 17, 19; Ar'tes uses Opportunist to sneak
attack Troll-2 for 40, flanks Troll-2 to sneak attack for 28, Troll-2
falls down, tumbles behind Troll-1; Kes casts defensively Improved Invisibility on
herself, moves behind Troll-8; Beri casts defensively Fireball on Troll-5 for
42; Ulfgar hits Troll-4 for 12, 11, 11, 35; Jenna casts defensivesly Flame Strike on Troll-3
for 48; Ben casts defensively Flame Strike for 22 holy
& 17 fire on Troll-7; Troll-1 hits Ar'tes for 9; Troll-2 down;
Troll-3 hits Jenna for 11; Troll-4 misses Ulfgar; Troll-5 misses
Ulfgar; Troll-6 sniffs out Kes, but misses; Troll-7 hits Ben for 20,
11, 18, Ben falls off horse; Troll-8 hits Jenna for 11.
2. Zora hits
Troll-1 for 18, 30; Ar'tes hits Troll-1 for 36, Troll-1 falls down,
tumbles to Troll-4, misses; Kes tumbles to Ben, uses Ben's healing wand
for on Ben for 8; Beri casts Lightning Bolt at
Trolls- -6, -7, and -8 for 36; Ulfgar hits Troll-5 for 12, 10, 11, 26;
Jenna casts Fire Shield
on herself; Ben stands up, casts Flame Strike on Trolls-
-7 and -8 for 27 holy and 22 fire, Troll-7 down; Troll-1 back up, hits
Zora for 9; Troll-2 down; Troll-3 hits Zora for 9, 10; Troll-4 misses
Ulfgar; Troll-5 misses Ulfgar; Troll-6 misses Kes; Troll-7 down;
Troll-8 back to Ben, hits Ben for 11, hits Kes for 6.
3. Zora hits Troll-1 for
35, Troll-1 falls down, cleaves Troll-3 for 16, misses; Ar'tes hits
Troll-4 for 31, Troll-4 falls down, tumbles to behind Troll-5; Kes
tumbles to Ben again, takes Ben's wands again, uses it on Ben again for
9, and tells Ben "get out of the way and heal yourself", then hands him
back the wand; Beri casts Lightning
Bolt on Trolls- -6, -7, and -8 for 36; Ulfgar hits Troll-5 for
13, Troll-5 falls down, Ar'tes uses Opportunist to hit
Troll-5 for 25, hits Troll-4 for 28, 11, Troll-4 falls down, hits
Troll-5 again for 11; Jenna moves to Ben and casts Cure Critical on Ben for
36; Ben lies quietly; Troll-1 down; Troll-2 down; Troll-3 misses Zora;
Troll-4 down; Troll-5 down; Troll-6 hits Ar'tes for 11; Troll-7 down;
Troll-8 hits Beri for 11.
4. Zora hits Troll-3 for
32, Troll-3 down, cleaves Troll-2 for 29, hits Troll-3 for 15; Ar'tes
hits Troll-6 for 8, tumbles behind Troll-4; Kes hits Troll-7 for 3;
Beri casts defensively Fireball
on Troll-8 for 39, Troll-8 falls down; Ulfgar performs coup de grace on Troll-4 for 38,
dead; Jenna casts Flame
Strike on Troll-6 for 22 holy & 22 fire, Troll-6 down; Ben
casts ??? on Jenna for 34.
5. Zora coups Troll-3,
dead; Ar'tes coups Troll-1, dead; Kes attempts coup on Troll-7 but does
not succeed; Beri moves to Ben; Ulfgar coups Troll-5, dead; Jenna ???;
Ben casts ??? on Beri for 18.
6. Zora coups Troll-2,
dead; Ar'tes moves to Ben; Kes coups Troll-7, dead; Ulfgar moves to
Troll-8; Jenna casts ??? on Ar'tes for 23; Beri casts ??? on Ar'tes for
7. Zora coups Troll-6 for
40; Ulfgar coups Troll-8, dead; others start searching bodies.
8. Zora coups Troll-6,
XP running total: 46,510
more undetailed healing
100gp found on each body
Jenna says troll brains can make regeneration potions, take all eight.
Make it through the rest of the day; make it through the night.
Sword 25
Reach the road again.
Sword 27
Reach the border and a borderguard post. Guard - Eilif - talks to
Ben, asks about conditions in Quidson, is surprised to hear that group
went around, and calls his sergeant - Aron.
Aron talks about the difficulty any group has of
around Quidson, instead of paying their exorbitant fees; and frequently
fines. And that a high percentage of
groups trying to avoid Quidson never reach their destination.
Wants to hear about the problems the
group encountered.
Wants to know if the group thinks there was a
center for the
undead problems.
Wouldn’t want to speak ill of a country which was
a fellow
member of the Shadowlands pact, but it is damned convenient for
Quidson, for
there to be a major infestation of undead just outside their borders.
Hopes the group will be willing to be debriefed
again by the
Captain of the Guard in Greater Woodknife – Captain Callcott.
Writes a letter of introduction for them to give
to the
Greater Woodknife is only about three days travel
away; and
it should be tame, here inside the country.
Suggests the Yodeling Jade Lizard Shield Inn as a place to stay;
innkeeper is named Glyn. Sergeant Aron, when asked, also
recommends a weapon shop named the Jeweled Hilt, whose owner is named
Beggar 2
Reach the capital of Milsfyd: Greater Woodknife.
Guard at the gate is named Silma. She asks, Have they ever been
to Greater Woodknife before? No?
Then apologies, but she has to bore them with some regulations.
No riding inside the city walls –
lead your horses.
No horses at all in the inner
city – find a stable between
the outer and inner walls. Suggests the
SandTide: through the gates, turn right, about a fifth of a mile,
shield shows
a ‘wave’ of sand; mention her name and you’ll get better service.
Occupancy tax – pays for
firefighting, street cleaning,
other civic activities: included in their lodging cost.
But if they are going to stay longer than a
couple of weeks they should check in with the City Clerks.
That’s a lot cheaper than trying to avoid the
tax. Yodeling Jade Lizard Shield inn:
shield shows a green lizard standing upright with
arms outstretched and mouth open.
Mention her name and they’ll each be treated to a free ale. From the stable, go further around to the
next spoke street, take it towards the center of town for about a
quarter mile,
look for the shield on the left.
Work tax – anyone earning money in the
city must pay part of
it to the City Clerks. Check with them
for details. Really, really don’t try to
avoid this.
We have an effective City Guard; if you
are having a, um,
disagreement like, with someone, don’t
try to settle it yourselves, but call for the guard.
They’ll make sure everyone is treated fairly.
Upon being shown the letter to Captain Callcott: From the Yodeling Jade Lizard, go on into the
center of the city, and ask a City Guard
when you reach the central plaza.
Group goes to the inn first, arranges for rooms, takes packs off
horses; then takes horses to stable.
Ben and Beri will go to see Captain Callcott. They find the
central plaza easily, and the Guard Headquarters with no difficulties.
Guard on duty at the desk - Audrey - sends another guard off with their
letter. A Sergeant Cnud comes back, tells them that the Captain
is very busy just now, perhaps they could come back tomorrow, as he's
sure the Captain will be quite interested in what they have to
say. He apologizes, but the Captain is at the scene of a brutal
murder, senseless, the victim was a scholar at the Institute for the
Recovery of Forgotten Languages. When asked, says that the victim
was named Triona (female). Ben offers the group's assistance and
gets politely turned down
Upon reporting this back to the rest of the group, the entire group
decides it would be a very good idea to go to the Institute
immediately. There is a guard at the front gateway of the
Institute - Meghand - who is not at all happy at the idea of letting a
large armed group in. Kes uses diplomacy to convince him to let
her go in by herself. Kes runs into Ziona, a scholar of the
Mlefitar language, and shows her (a copy of) the "puzzle piece" we
have. She recognizes the spiral figure as being part of the
Dexnibaf alphabet. Scholar Triona is the expert in that language,
but - oh, dear, they've just today received word that she was
killed. Ziona says that one of Triona's assistants - Nunila - is
here. Ziona offers to take Kes to see her; Kes asks about rest of
her group; Ziona goes with Kes to front gate and tells guard to let
rest of group in with her.
We all go to an interior garden, where an old woman is sitting on a
bench, looking to be in shock. Ziona introduces (in concept) us
to Madame Nunila; somewhat listlessly she takes the fragment, and does
identify that the spiral symbol is of the Dexnibaf alphabet. We tell
her our story (abbreviated and relevant); she tells us that Lady Triona
was the real expert, that herself and Gebhard were only her assistants;
that Gebhard is at a Dexnibaf ruins site right now. She starts to
go on about the complexities and intricities of the Dexnibaf language.
Three more city guards come in and position themselves around Madame
Nunila - pushing, rudely, past group members to do so - two of them
take up what appear to be defensive positions, the third pulls out a
notepad and starts asking questions. She and Lady Triona and
Gebhard are the only scholars of Dexnibaf in the city? Yes.
And Gebhard is at the ruins now? Yes.
Many of the group are suspicious - especially because of the
rudeness. Ben moves back to the garden's entrance and casts
Detect Evil (there
is none within range).
1. All three Assassins
draw two rapiers each; Ulfgar disarms Assassin-2; Beri casts Bigby's Interposing Hand between
Assassin-1 and Madame Nunila, tumbles away; Assassin-1 hits Madame
Nunila; Assassin-2 draws dagger and hits Ulfgar for 4; Assassin-3
attacks Madame Nunila - Ar'tes AoO for 5 - hits Madame Nunila; Madame
Nunila slumps; Ben charges Lady Nunila, casts Neutralize Poison; Jenna
casts Prayer.
2. Ar'tes on Assassin-3
hits for 5, bloopers and drops weapon; Kes touches Madame Nunila, casts
Dimension Door, and
teleports accurately to the center of the courtyard; moves to be
between Madame Nunila and the Assassins; Ulfgar hits to subdue on
Assassin-2 for 11, 6, 11; Beri runs out of courtyard yelling for the
guards; Assassin-1 hits Zora for 9; Assassin-2 hits Ulfgar for 6;
Assassin-3 hits Ar'tes for 7; Ben casts Aid on Madame Nunila,
but feels spell fizzle because it wasn't cast on a living creature,
draws crossbow; Zora subdues on Assassin -1 for 19, 18; Jenna casts Holy Smite on
Assassins- -1 and -3 for ??.
3. Ar'tes subdues on
Assassin-3 for 10, 7; Kes tumbles to Assassin-1, subdues for 5; Ulfgar
subdues on Assassin-2 for 10, 33, Assassin-2 falls down, and another
22; Beri continues to run toward front gate, calling for guards;
Assassin-1 hits Kes for 7, 10; Assassin-3 hits Ar'tes for 11, 23, 11;
Ben shoots Assassin-1 for 11; Zora subdues on Assassin-1 for ??;
Jenna begins to tie up Assassin-2.
4. Ar'tes misses on
Assassin-3; Kes misses Assassin-1; Ulfgar tumbles over bench, subdues
on Aassassin-3 for 14; Beri meets guard Meghand running towards her
yells, briefly tells him we need a Cleric of Pelor, when he runs on
towards garden, she heads on towards front gate; Assassin-3 hits Ar'tes
for 40, kills, Ben shoots Assassin-1 for 8; Zora subdues on Assassin-2
for 16, Assassin-1 falls down, Zora moves to Assassin-3; Jenna subues
further on on Assassin-2 for 17, 5.
5. Kes further subdual on
Assassin-1; Ulfgar subdues on Assassin-3 for 11, 9, 12, Assassin-3
falls down.
Ben begins to tie up Assassin-1. Jenna notices that Assassin-2 is dead.
Meghand enters garden, Kes begins explaining what has happened to him,
Meghand finds that all three are now dead, but does not recognize the
dead "guards". Kes collapses. Guard blows whistle.
Beri find another guard, begins a very frustrating session of trying to
convince him of the need to get a Cleric of Pelor, immediately (will
eventually give up and settle for the guard coming back with her to the
Institute). Jenna casts Restoration on Kes.
Eventually the garden is filled with guards, including Captain Callcott
-- Kes gets to repeat the story for each newly arriving higher
official. The Abbot of the Pelor Temple - Anthelme - comes in,
accompanied by an entourage, and after hearing the story and talking to
the Institute higher-ups, casts Resurrection on Madame
Sometime in all this, the bodies stop looking like guard members, and
are instead dressed in leather armor, cloaks, and other very
non-guardish garb. Captain Callcott has sent for the Watch's
Sorcerer - Jereboam. Kes gets to tell the story one more
time. Shortly later Jereboam expresses surprise because the
bodies now detect as Evil to him. Jenna casts Detect Evil and
confirms this. Beri uses spellcraft to conclude that most likely
these people - ?Assassins? - were under Undetectable Alignment
and Change Self
Captain Callcott offers to have Jereboam teleport the group to the
Dexnibaf ruins, which are otherwise two weeks away from the capital at
normal travel rates. Ben says that the group would like to
discuss the offer among themselves first, appreciates the offer.
The Captain tells them that he, and thus the city officials, are
appreciative that the group did their best to save Madame Nunila, and
that the group is absolutely not in any trouble for not sitting
back and merely calling for the Guard; but he appreciates their effort
to also call the guard. He offers the group the possessions from
two of the three bodies - with the exception of the empty potion
vials. Ben obtains permission for Jenna to observe the Watch
apothecaries as they try to identify the potions that had been in those
(which all suspect was a poison). A Detect Magic was cast
on all the possessions, once they'd been seperated from the bodies; and
Ben casts Detect Evil
again: yes on the bodies, no on the possessions.
An armband is found with a striking symbol on each of the three
bodies. Nobody present can identify the symbol.
XP running total: 49,080
Possessions on bodies (each):
Leather Armor (medium magic)
Rapier (minor magic)
Rapier (major magic)
Gloves (medium magic)
Amulet (major magic)
Cloak (minor magic)
Potion (minor magic) (from color: Cure Serious Wounds)
empty potion vial
empty potion vial
18 adamantine pieces
500gpv diamond
Group plans to get Ar'tes back to life, liquidate some of the loot, do
some quick shopping, see if we can arrange some sort of payment for
protecting the (assistant) scholar out at the ruins.