September 7, 2018

Sword 23, 5040

We decide to try to open the vault.
A searches fpr traps, none.  A uses Disable Device to determine that will need a strength check and hlep to move and then lift the top off.
Z, F, Ben, and E work together and remove the seal after checking for traps again.  
Take 20 and safely remove top.  
Numbers on the south wall disappear.
We see metal rungs going down int ofog.  For is not moving and doesn't eat up A's staff.  We decide to tie a rope to E and have him climb down 40'.  E finds nothing.  
We cast Mass Fly and fly down.
In the fog we are suddenly separated into 10x10x10 boxes with a button on one wall and a sign that says "Push Me.  
Now what will we do?

Beari casts Mage Hand, push button - East, South, and West walls are shimmering;
E spot checks, finds nothing;
A searches spike for information, finds button;
F decides to contemplate her navel;
Ben pushes button with his mace - South, East, and West walls shimmer, Spellcraft says these are protals;
Z disbelieves the writing on the wall.

Beari -- Spellcraft says "portal" -- goes through the East Portal;
E presses button, South wall shimmers, E tries to touch it, his hand goes through;
A presses button

Beari fights an animated rug, takes damage, casts Blink;
E fights a Flesh Golem;
F fights a Hammerer, it beats her up;
Ben searches the room, goes North, finds a Monk (Elion) and a Flesh Golem;
Z pushes button, goes North, finds a really big snakey thing,.

Beari MMs rug;
E kills Flesh Golem;
A presses button;
F shoots Hammerer, it hits her too;
Ben and E make plans;
Z fights Snakey and kills it, spike pops up.

Beari cass MM, rug grapples again;
E and Ben go through more walls;
A fights Shiny Spider, kills it, spike pops up;
F goes through another wall;
Z presses button, goes East, finds a Clockwork Horror.

Beari casts MM on rug;
E & Ben find another metal thing to fight, they kill it, spike pops up, they go South;
A goes North, finds F & Mrrr, push button, go West;
Z fights Clockwork Horror, kills it, button appers, push button, go South.

Beari kills rug with Cone of Cold, spike pops up, push button, shimmering walls North and South;
E & Ben in new room, go East;
A & F & M in empty room with button, go South, empty room with button;
Z empty room with Button, go East, empty room with Button, go South, find something.

Beari drinks Cure Light Potion, goes North, empty room with button;
E & Ben find a Construct to fight, it has Vampiric Drain, E lummels and Ben kerfuffles, there might be a bit of a dustup...
A & F & M go West, find a metal manish thing to beat up, many whammies occur, metal manis wants a mash pit to play in, A is deaf for five rounds, F is blind;
Z finds Metal Jesus to fight, beats on him like a drum, Metal Jesus gives beats back.

Beari push button, goes East, push button, goes East, push button, portals on all walls;
E & Ben beat up Vampiric Construct some more, kill it, button, portals on all walls to choose from, go East, room with button;
A & F & M do some more slamdancing with their metal man, F casts Speak with Animal so Mrrr is her eyes now;
Z keeps trying to convert Metal Jesus, changes him into a button, goes East, button, goes North, button, goes North.

Beari (luck roll) goes North, button, goes West, button, goes West;
E & Ben button, go East, 20x20 room with hatch on the floor;
A & F & M fight metal man, kill, button, go South, find angry armor;
Z button, Reflex Save, damage from Electric Floor, goes North, finds another big metal guy to party with.

Beari finds a ShardSoulSlayer, WILL saves, drains Wisdom, casts Mordenkainen's Lucubration, casts Cone of Cold, Slayer tries to slam, misses;
A & F & M invite the angry armor to the Homecoming Dance, it doesn't want to dance, but they insist;
Z keeps fighting metal man, so fun for her, yay!

Beari casts Acid Orb on Slayer, Slayer misses;
A & F & M kill Angry Armor, button, go West, find Ben & E and 20x20 room;
Z kills Metal Man, button, new room, button;

Beari MM on Slayer, kills it, button, go West.