January 5, 2008
starting out: 20,275
roleplaying during previous run:
XP running total: 21,075 SEVENTH LEVEL
Dragon 11, 5038
We make camp, shove loot into the Bag of Holding.
Dragon 15
Kes, Ben, Artes, Ulfgar see a large armored creature -- Bulette -- big,
mean, tough, eats people (but not dwarves or elves) tremorsense,
1. Kes yells, "Monster!",
shoots, misses; Beri sees it, says, "eats humans, kills all"; Ulfgar
dismounts, throws axe, hits for 8; Bulette-1 charges Ulfgar, bites for
20; Bulette-2 appears; Artes tumbles behind Bulette-1, sneak attacks
for 22; Zora dismounts and moves 20' to Bulette-2; Ben moves to center
and casts Bless;
Jenna says, "there's a second one", dismounts, casts Holy Smite on Bulette-2
for 20.
2. Kes sings Inspire Courage and
shoots Bulette-1 for 5; Beri casts Magic Missile at
Bulette-2 for 14; Ulfgar hits, hits, hits Bulette-1 for 32; Bulette-1
hits, hits, misses, hits Ulfgar for 42; Bulette-2 charges Zora for 14;
Artes sneak attacks Bulette-1 for 14; Zora on Bulette-2 misses, misses;
Ben shoots Bulette-2 for 3; Jenna casts Doom on Bulette-2.
3. Kes's Inspire Courage takes
effect, shoots Bulette-1 for 3; Beri casts Magic Missile on
Bulette-2 for 20; Ulfgar criticals on Bulette-1 twice, kills; Bulette-2
on Zora hits, misses, misses, hits for 25; Artes moves towards
Bulette-2; Zora on Bulette-2 criticals and hits for 44; Ben shoots
Bulette-2 for 8; Jenna charges Bulette-2 for 4.
4. Kes shoots Bulette-2
for 5; Beri gathers mounts; Ulfgar retrieves axe; Bulette-2 on Jenna
hits, misses, hits, hits for 33; Artes tumbles behind Bulette-2 and
sneak attacks for 9; Zora hits Bulette-2 and kills.
XP running total: 21,915
Ulfgar is down 61, Jenna down 33, Zora down 39. Ben heals Zora
for 24, 10,; heals Ulfgar for 27, 7; Jenna heals Ulfgar for 20, heals
herself for 22, 12.
No treasure, no known useful body parts.
(Third Watch)
Kes hears something and tells Jenna, who sees nothing in that
direction. Going closer, Jenns sees six humanoids. Ulfgar
sees Kes and Jenna getting concerned.
1. Zora sleeps; Beri
sleeps; Ulfgar double moves and sees humanoid forms; Artes sleeps; Ben
sleeps; Jenna wakes Beri; Kes wakes Zora; Ulfgar is hit by three arrows
for 15, Jenna is hit by one for 5, Kes is missed and hit for 6.
2. Zora wakes up, stands
up, moves; Beri wakes up, stands up, casts Daylight on a rock, we
see six female humanoids in studded leather armor and hoods, with
shortbows, no symbols on their armor; Ulfgar moves, throws axe at FH-1,
criticals for 17; Artes sleeps; Ben sleeps; Jenna wakes Artes; Kes
wakes Ben, sings Inspire
Courage; FH- -1 through -6 all shoot at Ulfgar, hitting four
times for 13.
3. Zora double moves;
Beri casts Ice Storm
on FH- -1 through -6 for 9 impact and 7 cold, FH-1 dies, Beri moves
behind tree; Ulfgar charges FH-2 for 36, kills; Artes wakes up, stands
up, moves forward; Ben wakes up, stands up, shoots FH-4 and criticals
for 10; Jenna moves to Artes and casts Bull Strength for +4
Strength; Kes's Inspire
Courage takes effect, shoots FH-4 for 6, miss; FH- -3 through -6
doff hoods: they're Medusae, Ulfgar and Zora save, FH- -3 through -6
shoot at Ulfgar for 8.
4. Zora criticals on FH-3
for 28, kills, cleaves on FH-6 for 19, kills, Beri still behind tree;
Ulfgar hits FH-4 for 14, kills, hits FH-5 for 12; Artes reserves for
any other attacks; Ben shoots HF-5 for 4; Jenna reserves for any other
attacks; Kes shoots FH-5 for 8, kills.
XP running total: 22,755
Fangs from Medusae snakes can be turned into Stone to Flesh dust, each
Medusa has enough snake fangs to make three shots. We collect the
On the bodies we find:
six potions -- not healing -- determine that:
#1 is Jump -- +10 for 3
hours (bag of holding)
#2 unknown
(bag of holding)
#3 unknown
(bag of holding)
#4 Chameleon Power -- blend
into background, +15 to Hide (Artes)
#5 Swimming -- +10 for 3
hours (Ben)
#6 unknown
(bag of holding)
four scrolls:
#1 arcane, 1st, Erase (Beri)
#2 arcane, 2nd, Levitate (Beri)
#3 arcane, 2nd, Web (Beri)
#4 arcane, 3rd, Dispel Magic (Beri)
two wands:
#1 Color Spray (Kes)
#2 Burning Hands (Beri)
six sets of nice studded leather armor --
masterwork (bag of holding)
six shortbows (bag of holding)
sixty remaining shortbow arrows (taken as
Ulfgar is down 36, Kes down 6, Jenna down 5.
Jenna casts Cure Moderate
on Ulfgar for 24; uses wand[1] on Ulfgar for 6, wand[2] on Kes for 7,
wand[3] on herself for 7.
Dragon 18
Arrive at Hoofdard. Find an Inn to stay at: Lantern &
Jenna looks for a temple for Ehlonna but fails; goes to temple of Pelor
and asks after books. Temple books are local and or
religious. Asks after other libraries but finds no specific
information. Heals people then looks for alchemists.
Artes goes into the seedier area of town and puts his ear to the
ground. We want to go North, but the straight path to Milsfyd
goes through Quidson, a LE contry.
Kes chats up Pharcellus, the innkeeper. He allows Kes to perform:
free meal, free stay, some beer. Kes asks about Milsfyd and he
says go north, one to two weeks to Quidson, and then more to
Milsfyd. There is a sage in town, named Thorold Buddle. Kes
starts performing for the noon meal
Zora plays draughts and finds out that caverns go through Quidson with
no trouble.
Ben goes to the Pelor temple (before Jenna). Makes a donation,
helps in the clinic. Looks for smart people. Finds out that
travelers do come here.
Beri looks for wizards guild, finds magic store run by Englehard, and
also finds the sage. Asks Buddle about the symbols on the puzzle
piece, he knows less than we'd already found out.
Ulfgar talks to caravan guards. North roads occasional bandits.
Maybe a caravan in that direction in a couple of weeks. Goes to
talk to the City Guard, makes the desk sergeant suspicious.
Jenna finds the town's alchemist Morona, takes the unknown potions and
one head's worth of Medusa snake fangs. Attempts to
bargain. Morena identifies the potions for 15gp each (45 total):
#2 is Warmth, +10 on saves vs
cold conditions for three hours;
#3 is Protection +2, dodge
(stacks with anything) three hours;
#6 is Climbing, +10 for three
Asks about the puzzle piece symbols. Morena thinks one is clearly
an Elemental Symbol for Water; the circular one might well be an
alchemical symbol, but not one she's familar with; no idea about the
Artes is hunting for Quidson connections. Finds out that the
various underground networks he's used to have no counterparts in
Quidson as 'his kind" is unwelcome there. He also hears that
those caravans which travel into or through Quidson without problems
have pre-arranged all their tolls, fees, and visas. Artes goes to
the Quidson embassy and lies a lot. The clerk isn't buying it,
and certainly isn't giving away any information. Artes gets a bit
nervous and uses a ruse to leave.
Jenna goes to the magic shop looking for something to enhance her
Strength or Dex. Nothing for strength, but Engelhard does have
Gloves of +2 Dexterity. He does some small amount of trade with
Milsfyd, mostly with a trader from there passing through -- usually
with items too expensive for his usual clientel.
Kes performs; we sleep. (No implication of causality intended.)
Dragon 19
Sell the Studded Leather (6 sets), +1 Longswords (2), Masterwork
Studded Leather (6), Light Crossbows (8), and Shortbows (6) for
11,854gp. Pay Morena 750gp to turn one Medusa's worth of fangs
into three shots of Stone
to Flesh Dust, and she keeps one. Ben and Jenna will carry
one each.
Group cash not in group pot: 23,459gp.
Kes gets tips and has irresponsible sex with clerk stalker.
Jenna will carry the Warmth,
Protection +2, Climbing, and Jump potions [Artes has
Chameleon Power,
Ben has Swim.]
Dragon 21
We leave halfway through the day. Find an inn in a village to
stay at that night.
Dragon 22
We leave the inn. Look, a chaos beast! Immune to criticals,
polymorph attack, spawn.
1. Kes casts Color Spray from her
wand, but it doesn't get through Spell Resistance; Ulfgar moves and
throws his axe for 9; Chaos Beast charges Ulfgar for 5, but he saves vs
being turned amorphous; Zora moves up and hits fo r12; Artes shoots but
misses; Beri casts Magic
Missile but doesn't get through the Spell Resistance; Jenna
moves; Ben casts Bless.
2. Kes sings Inspire Courage,
bloopers while shooting and drops her bow; Ulfgar hits three times for
25; Chaos Beast hits Ulfgar for 7 and he saves again; Zora hits for 17;
Artes shoots for 3; Beri casts Summon Monster and a
Celestial Badger attacks and kills it.
XP running total: 23,175
Each of its six (at the time of death) eyes can be used for a blur
We try to find someone in the village to talk to about this, but the
only one who is still in town is so far into shock as to be
useless. We leave.
Dragon 26
We pass a shack with a guard. There's a house and small garden
nearby. Presumably the border of Wailwey. We turn
Dragon 28
(Third Watch)
1. Kes tells Jenna and
Ulfgar about noise, then wakes Ben; Artes wakes, gets up, moves towards
noise; Ulfgar complains about the lack of a dwarf launching system,
runs across camp; Ben wakes, stands up, casts Bless; Beri sleeps;
noises come closer; Zora sleeps; Jenna wakes Zora.
2. Kes wakes Beri; Artes moves
more towards noise; Ulfgar runs forward, sees two dinosaurs, raptors;
Ben encourages people to get up; Beri stands, casts Mage Armor on herself;
Raptor-1 charges Ulfgar for 11; Raptor-2 charges Ares for 14; Zora
stands, listens, waits for being buffed up; Jenna casts Shield of Faith on Zora.
3. Kes sings Inspire Courage and
readies her bow; Artes tumbles away from Raptor-2; Ulfgar hits Raptor-1
three times for 58; Ben casts Spiritual Weapon (Mace);
Beri casts Daylight on stone and tosses it towards noise; Raptor-1 on
Ulfgar hits for 19; Raptor-2 charges Beri but misses; Zora charges
Raptor-2 and criticals for 33; Jenna moves to Artes and casts Divine Power on him.
4. Inspire Courage takes
effect, Kes shoots Raptor-2 for 5, 5; Artes tumbles behind Raptor-2 and
sneak attacks for 22; Ulfgar hits Raptor-1 three times for 35; Ben
shoots at Raptor-2 but misses; Beri tumbles away from Raptor-2;
Raptor-1 hits Ulfgar for 11, miss, 5, 11; Zora on Raptor-2 criticals
for 34, then misses; Jenna moves away.
5. Kes tumbles away from
Raptor-2; Artes sneak attacks Raptor-2 and kills it, moves towards
Raptor-1; Ulfgar hits Raptor-1 three times for 54 and kills it.
XP running total: 23,800
No treasure; no useful body parts; but the steaks taste like chicken.
Jenna uses wand[4] on Artes for 8.
Ulfgar is down 47; Ben casts Cure Serious for 20,
uses wand for 21 more.
Kes is down 29; Ben casts Cure
Serious for 18; Jenna uses wand[5] for 8 more.
(still Third Watch)
1. Zora sleeps; Artes
sleeps; Ben sleeps; Ettin-1 hits Ulfgar for 11; Ulfgar hits Ettin-1 for
85; Kes wakes Zora and starts singing; Jenna moves and yells "Ettins!".
2. Zora wakes up, gets
up, moves; Artes wakes up, gets up, moves; Ben wakes up, gets up, moves
to horses, readies crossbow; Ettin-1 hits Ulfgar for 15; Ettin-2 hits
Jenna for 7; Ettin-3 hits Artes for 26; Ettin-4 hots Zora for 10;
Ulfgar hits Ettin-1 for 12, 12, kills, takes 5' step, hits Ettin-3 for
13; Inspire Courage
takes effect, Kes wakes Beri, stops singing [Inspire Courage stops in
round 7]; Beri wakes up, stands, uncovers still-active Daylight stone;
Jenna hits Ettin-2 for 9.
3. Zora on Ettin-4
cirticals for 37, hits for 18; Artes sneak attacks Ettin-3 for 22; Ben
takes 5' step back, shoots Ettin-2 for 6; Ettin-2 hits Jenna for 9;
Ettin-3 criticals on Arten for 16, then misses; Ettin-4 hits Zora for
11,7; Ulfgar hits Ettin-3 for 13,11,31; Kes shoots at Ettin-3 for miss,
miss; Beri casts Magic Missile on Ettin-3 for 5, 5, kills, on Ettin-2
for 3; Jenna shoots at Ettin-2 and misses.
4. Zora hits Ettin-4 for
13, 20; Artes tumbles to flank Ettin-2 and sneak attack for 25; Ben
casts Cure ??? on
Artes for ???; Ettin-2 criticals on Artes for 28; Ettin-4 hits Zora for
9; Ulfgar charges Ettin-2 for 36; Kes shoots Ettin-4 for 10, kills,
shoots at Ettin-2 but misses; Beri observes; Jenna misses Ettin-2.
5. Zora moves to Ettin-2, AoO
on Zora for 16, and criticals for 38, kills.
XP running total: 24,640
Find 2,000 cp (bag of holding)
7 gems (bag of holding)
4 greatclubs with weak magic (bag of holding)
4 longspears (bag of holding)
Ulfgar is down 32, healed 30 by Ben's wand
Artes is down 42, healed 40 by Ben's wand
Zora is down 53, healed 49 by Ben's wand
Jenna is down 16, healed 13 by Ben's wand
Sword 1
Jenna casts Gentle Repose
on dinosaur meat to keep it good over the next several days.
Sword 3
While everyone is eating:
0. A Fireball hits the group
for 22 (no record of who saved or evaded).
1. A Fireball hits for 28
(no record of who saved or evaded), Ben is hit by an Ice Knife for 5; Ben
casts Protection from Evil;
Ulfgar runs towards Ice Knife source; Zora runs south; Kes runs towards
Ice Knife source;
Jenna moves to Artes and casts Divine Power; Artes runs
after Ulfgar; Beri moves to a tree, puts her back to it, and casts Shield in front of her.
2. A Fireball hits Ulfgar
(for 15) and Artes (for 0); Ben casts Cure Critical on himself
for 27; Ulfgar runs 80', sees something about 500' away; Zora runs 80',
staying parallel to, but more than 40' from Ulfgar, doesn't see
anything; Kes runs 120', sees nothing; Jenna moves to Beri, casts
Cure Critical for
27; Artes runs 120' sees nothing; Beri moves to another tree.
3. Nobody notices
anything happening; Ben moves to Jenna, casts Cure Serious for 30,
gets on horse; Ulfgar runs 80' to behind a tree, sees
nothing; Zora runs almost 80' to behind a tree, sees something about
300' away; Kes drinks a Cure
Light potion for 10, moves 30', sees nothing; Jenna gets on a
horse and suggests to Beri that she do so also; Artes moves 120' sees
what he thinks is a Naga, yells, "Naga!"; Beri moves to her horse and
4. An Ice Knife hits Jenna for
6; Ben rides 120' on his horse; Ulfgar runs 80' to next to Artes, sees
Naga; Zora runs 80' to another tree, sees Naga; Kes runs 120'; Jenna
casts Magic Circle
Against Evil, tells Beri to stay near her, reserves to move with
Beri; Artes runs another 100'; Beri and Jenna ride 40', Beri sees Naga,
knows it is a Spirit Naga: no resistances or immunities, Chaotic Evil,
bite is poisonous, can charm people, Beri Casts Fireball for 37.
5. An Ice Knife hits Beri for
4 plus 1 cold; a Web is
cast at Artes, but he doesn't get caught; Ben rides 120'; Ulfgar runs
80'; Zora runs 80' to behind a tree; Kes runs 120', sees Naga; Artes
moves 80'; Beri casts Ice
Storm for 10 impact plus 9 cold, moves 40'; Jenna moves 40' with
Beri, sees Naga, casts Holy
Smite for 26.
6. A Ray of Enfeeblement hits
Ares for -2 Strength; a Web
catches Kes; Ben rides 240'; Ulfgar runs 80' to within 20' of
Naga; Zora runs 80' to within 25' of Naga; Kes casts Glitterdust, pulls out
Tindertwig; Artes charges Naga for 5; Beri and Jenna ride 160'.
7. Naga tries to Charm Ulfgar but fails,
bites Artes for 15, plus -3 Constitution from poison; casts -- Artes
AoO hits Naga for 7 -- Choke
on ULfgar for 1; Ben tries to charge but horse shies away at
43'; Ulfgar charges, criticals for 35; Zora charges for 20, kills.
Kes uses Tindertwig to burn through Web, takes ??? fire damage.
Ulfgar takes an additional 11 points of damage from Choke.
Artes takes -8 more Constitution from the poison.
Ben moves to Artes, casts Restoration,
both Strength and Constitution back to normal.
XP running total: 25,480
Search for and find lair:
1,700 gp (bag of holding)
4 gems (bag of holding)
a pale lavendar ellipsoid (???)
Kes is down 20; Ben wands for 21.
Zora is down 25; Ben wands for 25.
Ulfgar is down 52; Jenna casts Cure Serious for 18, Cure Serious for 19; Ben
wands for 7.
Beri is down 5, will cure by sleeping.
Ben is down 20; Ben wands for 26.
Jenna is down 13; Ben wands for 15.
Artes is down 13; Ben wands for 13.
We rest.