September 28, 2018
Sword 23, 5040
Still 12:50.
G-32, Clay, Trapped in Force Cube, does nothing;
G-34, Mud, attacks F for 27;
G-35, breathes on Beari, F, M, and Ben -- Ben falls down -- then hits
Beari for 19 & 18;
G-39 & G-40 -- Shadesteel Golems -- close in on E and A;
Z 5' step to G-35, attacks 4 times, hits 3;
F shoots G-35, hits, kills, G-35 explodes, does damage;
Beari is dead;
Ben, blinded, crawls away, casts Mass Heal;
E attacks G-39, misses all;
A tumbles away, attacks G-34.
G-32 does nothing;
G-34 attacks A, misses;
G-39 attacks E, hits once;
G-40 attacks Z, misses;
F attacks G-40, misses;
Ben casts Shield of Faith, stands up;
E charge kicks G-40, kills;
A attacks G-34, hits.
G-32 does nothing;
G-34 attacks A, hits;
G-39 attacks Ben, hits;
G-41 & G-42 -- Chain Golems -- attack: G-41 misses E, G-42 hits A;
Z charges G-39, hits;
F attacks G-39, hits,
Ben Got Big and attacks G-39, misses;
E tumbles and partial charge on G-41;
A attacks G-42, hits.
G-32 does nothing;
G-39 misses;
G-40 misses;
G-41 turns into Chain Barrier, misses E;
Z attacks G-39, hits, kills;
F attacks G-41, hits, kills, attacks G-42, hits;
Ben moves to G-42, hits G-42 (plus wounding);
E moes to G-42, charge kick, hits, kills.
Ben casts Resurrection on Beari.
A searches everything, finds nothing.
Group moves to platform, it will now go down again. 60° /
round. pause to mark wall just under floor. Search for Glyphs on
wall again using same routine as before.
10' down see opening starting along north wall. Stop and look,
see corridor 10' wide going north 20' to a wall and door. Take
lift down, it stops even with floor. Enter corridor in marching
order Ben > Berari & Mrrr > E & F > Z > A
Found room with 4 columns in center.
[ed. note: A disabled trap on door lock, disabled lock, room is 30' x
30' with four doric columns at 10' intervals.]