April 27, 2018
Sword 1, 5040 (and earlier)
Beari will remain the group member who can teleport into the
Baron's portal hall.
Arden has accepted a mind link with one of the Baron's telepaths, so
the Baron can contact the group.
All group items being carried by Jenna are now carried by Ben - except
that Healing Wands are split evenly between Ben and Farryn.
Group item Ring being carried by Ulfgar is now in the group bag of
Leave New Glysoph on Sword 1, 5040.
Sword 14, 5040
Massed archers (no explanation given for their presence or animosity).
XP: 1,500.
Healed all with cure light wound.
Sword 15, 5040
Huge Scorpions!
Init. rolls and battle
R1 - Hiding, Shooting, Magic Missile, Charge, Prayer. Scorpions
R2 - Poke, Shoot, Ice Chunks, Scorpions advance, AoO Bonk, Many Grapples
R3 - [1] Dies! [3] dies, More Grappling and Poison, Snake! [5] Dies
R4 - Poking, Shooting, Grappling, SLithering, [2] Dies, [4] Dies
Healing & Poison Cures
XP: 1,400
Hanky Choppy on the Scorpions -- parts is parts!
Detect Magic on RIng: Abjuration - not strong
Cast Secure Shelter and begin watch schedule
Middle of Night
Allips, four, come through the walls and attack
R1 - [20] Dies, Hits happen, Allips attack, Cleric loses Wisdom, Beari
R2 - [17] Dies, SNow bites Briar, Farryn shots [18], Ben Tries to turn
(its hard with square wheels), succeeds and Allips leave.
XP: 1,120
Sword 16, 5040
Spells, Training, Food
Day Passes, making camp
Eight Trolls Attack
R1 - "Get out of Troll Circle, Run!", Lightning Bolt, Trolls Advance
R2 - "Shooting, Poking, Flame Strike, Flame Arrow, Trolls Advance
R3 - Shooting, Tumbling, Taunting, [33] Dies, [34] Dies, Zora
Super-smackies, Ben Searing Lights, Trolls Advance, [31] Dies
R4 - Taunting, Shooting, COOS, [32] Dies, Flames from God, Fireball,
[28] & [29] Flee
R5 - Shooting & Hasting, [27] Dies, [30] Dies, Fireball, Trolls Flee
R6 - Shooting, So Sleepy now ... We go home? Yay! All Die
XP: 6,720