January 4, 2019

Sword 25, 5040


Everybody gets healed up, and we rest through the night (even though it isn't even yet noon); select spells, and form up to move on.

dtdluo - corridor - Arden sets off a trap, but it is rusted shut and doesn't go off; Arden makes sure it won't - dtdluo - room - dtdluo - hall - dtdluo - we go into the big "L" room - DM says I don't have to describe this room so I'm not gonna !!
[DM: 50'x50' with four 10'x10' U-shaped (opening away from entrance door) cubicles 10' from each wall and 10' from each other]

Arden says we be quiet while he peeks - sees more wall.  Arden keeps creepin' on (followed by us) until:
four sharpnal-metal whirly things (look like dryder/construct - grapple - if hit when when grappling  person takes damage too)
S11 misses Arden
S12 grapples Farryn
S13 misses Beari
S14 grapples Ben

Beari casts Blink
Elion attacks S13
Zora attacks S11, hits a bunch, kills
Ben tries to break grapple, fails
Farryn tries to break grapple, fails
Arden attacks S12
S12 wraps Farryn
S13 grapples Elion
S14wraps Ben

Beari hits S13 moves to S14
Elion Flury of Blows on S13 - hits, hits, hits, hits, kills
Zora tumbles to S14 - hits, hits, hits, hits
Farryn excapes grapple and moves away
Ben does not escape grapple
S12 hits Arden, grapples, bites
S14bites Ben
Arden uses Escape Artist, gets free, moves and teases

Beari pokes S14, moves back to S12
Elion moves to S12 for Flurry of Blows - hits, hits, misses, misses, hits, kills
Zora hits S14, kills

Body looting yields nothing.  Use Cure Light wands for healing.

Arden finds pit trap in front of the exit door, disables.
dtdluo - 20' hall - dtdluo - room - when everyone is in the room the entrance door slams shut. dtd... and interrupted:

ShredSwarm (construct, +10 to concentration checks, flying, immune to elecrical attacks; Beari may have dated one in high school)

Elion grabs blanket to try and know some down, gets 1/4 of one swarm
Zora traps some in blanket, smashes with morningstar, gets 1/4 of one swarm
Beari casts Wind Wall and pushes swarms away from group
Ben reserves
Pillars are turning into smoke monkeys - ShadeSteels (constructs; immune to magic; send out negative energy pulses; they are wrong, though, look too humanoid: weird melding of steel and flesh)  
ShadeSteels send out Negative Energy Bursts -- Beari and Mrrr are killed immediately
Arden unlocks door and moves into next hall
Farryn activiates boots, picks up Mrrr, moves to hall

Elion tumbles out of WindWall & Swarm, and goes to hall
Zora picks up Beari and moves to hallway
Ben moves into hallway and closes door
SS4 moves to door, opens it
SS1 attacks Ben
Arden searches hall to next door
Farryn shoots SS4 - hits, hits, misses, misses, hits, kills

Elion attacks SS3, misses
Zora Spring Attacks SS3, hits
SS3 moves to Elion -- Ben AoO hits -- hits
SS1 moves to Ben - hits
SS2 moves to Zora - hits
Ben casts Implosion on SS1: kills
Arden searches far door for traps, disables
Farryn shoots SS3 - hits, hits, hits, misses, hits, kills

Elion attacks SS2 - hits
Zora attacks SS2 - hits, hits, misses, misses, hits
SS2 attacks Ben - hits, hits
Ben moves Implosion to SS2: kills

Arden unlocks exit (from hall) door, locks and spikes entrance door, relocks exit door.
Ben casts Mass Heal; then uses diamonds to cast Resurrection on Beari and then Mrrr

Despite it being even earlier than yesterday, we rest up.