Following a rumor, we traveled several weeks northwest of Hobughim , into the uncharted wilderness between that country and the northern permafrost. There was no sign of habitation for most of the trip, which perhaps explains why the wildlife has not learned to fear and avoid the civilized races. In this much the rumor is certainly true: there is a huge depression, perhaps the remains of a crater or caldera, with steep sides a quarter mile or more deep. Whether or not the rest of the rumor – that there is a Dexnibaf site in the crater – is still unsure. Attempts to scry gave us ambiguous results. It is nearly a days travel around the outside of the crater, and from no place was the scrying any clearer, or the walls less tall or steep. Attempts to fly over the crater were met with rapid, sometimes fatal responses: as if the crater were defending itself. An exploratory party sent into the crater told us they were encountering much resistance from the plantlife; then stopped reporting. No attempt was made to rescue them, or, more likely, recover their bodies.