June 7, 2019
Sword 28, 5040
10:00 AM
Again, even though it is early, we rest and get spells back. In
fact, we spend two days here for Level restorations.
Frank says Hydras have no useful choppable parts.
Beggar 2
9:00 AM
Arden tries to open the door out - misses being hit by a poison dart.
Disarms, unlocks door - 30' corridor - continue on to door.
Coming in on the north end of the east wall of a 60' x 60' x 60' room.
We can see most of the room, not all. Beari casts Light on
a pebble and tosses it to make light at the far end - now only some
parts of the ceiling are beyond our vision.
1. We advance into the room -- the door behind us slams, all goes
dark (canceling light stones, dark vision, etc.), and a small cyclone
picks us all up and drops us. Arden and Beari take falling damage.
2. Light comes back on and there are seven instances of each
person, counting the "real" ones (i.e., us)
Elion hits another Elion - charge kick - kills
Elion is hit for -1 Wisdom
Arden attacks another Arden - kills
Arden is hit for -1 Wisdom
Ben casts True Seeing,
says " Doppelganger and Mirror Image"
Ben is hit for -1 Wisdom
Zora attacks another Zora, hits for 29 - kills, cleaves for 34 - kills
Zora is hit for -1 Wisdom
Beari casts Mordenkainen's Sword - hits another Beari for 18
Beari is hit for -1 Wisdom
Farryn shoots another Farryn -- 15, 12, 13, crits 57, 11 - kills
Farryn is hit for -1 Wisdom
3. Light goes out, cyclone picks everyone up, drops, Arden and
Beari take damage
4. Light comes on, we are all mixed up from where we were before
Elion tumbles and charges another Elion, hits for 74, punches for 33 -
Elion is hit for -1 Wisdom
Arden tries to shoot another Arden, misses
Arden is hit for -1 Wisdom
Ben casts Implosion
on the Ben Doppelganger - it implodes and all other Bens (except the
real one) disappear
Zora yells, "Ben! Point me at my doppelganger!", hits another Zora -
Zora is hit for -1 Wisdom
Beari hits another Beari with M.'s Sword - kills
Beari is hit for -1 Wisdom
Farryn shoots at another Farryn - kills
Farryn is hit for -1 Wisdom
5. Light goes out, cyclone picks everyone up, drops, damage
6. Light comes on, we are all mixed up from where we were before
Elion attacks another Elion - kills
Elion is hit for -1 Wisdom
Arden tumbles to another Arden, hits for 46 - kills
Arden is hit for -1 Wisdom
Ben continue Implosion the Zora Doppelganger, all mirror Zoras
disappear, Ben moves next to Arden's Doppelganger and points at it
Zora moves to Arden's Doppelganger - hits for many - kills, all mirror
Ardens disappear
Beari hits another Beari with M.'s Sword - kills
Beari is hit for -1 Wisdom
Farryn shoots at another Farryn - hit, miss, miss, hit - kills
Farryn is hit for -1 Wisdom
7. Lights stay on, cyclone picks everyon up, whirls them around, drops,
8. we are all mixed up from where we were before
Elion attacks another Elion - kills
Elion is hit for -1 Wisdom
Arden reserves for clarity or else Ben's directions
Ben continues Implosion the Elion Doppelganger, all mirror Elions
disappear, then moves next to the Beari Doppelganger
Zora moves to the Beari Doppelganger - hits for 33, 37, 29, misses
(still up)
Arden moves to Beari Doppelganger - hits for 32 (still up)
Beari moves sword to her Doppelganger - hits (still up)
Beari is hit for -1 Wisdom
Farryn shoots at Beari Doppelganger - hits for 55 - kills; shoots at
another Farryn, misses
Farryn is hit for -1 Wisdom
9. Lights stay on, no cyclone
Elion reserves for target
Arden reserves for target
Ben finishes Implosion on Farryn's Doppelganger, all mirror Farryns
Beari from Knowledge::Arcana says these are a mixture of Doppelganger,
Allips, and Invisible Stalkers
XP: 800
Black Onyx (goose egg size) -- when picked up made the room go
dark for one round
Pearl (chicken egg size) -- after the Onyx demonstration,
everyone is careful to not actually touch the Pearl. Beari uses
Spellcraft to say that when a depression is touched it causes a small
cyclone for one round.
Spellcraft on the Onyx finds an equivalent depression and
purpose on it.
Arden: -3 Wisdom
Beari: -4 Wisdom
Ben: -1 Wisdom
Elion: -4 Wisdom
Farryn: -4 Wisdom
Zora: -2 Wisdom
Ben casts Mass Heal
to restore all damage from falling, plus restore all Wisdom losses.