May 3, 2008

XP   starting out:   49,080

Beggar 2, 5038 

The group discusses tactics, strategy

We decide we'll ask for one scroll of Teleport from the Institute of Ancient Languages, plus accepting the offer of being teleported out to the ruins by the Watch's sorcerer.  We send Kes, with Zora, to buy a Portable Hole.  Jenna casts Gentle Repose on Ar'Tas's body.  We get a Teleport scroll, courtesy of the IAL, and also buy enough spell book ink for Beri to inscribe it.  We figure out the correct method and we go.

We arrive in second growth forest near: a rough, branches-made corral for horses, some tents, digging going on nearby.  No guards.  No signs of badness.  We look for people, find someone who seems to be a supervisor, tell him we're looking for Gebhard.  Some of the group go find him.  Introductions are made, go poorly at first, but eventually he understands the seriousness of the situation and agrees to follow our directions.  Planning ensues.  We load the Portable Hole with all of his notes and relics.  Beri begins her studying of the Teleport scroll, in preparation for learning it and transferring it to her spel book (someone to be watching over her at all times).  The rest of us discuss logistics of the other staff.

Beggar 8

A group of Kobolds comes out of the woods, sees everyone, retreats back into the woods again.  Beri finishes writing the spell into her book.

 Beggar 9

Gebhard runs around making sure that we've gotten everything.  Then we go back.  Fiona, the head scholar of the Institute, thinks we did the right thing by not telling anyone else at the site what was going on. Chances are that any Assassins sent after Gebhard will run into them.  However, since none of them were told why Gebhard was being whisked off to the city, they’ll most likely tell the Assassins everything the Assassins ask about without any need for threats or injury.

Jenna talks to Gebhard about puzzle piece.  Lots of boring stuff about the Dexnibaf alphabet (if anyone really wants it, I’ll email it to you).  Triona was the head scholar: Gebhard and Nunila were only her assistants.  Triona would sometimes received packages from scholars in other cities; he had never met any of these people, nor did he know who they were or how to get in touch with them.  The particular letter on the puzzle piece corresponds most closely to a "U" in Common.

Beri casts Identify, the first of two such needed spells.

Ben casts Raise Dead on Ar'Tas, then uses healing spells to bring him back to full HP.

Captain Callcott sends a Watch guard to request the presence of the group - some or all. Beri and Ben, with Ar'Tas and Ulfgar as security, stay in the inn; Jenna, Kes, and Zora go with the guard.  When they get there, the Captain notes that his searchers have found something stitched into the assassin’s belt, says that he thinks, from what people at the Institute have told him, that it is similar to something the group has.  Would they let him compare the two parchments?  Kes pulls out a copy of our puzzle piece.  Would they let his staff make a copy of the group’s, in exchange for being given a copy of the one they found?  Certainly.

Back at  the Inn, a more detailed search of the Assassin's gear by Ar'tas finds similar hidden compartments in both Assassin's belts.  One is empty, but the other has a very finely folded sheet of very thin parchment.  The characters are all common (see below), but don't mean anything.  We show it to the Watch -- want to keep our relationship with them positive.  Also take it to the Institute.  Gerbhard, in stereotypical specialist form, tells us that he has no idea what the contents are: the alphabet is Common, not Dexnibaf, but the words are in no language, Common or otherwise, that he knows.  Heck, lots of those so-called words aren’t even pronounceable.

Mibbilgao f stwis, lx esfuxbxj dxuxsfb lxxvd aiseqlxde im Qiktoqgw, gaei eqx tanqfsexj lgbjxsaxdd kxelxxa eqfe nitaesp faj eqx aiseqxsa rxswfmside.  Eqxsx lfd ai dgoa im qfkgefegia mis wide im eqx esgr, lqgnq rxsqfrd xyrbfgad lqp eqx lgbjbgmx qfd aie bxfsaxj ei mxfs faj fuigj eqx ngugbgzxj sfnxd.  Ga eqgd eqx stwis gd nxsefgabp estx:  eqxsx gd f qtox jxrsxddgia, rxsqfrd eqx sxwfgad im f nsfexs is nfbjxsf, lgeq dexxr dgjxd f htfsexs wgbx is wisx jxxr.  Lqxeqxs is aie eqx sxde im eqx stwis – eqfe eqxsx gd f Jxyagkfm dgex ga eqx nsfexs – gd degbb tadtsx.  Feexwred ei dnsp ofux td fwkgotitd sxdtbed.  Ge gd axfsbp f jfpd esfuxb fsitaj eqx itedgjx im eqx nsfexs, faj msiw ai rbfnx lfd  eqx dnspgao fap nbxfsxs, is eqx lfbbd bxdd efbb is dexxr.  Feexwred ei mbp iuxs eqx nsfexs lxsx wxe lgeq sfrgj, diwxegwxd mfefb sxdriadxd: fd gm eqx nsfexs lxsx jxmxajgao gedxbm.  Fa xyrbisfeisp rfsep dxae gaei eqx nsfexs eibj td eqxp lxsx xanitaexsgao wtnq sxdgdefanx msiw eqx rbfaebgmx; eqxa deirrxj sxrisegao.  Ai feexwre lfd wfjx ei sxdntx eqxw, is, wisx bgvxbp, sxniuxs eqxgs kijgxd.

Beggar 10

Ben asks Captain Callcott if the group could investigate the room that the main Dexnibaf scholar, Triona, had lived (and been murdered) in.  The Captain says that his boss, Lord Lippard, Commander of the Watch, wishes him to thank the group again for their assistance during this recent unpleasantness, and inform the group that they have incurred a deep well of gratitude from the City and the Watch. This certainly covers allowing the group to check out that apartment, if they so wish.  Ar'tas conducts a very thorough search, and declares that there are no secret compartements, hidden doors, or any scraps of paper: nothing remaining of Triona's notes.  An investigation of her office at the Institute had already shown that what she kept there related only to administrative tasks, nothing to do with her studies.

Beri reports that she has finished using the Identify spells on all the magical items we had acquired, and that seven of them require more knowledge. 

Beggar 11

Beri and Kes take those seven items to Mage Holbrook at the Xyzzy Magic Shop, who agrees to cast Analyze Dweomer on the items, for 900gp per casting, at one casting per day.

Beggar 13

Captain Callcott again invites the group to meet with him.  When we get there, he introduces a Lord Algernon, and manages to impart the knowledge that the Lord is high in the councils of the King, specializing in knowledge about foreign countries.  Lord Algernon tells us that the symbol found on the Assassins (on armbands) belongs to Baron Quokaphun.  A renegade noble originally from Gylsoph: a Chaotic Evil country somewhere far to the East.  The Baron, according to the information Lord Algernon has, argued with King Jahverbhai over some esoteric issue of religious policy, sold off his holdings, and used the proceeds to establish his own independent (thus far) barony well outside that nation’s borders.  Lord Algernon has no idea why Baron Quokaphun would have sent Assassins after Dexnibaf scholars.  If the group does discover the why of this, he hopes that information will be shared with him.

Beggar 14

Zora solves the cypher:

Following a rumor, we traveled several weeks northwest of  Hobughim , into the uncharted wilderness between that country and the northern permafrost.  There was no sign of habitation for most of the trip, which perhaps explains why the wildlife has not learned to fear and avoid the civilized races.  In this much the rumor is certainly true: there is a huge depression, perhaps the remains of a crater or caldera, with steep sides a quarter mile or more deep.  Whether or not the rest of the rumor – that there is a Dexnibaf site in the crater – is still unsure.   Attempts to scry gave us ambiguous results.  It is nearly a days travel around the outside of the crater, and from no place was the scrying any clearer, or the walls less tall or steep.  Attempts to fly over the crater were met with rapid, sometimes fatal responses: as if the crater were defending itself.  An exploratory party sent into the crater told us they were encountering much resistance from the plantlife; then stopped reporting.  No attempt was made to rescue them, or, more likely, recover their bodies.

Beggar 15

Captain Callcott calls for us yet once more. He looks a little exasperated, as if he’s getting tired of being the contact point for this group of foreigners.  This time a Lord Waleran wants to meet with them.  The Captain introduces him as one of the Marshals of the Army.

Lord Waleran would like to hire the group to clean out the "nest" of undead to the west of Quidson.  He’s offering 10,000gp each, half in advance upon their oath of honor to fulfill the task.  He doesn't need an immediate answer from us, but would appreciate having one soon.  If we accept, he would not expect us to start out until after winter is over.

After Lord Waleran leaves, Captain Callcott follows up on this offer by saying that his commander, Lord Lippard, had been considering an offer of his own, to the group, to hire them on as a supplemental, problem-solving group to the Watch.  However, Lord Lippard not only does not want to foster any unpleasantness by bidding against a fellow Lord, but also cannot come close to matching Lord Waleran’s offer.  And is therefore restraining himself to only, through Captain Callcott, tell the group that we may consider ourselves no longer restricted by the rule of calling for the Watch, but instead may resolves encountered problems ourselves (but subject to a post-op review).  Jenna invites him to be the guest of the group at a dinner, to thank him for all the assistance he's given us.  He accepts.  Kes is devastated to learn that he has a wife.

Beggar 17

The abilities of all  of the more complex magical items have been fully explored. 

2,250 XP for roleplaying   running total:   51,330