October 26, 2018

Sword 23, 5040

A door in corner of room - opens in - Arden checks for traps - disables - listens - hears nothing - unlocks door

Beari moves out of line w/Mrrr; Farryn moves to column; Ben moves to Beari; Elion moves to corner

Arden opens door - 10' corridor to another door - moves to next door - finds trap - disables - listens - hears nada - unlocks - opens - see another square room with four columns

Four Elodons:
E16 misses Ben;
E17 misses Elion;
E18 misses Arden;
E19 misses Zora
Farren shoots E17;
Beari casts Mordenkainen's Sword - hits  E17;
Zora attacks  E19 - damages, kills; attacks  E17 - kills; attacks  E18 - damages;
Elion attacks  E16 - damages
Ben casts Prayer;

E16 attacks Ben, hits (Ben makes Will save), misses;
E18 attacks Zora, misses, misses;
Arden tumbles, attacks  E18 - damages;
Farryn shoots  E16 - damages, kills;
Beari sends sword to  E18 - damages;
Zora slices  E18 kills.

Arden moves to door - finds trap - disables - listens - unlocks - opens - 30" to next door - trap - disable - listen - unlock - opens - square room - four pillars carved to look like warriors - 10' tall - door - trapped - disabled - listen - unlocks - opens - 30' to next door - dtdluo (door, trapped, disable, listen, unlock, open) - room with warrior pillars in middle again - A pokes pillar - nothing happens - dtdluo - 60' hall with door at end - floor starts to tip down - Arden spikes trapped floor - we continue - dtdluo.  
And again and again and again forever

Slaughterstone Eviscrators (construct, four limbs, swords, resistance: acid, cold, elec, fire; damage reduction)
SEs attack everyone
Beari casts Summon Monster V: Celestial Lion; attacks SE21
Elion attacks SE22
Zora attacks SE23
Ben attacks SE21
Lots more smacking and stuff I'm too tired to record.  More smacky wackin' happens.  
Arden is down. That is Bad!
Elion is also down.  That is also bad!
Beari casts  Bibgy's Clenched Fist and bonks SE20 - dead.
Farryn shoots SE21 - dead;
Lion, Fist, and Zora hit SE22 - dead.