November 3, 2007
starting out: 18,425
roleplaying during previous run:
XP running total: 18,775
Plow 5, 5038
Healing gets done. We discuss what to give to the Watch and what
to keep. We finally
make a decision (see spreadsheet).
Ulfgar carries Bag of Holding for group
Artes wears Gloves of Dexterity +4 for group.
Beri wears the Ring of Protection +3 for the group.
We turn in the Hand of Glory (among other things)
We collect all the other stuff we are turning in to the watch and put
it in a room on the first floor. The stuff we are keeping is
either worn or put in the Bag of Holding. Beri is now hiding the
Bag of Holding. Ben, Zora and Kes go to the Watch.
Sergeant Zoe is impressed and send for the captain. We take
Captain Fenwick Zellar to the house. Captain Zellar tells
us our cut is 50%, which will be available in one week from Zoe.
Splittable treasure: 40,500.28
Group holdings: 39,000.
We turned in to Watch: 9,863.
We get 4,931.50 now (the other 35,000+ the Watch does not know about).
Each person has 705.50 (including wages).
We buy horses -- 75 gp per horse or 30 gp per pony; saddle 12 gp;
bridle 2 gp. We travel 10 days to another town -- Lion's Reach --
to sell this stuff, buy other stuff, and train.
Plow 16
Agree to put 200 gp per person into the group pot. Group pot now
has 1,400. Buy Cure
Light Wand for 750gp, Group Pot now has 650. Ben carries
the wand.
We spend two months in town training, etc. Keep our ears open for
a new job.
Have an offer of 5 sp/day/person from Watch (nah)
Have an offer of 1 gp/day/person plus "room" and board from merchants
to guard caravan.
Jenna goes to Temple of Ehlonna. Rumors of villages being
attacked in NW. Might be lizard people attacking. Might
not. Source not considered reliable, so they won't pay us to
Ben goes to the Temple of Pelor. They haven't heard even
that much, and haven't heard anything else interesting, either.
Kes seeks out other bards. She sings them a song about our last
adventure. Kes gets 11gp for performing it. Other bards
don't know of anything nearby.
Pail 16
We decide to head NW to check out the lizard people.
Pail 17
Spend first two nights in small town inns. At second one,
Sweetbriar, some people have heard that a community they call
Frankville is in trouble. No direct routes there. Off we go.
Pail 22
Arrive in Frankville. They are very happy to see us because there
are a lot of people hurt. Things are coming out of the lake and
attacking people.
Ben and Jenna go around healing people. Kes checks publich house;
Ulfgar goes to talk to smithy. Mostly people have been attacked
at night. 14 people need healing. Average of 6 points
damage each. Ben and Jenna heal them all.
Ulfgar goes to a house looking over the loake and
asks to stay overnight as a lookout. We all camp out in this
During 3rd watch, Jenna and Ulfgar see roughly a dozen lizards --
Kuo-Toa -- coming from the direction of the lake. Ulfgar wakes up
Zora, Jenna tells Kes (who didn't see them); then wakes up Artes.
1. Beri is asleep; Ulfgar
charges X-1, criticals for 40; they advance, X-1 hits Ulfgar for 8; X-4
hits Ulfgar for 3; X-5 hits Ulfgar for 4; Zora charges X-4 for 16; Kes
wakes up Ben; Artes moves outside door, shoots at X-3, misses; Ben
stands up; Jenna runs up to X-9.
2. Beri still asleep;
Ulfgar hits X-1 for 13, kills, hits X-5 for 10, 13, kills; Kuo-Toa
advance and flank, X-2 and X-3 shoot Lightning Bolts at
Ulfgar for 6 and 6 (X-7 also gets hit); X-6 hits Ulfgar for 13; X-8
hits Jenna fo r8; Zora moves 5', hits X-4 fo r14, kills, cleaves and
misses, hits X-7 for 17, kills; Kes wakes up Beri, starts singing Inspire Courage (loud
enough for people outside to hear); Artes shoots X-10 for 6; ben moves
to door, shoots at X-10, misses; Jenna hits X-11 for 9.
3. Beri stands up; Ulfgar
charges X-2, criticals for 40; Artes evades a Lightning Bolt from X-3;
X-8 hits hits Jenna for 8; Zora charges X-3, hits for 17; Kes moves to
door, shoots at X-10, misses; Artes shoots X-10 for 3; Ben shoots X-6
for 8; Jenna on X-9 misses.
4. Beri moves towards
door, casts Flame Arrow
(turning next two rounds of arrows from Ben, Kys, Artes and Beri into
flaming arrows); Ulfgar hits X-2 with flat of blades for 8, 11, and 13
subdual damage, X-2 falls down; X-3 hits Zora for 4; X-6 hits Ulfgar
for 6; X-8 hits Jenna for 9; X-9 hits Jenna for 8; Zora hits X-3 for
22, misses; Kes shoots X-10 for 3 + 3 fire; Artes shoots X-10 for 3 + 3
fire; kills; Ben shoots X-8 for 8 + 3 fire; Jenna hits X-11 for 4.
5. Beri shoots at X-6,
misses; Ulfgar moves to X-8, hits for 14, kills; X-3 hits Zora for 2;
X-6 runs after Ulfgar and misses; Zora hits X-3 for 16, kills; Kes
shoots X-6 for 8 + 3 fire; kills; AZrtes shoots X-11 for 6 + 3 fire,
kills; Ben shoots at X-9, criticals for 12 + 3 fire; Jenna hits X-9 fo
r8, kills.
XP running total: 19,075
These are Kuo-Toa. The Lightning
Bolt is an inate ability among priests. Worshippers
of Bilbdoolpoolp.
Artes ties up X-3 with Kes's help.
Their tongues can be used to make potions of Waterbreathing.
There are eleven spears, nothing else. Wait until dawn.
Pail 23
We make a pile of bodies.
Jenna heals herself and Ulfgar. She casts Cure Moderate on X-3 for
17, he wakes up.
Ben casts Comprehend
Languages on himself. Ropes are falling off X-3.
Ulfgar bonks him on the head for 13 Subdual. X-3 bites Ulfgar for 4;
Jenna hits X-3 for 7 subdual, he's unconscious again.
Kes gets some chain from town. Ulfgar cuts holes in X-3's arms, between
the bones, and runs the chains through the arms, secures the chains to
the building. Ulfgar checks the ropes, finds they were untied.
Jenna uses wand to heal X-3 for 7, he's awake.
Ben (and through him Ulfgar) question X-3.
Jenna casts Zone of Truth.
X-3 says nothing. Ulfgar pokes X-3 in the head with his finger
consistently as Ben asks questions. X-3 still says nothing.
Ulfgar punches X-3 until he is unconscious, then performs a coup de
Kes returns the chains to the villagers. We decide to spend
another night. Search for footprints along lake. Find
several excursions from lake, only one set within last 24 hours, and it
was outbound only.
Pail 25
After no futher evidence of attacks on the village, we decide to go
around the lake. Find two farmsteads with absolutely no life -
human or livestock - at either one. Seaching in both farmhouses,
we find 9gp in a sock under a loose board in the first -- leave it
Pail 27
Back in the village, we explain what happened. We decide to
return to Lion's Reach.
Dragon 4
Village of Sweetbriar, at the Cross-Eyed Cricket Inn. While we're
eating supper the door opens and a guard comes in with three men and
posting two more outside. Calls for Craig the Innkeeper, asking
if he's paid his taxes. Craig says he has. Then he
asks where Craig gets his greens. From the Lord,'s gardens, of
course. For proof, the guard collects all of the salads from the
patrons. He tells Craig he'll be back, with the parting shot, "No
one expects the Spinach Inquisition." [The chronicler wants it known that the
above was recorded under protest.]
Dragon 5
We return to Lion's Reach. We find a sage named Henrick Raiper,
and show him the strangly shaped piece of parchment we found in the
Gargoyle House. Henrick says, "Don't you think the ripples look like the
usual way of representing a
river. But usually that’s longer and
thinner. Perhaps a lake or sea? Or maybe a
"The orb with
the bisecting line: perhaps that could be a
planet or a moon and its equator? But
what is it resting on? It’s a shame that
the base is cut off. The handle to the
left (if he’s orienting it properly, which is only a guess, after all):
that’s some sort of latch? And the
entire top half hinges up? But still
looking for similar astronomical or astrological signs seems like the
best way
forward for it.
there’s the spiral.
Well, if it really spirals around on all sides.
Again, it’s such a shame that it’s cut
off. Oh, do you see? I
thought at first it was symmetrical, but it
isn’t. Not quite. You
There are the four circles in the center, and the four lines
one per circle. Those lines curve around
widdershins mostly half way around, then take a sharp jag to the right,
angle back on a straight line. Well, we
have to assume that this is true for the line starting at the
circle; but it does seem likely. But
then the symmetry ends. The line
starting at the southeast circle comes to the end of that straight
segment, and
stops. The one starting at the northeast
stops the same way, but then there is a disconnected horizontal line
it. The one starting at the southwest
has a quarter-circle arc and then another straight line segment. And that might be true also for the one
starting at the northwest – again we’re missing too much to tell for
tempted to think that the basic figure is some sort of
starting point for an alphabet or word symbolism, and that changes to
one or
more of the spiral arms denotes different sounds, or different meanings. Presumably there must be some way of telling
which way to orient the symbol.
"I’ve never seen either of these two
The bisected orb looks similar to some of the
astronomical symbols I’ve seen in other cultures, but certainly isn’t
an exact
match for any I know. And the spiral is
completely unlike any kind of writing I’ve ever seen before."
When we ask him who else we might ask, he says, "Well, the hall of records has who knows
how much in the way
of old parchments and tomes in its storage rooms. Perhaps you
could get permission to search
through them. But really that seems
like a tremendous effort for very little chance of success."
Dragon 6
We go to the Hall of Records. The clerk,
Eulala Strikes says we can go in to the dead archives for 1 gp per
person per day. Kes, Jenna, beri, Artes go in. It's a
mess. After spending all day there the four estimate it'll take
between fifty and one hundred days to properly search the entire dead
archives. {4gp}
Dragon 7
Back in the Hall, Jenna casts Locate Object and
narrows the area to a 10' cube which contains the "astrological" symbol
identified by the sage. No others are found. Afrter six hours a
parchment is found which no one can read but Artes copies it. The
parchment sheet under it appears to be in the same language, so they
copy it, also. Then leave. {4gp}
Dragon 8
The next day we go back to the sage and show him
the copied sheets. Meanwhile Jenna goes back to the Hall of
Records and looks through that one stack carefully, but doesn't find
anything else {1gp}. The sage sayis it's in a dead language from
Milsfyd. He suggests going to the capital city of that country,
Greater Woodknife, as scholars there do still sometimes use the
language in their researches. Milsfyd is off to the Northwest, on
the other side of Wailwey and Quidson.
Asking around, we find that there is no direct
contact with Quidson, let alone Milsfyd; but that there are frequent
trade trips to and from Wailwey. One of the caravans we'd turned
down for guarding was going there. We ask around and find that
another will leave in seventeen days. Usually merchant caravans
take about eighteen days for the trip. More asking around, over
games of Hawk & Herald or Draughts, provides the information that
ten days is a reasonable travel time for a small group not burdened
with caring for wagons, etc. We decide that ten days is better
than thirty-five, and plan to leave tomorrow.
Dragon 11
Four humans come running at the group very fast, with longswords out,
wearing studded leather.
1. Kes starts singing Inspire Courage, shoots
at X-1, misses; Zora swings at X-2 and hits for 16, miss; Artes
dismounts, then swings at X-3, criticals for 11; Ulfgar swings at X-1,
hits for 10, 10, 13; Ben shoots crossbow at X-2, hits for 8; X-1 hits
Ulfgar for 18; X-2 hits Zora for 18; X-3 hits Artes for 12; X-4 charges
Artes for 15; four more run up from behind the group; Beri casts Fireball on X-6 &
X-7 for 34, thinks they are moving like Barbarians in Rage, has her horse take
her 100' out to the side; Jenna dismounts and casts Bane on all but X-3 and
2. Kes, still singing, dismounts, swings at
X-5, misses; Zora hits X-2 for 19, 20; Artes swings at X-3 for 5;
Ulfgar on X-1 criticals for 34, misses, hits for 14; Ben swings at X-6
for 5; X-1 hits Ulfgar for 18; X-2 hits Zora for 17; X-3 hits Artes for
17, Artes falls down; X-4 moves to Ulfgar and hits for 12; X-5
hits Kes for 12; X-6 hits Ben for 12; X-7 missed Jenna; X-8 hits Jenna
for 13; Beri casts Summon
Monster III and gets a Celestial Black Bear, which charges X-5
but misses; Jenna runs to Artes, suffers AoOs for 25 from X-7 and X-8.
3. Kes tumbles away from X-5, stops singing [Inspire Courage will
expire top of round 8], casts Shatter on X-5's sword,
which shatters; Zora swings at X-2 for 18, 16, kills; Artes bleeds 1 hp
damage; Ulfgar swings at X-1 for 37, kills, attacks X-4 for 12, 12; Ben
criticals on X-6 for 16, tries to ride away by leaping over X-6, but
horse balks; Barbarians stop
Raging; X-3 charges Ulfgar, Jenna AoO for 7, but misses; X-4 on
Ulfgar misses; X-5 draws crossbow; X-6 on Ben misses; X-7 charges Bear
for 7; X-8 charges Zora but misses; Beri moves to line up three
Barbarians and casts Lightning
Bolt on on X-3, X-4, and X-8 for 25; Bear claws X-5 for 8; Jenna
casts Cure Serious
on Artes for 22, tells him, "Stay still!"
4. Kes casts Shatter on X-6's sword
but it saves; Zora hits X-8 for 16, miss; Artes obeys Jenna; Ulfgar
hits X-4 for 14, 12, 11; Ben hits X-6 for 7; X-3 misses Ulfgar; X-4
misses Ulfgar; X-5 hits bear for 7; X-6 bloopers, drops sword; X-7 hits
Bear for 11, kills; X-9 misses Zora; Beri casts Magic Missile on X-3 for
14; Jenna casts Cure Serious on Artes for 25, move 15'.
5. Kes casts Summon Swarm on X-5,
rats appear around him; Zora hits X-8 for 19, miss; Artes stands, draws
bow, shoots at X-7 but misses; Ulfgar hits X-4 for 13, kills, hits X-3
for 14, 8, kills; Ben hits X-6 for 4, rides 60' away; X-5 moves out
from rat swarm, takes 5 hp damage, shoots at Kes for 4; X-6 picks up
sword and moveds to Kes; X-7 charges Ulfgar for 7; X-8 misses Zora;
Beri casts Magic Missile
on X-5 for 16; Jenna casts Shatter
on X-8's sword, it shatters, moves 15'.
6. Kes tumbles away from X-7 and casts Shatter on X-7's sword,
it breaks; Zora hits X-8 for 20, miss; Artes shoots at X-5 but misses;
Ulfgar hits X-7 for 16, 13, 18; Ben shoots at X-5 but misses; X-5
shoots at Artes for 4; X-6 draws crossbow and shoots at Kes for 3; X-7
hits Ulfgar for 5; X-8 backs up, Zora AoO for 12, kills; Beri casts Flame Arrow, but misses;
Jenna casts Searing Ray
but misses.
7. Kes shoots X-6 for 8 and moves 30'; Zora
charges X-5, hits for 16; Artes shoots at X-6 but misses; Ulfgar on X-7
hits for 18, 16, kills; Ben shoots and criticals on X-6 for 16; X-5
steps back from Zora into rats, Zora AoO for 17, rats do 5, shoots but
misses Zora; X-6 bloopers and loses round; Beri casts Melf's Acid Arrow
[through round 9] on X-5 for 8; Jenna moves 15', casts Heat Metal on X-5
[through round 13] for 0.
8. Kes's Inspire Courage
terminates, shoots at X-5 but misses; Z steps 5', hits on X-5 for 15,
14, kills; Artes shoots at X-6 but misses; Ulfgar moves, then throws
Axe at X-7 for 13, kills.
XP running total: 20,275
Searching the bodies, find 7 still usable suits of
good looking studded leather; eight light crossbows, five unshattered
good-looking longswords, a total of 300 crossbow bolts, and 500gp on
each body.
Ben casts Cure Serious on Ulfgar
twice for 31 and 28, once on Zora for 28, once on Jenna for 27; casts Cure Light on Jenna for
12, on himself for 13, and on Kes for 12; casts Cure Minor on Kes (for
1) and on Zora (for 1).
Jenna casts Detect Magic, finds that
the seven remaing suits of Studded Leather have a low level of magic;
as do the five remaining Longswords. One set of armor goes to Kes, her
old armor, and the others go into the Bag of Holding (BoH). One
longsword goes to each of Zora, Ulfgar, and Kes; the other two go into
the BoH. All the crossbows, all the bolts, and all the gold also
go into the BoH.
Drag bodies off the road, then travel on down to
the first place reasonable for making camp. Set up by 14:00