When rolling dice for a character's new hit points at their next level,
re-roll anything less than a 4. [Note: this means that Wizards
automatically get 4s at every level.]
Times will be presented and recorded in "military format", running from
00:00 at the midnight
start of the day, to 24:59
at the just-before-midnight end of the day (recall that Plynck has 25
hour days).
June 23, 2007
starting out: 2,375
roleplaying during previous run:
XP running total: 2,875
Plow 4, 5038
Jenna casts Cure Light
Wounds on Artes for 12; casts Cure Minor Wounds four
times on Zora for 4.
We go downstairs. We're in a room {301}.
Open door, see 12 Kobolds.
1. Beri moves back up the
stairs; Ben readies crossbow, reserves for target; Ulfgar charges
Kobold-1 for 10, kills; Kes is still singing; Zora moves, strikes,
misses; Jenna moves towards door; Artes moves, strikes, misses;
Kobolds hit Zora for 5, Artes for 5.
2. Beri moves a couple of
steps back down; Ben shoots Kobold-2 for 3; Ulfgar hits Kobold-3,
kills, hits Kobold-4 for 7, kills; Kes shots Kobold-5 for 2; Zora hits
Kobold-6 for 9, kills, cleaves Kobold-7 for 29, kills; Jenna moves to
door; Artes misses; Kobolds hit Artes for 2.
3. Beri moves to foot of
stairs; Ben shoots Kobold-2 for 6, kills; Ulfgar hits Kobold-8 for 7,
kills, hits Kobold-9 for 5, kills; Kes shoots Kobold-5 for 4, kills;
Zora steps 5', misses; Jenna charges, hits Kobold-10 for 7, kills;
Artes tumbles, misses; Kobolds hit Zora for 5.
4. Beri moves into room;
Ben reserves for target; Ulfgar moves, hits Kobold-11 for 13, kills;
Kes checks up stairs; Zora moves, misses; Jenna waits; Artes misses;
Kobolds miss.
5. Beri moves to watch
other door; Ben reserves; Ulfgar hits Kobold-12 for 12, kills.
XP running total: 3,475 THIRD
Search bodies: 12 slings; 12 spears; 10 still-usable suits of armor.
Stack W&A in a corner, bodies in a different corner.
Jenna casts Cure Light
Wounds on Zora for 9; Ben casts Cure Light Wounds on
Artes for 8. Kes stops singing.
Artes checks door: locked; he picks it. Opens door into
room. There is an Everburning Torch on the far side of the room,
so everyone can see everything. Including the two humans
0. Arrows miss Ulfgar.
1. Kes reserves for being
attacked; Ulfgar charges Human-1 for 34, kills; Artes charges Human-2,
misses; Human-2 switches to shortsword, misses Artes; Ben reserves for
target; Zora charges Human-2, hits for 15; Beri moves into room; Jenna
moves into room.
2. Kes moves into room;
Ulfgar moves, hits Human-2 for 12, kills.
XP running total: 4,075
Search room: two nice looking shortswords, 2 nice looking composite
longbows, 2 quivers of arrows, 2 studded leather armor, 270gp, 6 gems,
scroll, potion, and the Everburning Torch.
Beri looks at the scroll, can't read it. Jenna thinks it holds Lesser Restoration (2nd)
and Resist Elements
(1st). Ben carries.
Ulfgar tries one of the bows: it feels like a stronger pull than an
ordinary would have. Zora pulls, not getting any more out of
it. Beri can't pull it as far as those two can. Same
results with other bow. Zora takes one of the longbows, Beri
takes the other, each takes one quiver. Jenna thinks the potion
is of Bull Strength; Zora carries it. Ben takes the Everburning
Torch. Ulfgar carries the coins and gems. The armor is
stacked in one corner, the bodies in another.
Artes checks door: locked; he picks it. Ulfgar opens door into
room, which has four Ghouls in it.
Beri, Kes, and Artes are affected by the stench and running at
1. Ulfgar charges, hits Ghoul-1 for 12; Ben calls on Pelor and
casts Turn Undead:
they all four turn and run to the back wall, except for Ghoul-1 which
Ulfgar kills with an AoO. Then we kill the rest of them.
XP running total: 4,375
We search the bodies and find nothing. Useful Body Parts (UBP)
Artes listens at door, hears metal clicking. Artes oils the
hinges. Ulfgar tries to open the door, locked: doesn't move.
Artes picks lock, opens door (quietly) into room, which is full of Orcs.
1. Zora enters, hits
Orc-1 for 26, kills, cleaves Orc-2 for 13, kills; Kes shoots Orc-3 for
7, kills; Ulfgar moves, hits Orc-4 for 10, kills; Artes tumbles, sneak
attacks Orc-5 for 17, kills; Jenna moves to stand in doorway; Ben
shoots Orc-6 for 5, kills; Orcs hit Artes for 6, Zora for 6; Beri
moves, shoots Orc-7 for 10, kills.
2. Zora hits Orc-8 for
25, kills; cleaves Orc-9 for 18, kills; Kes shoots Orc-10 for 8, kills;
Ulfgar hits Orc-11 for 10, kills, hits Orc-12 for 7, kills; Artes hits
Orc-13 for 5, kills; Jenna stays in door; Ben shoots, misses; Orcs hit
Artes for 7; Beri stays put.
3. Zora hits Orc-14 for
28, kills, cleaves Orc-15 for 14, kills; Kes moves, shoots, misses;
Ulfgar moves, hits Orc-16 for 9, kills.
XP running total: 4,975
Search bodies: 16 falchions, 16 javelins, 14 out of 16 usable sets of
studded leather, 110gp. Ulfgar takes gold. Stack W&A in
one corner, bodies in another. Artes searches the east,
"interior", wall for secret doors, finds none; checke out ceiling,
doesn't find anything. Jenna casts Cure Moderate Wounds on
Artes for 16; Ben casts Cure
Light Wounds on Zora for 10.
Artes checks door: locked. Picks, opens into room, which has 4
1. Zora hits Zombie-1 for
12; Artes tumbles, hits Zombie-1 for 12; Beri moves; Jenna moves into
sightline, casts Turn
Undead: Zombie-1 flees, Artes AoO for 16; Zora AoO for 14,
Zombie-2 flees, Zombie-3 flees, all three cower along back wall; Kes
shoots Zombie-4 for 3; Zombie-4 charges Zora for 11; Ulfgar hits
Zombie-4 for 10, 9; Ben reserves for target.
2. Zora hits Zombie-4 for
13; Artes tumbles, hits Zombie-4 for 7; Beri watches other door; Jenna
casts Turn Undead
again: Zombie-4 flees, Artes AoO for 2, Ulfgar AoO for 12, Zora AoO for
12, kills. We kill the other three.
XP running total: 6,175 FOURTH
Search bodies: nothing.
Ulfgar opens door: 2 Bugbears.
1. Bugbear-1 hits Ulfgar
for 5; Bugbear-2 hits Ulfgar for 10; Ulfgar hits Bugbear-1 for 13, 11,
kills; Artes tumbles, misses; Kes hangs back; Zora hits Bugbear-2 for
13; Beri stands still; Ben reserves with crossbow; Jenna moves.
2. Bugbear-2 hits Zora
for 9; Ulfgar hits Bugbear-2 for 9, kills.
XP running total: 6,775
Search bodies: 2 sets of full plate armor, 2 light shields, 2 javelins,
2 morningstars, 160pp. Ulfgar carries the platinum; stack the
W&A in one corner, the bodies in another.
Artes searchs the north, interior, wall for secret doors, finds
none. Jenna casts Cure
Moderate Wounds on Ulfgar for 19; Ben casts Cure Moderate Wounds on
Zora for 22.
Go back to room 303. Search south, interior, wall for secret
passages. Find none.
Go back to room 301. Search west, interior, wall for secret
passages. Artes finds a secret door. Listens, hears
nothing. Searches: not locked or trapped.
Artes opens secret door into room with 6 Skeletons.
1. Skeletons all miss; Beri casts Disrupt Undead, misses;
Kes watches our backs; Zora moves, hits Skeleton-1 for 11, kills,
cleaves Skeleton-2 for 11, kills; Artes moves out of the way; Ben casts
Turn Undead: all
remaining crumple into dust.
XP running total: 7,375
Search, find 6 scimitars, stack in corner.
Return to room 307. Door is locked; Artes picks the lock.
Artes opens the door into room with 8 Gnolls.
1. Artes reserves for Ulfgar's action; Ulfgar takes 5' step, hits
Gnoll-1 for 33, kills; hits Gnoll-2 for 10; Artes tumbles, hits Gnoll-2
for 13, kills; Jenna moves into room; Kes shoots Gnoll-3 for 8; Gnolls
hit Artes for 10, Ulfgar for 9, 9; Beri moves to behind Kes; Zora hits
Gnoll-4 for 14, kills, cleaves but misses; Ben shoots Gnoll-5 for 3.
2. Ulfgar hits Gnoll-6 for 12, kills, hits Gnoll-7 for 11, kills;
takes 5' step to flank with Zora; Artes hits Gnoll-8 for 7; Jenna stays
put; Kes shoots Gnoll-3 but misses; Gnolls all miss; Beri stays put;
Zora hits Gnoll-5 for 15, kills, moves to Gnoll-8; Ben reserves.
3. Ulfgar moves to Gnoll-8, hits to subdue for 14, it falls down;
Artes misses; Jenna stays put; Kes shoots Gnoll-3 for 6, kills.
XP running total: 8,575
Search bodies: 7 out of 8 usable sets of leather armor; 7 out of
8 usable heavy steel shields; 8 heavy battleaxes; 8 shortbows; 120
shortbow arrows; 2,000sp; 3 gems. Ulfgar takes gems. Stack
W&A in one corner, bodies in a second, sp in third. Ulfgar
wants to interogate the Gnoll he knocked out. Uncooperatively, it
won't wake up. Jenna examines him, estimates that it will be at
least four-to-six hours before he comes to. Decide to leave him
for now and come back later.
[Editor's Note: since everyone,
including the DM, forgot about Gnoll-8, I'm going to rule that when you
came back, to shift all the W&A, you found that he'd died -
probably of blood loss. Oops.]
Go back to room 301, through the secret door into room 309, and
Find ourselves in a long ?room?. Artes hears faint, faraway
sounds which he nevertheless identifies as the distinctive sound of
repeating crossbows being fired.
0. Crossbow bolts hit
Zora for 7, Beri for 6.
1. Kes moves forward with
light; Artes shoots in general direction, misses; Ulfgar runs 80', sees
nothing. Jenna moves back up the stairs; Zora moves 60';
Ben casts Light on
crossbow bolt, shoots, lights up end of room about 200' away, see what
look kind of like Dwarves but not quite, Zora thinks they're Derro: a
dwarf/human hybred, always evil, typically with poison on their
weapons; Derro hit Artes for 7, plus Strength at -5; Beri casts Shield
on herself.
2. Kes reserves for
Ulfgar and Zora to move; Artes shoots, misses; Ulfgar runs 80', sees
Derro; Jenna hides; Zora runs 80'; Kes runs 120'; Ben casts Cure Moderate Wounds on
Artes for 22; Derro hit Ulfgar for 25; Beri runs 80'.
3. Artes shoots, misses;
Ulfgar charges, hits Derro-1 for 35, kills; Jenna hides; Zora runs 80';
Kes shoots, misses; Ben shoots, misses; Derro hit Ulfgar for 3; Beri
casts Flaming Sphere
at Derro-2 for 15.
4. Artes moves 30';
Ulfgar hits Derro-4 for 16, 14, kills, takes 5' step; Jenna hides; Zora
hits Derro-2 for 26, kills, cleaves Derro-3 for 15; Kes shoots, misses;
Ben moves 20'; Derro hit Ulfgar for 6; Beri - Flaming Sphere on
Derro-3 for 8, kills - moves forward 80'.
5. Artes moves 30';
Ulfgar hits Derro-5 for 15; Jenna moves 30'; Derro hit Zora for 7; Zora
hits Derro-5 for 16, kills; Kes shoots Derro-6 for 8; Ben moves 40';
Derro hit Zora for 11; Beri switches Flaming Sphere to
Derro-6 for 8.
6. Artes moves 30'; Ulfgar hits Derro-6 for 16, kills.
XP running total: 10,175 FIFTH
The poison, from the quarrel which hit Beri in round zero, now affects
her again for Strength at -5.
Search bodies: 6 Dwarven waraxes; 6 very nice sets of scale mail; 6
repeating crossbows; 6 empty repeater packets; 6 full repeater packets;
800sp; 3 gems. Ulfgar carries silver and gems. Beri casts Tenser's Floating Disk,
and the group uses that to transport all the W&A from all the other
rooms into 302.
We hunker down in 302 to spend the night. Jenna casts Cure Moderate Wounds on
Zora for 19; casts Cure
Serious Wounds on Ulfgar for 35. Ben casts Cure Serious Wounds on
Ulfgar for 16. Jenna ministers to Beri and Artes over the
day and night, to help them recover from their negative Strength faster.
Jenna casts Cure Serious
Wounds on Ulfgar for 23.
Plow 5, 5038
Hear something (?somethings?) going upstairs in the next room
(301). Don't investigate.
Over the next forty-five minutes, hear four separate descendings.
Again no investigations, but presumably whoever they were went on
through the secret door and down the stairs.
Jenna casts Lesser
Restoration on Beri, bringing her back to full Strength; Ben
casts Lesser Restoration
on Artes, bringing him back to full Strength.
Go back to the far end of room 401. Bodies are gone.
Open door. Large room, can only see a short ways into it.
1. Ben casts Light on a crossbow
bolt, shoots it towards whatever wall is opposite the door, see
momentary glimpses of space and columns until it hits the far wall;
various people hear movement from left and in front; 4 Vampire Spawn
charge, hitting Zora for 10 plus 1 Negative Energy Level, Artes for 8
plus 1 Negative Energy Level; Ulfgar hits VS-1 for 12, 10; Zora hits
VS-2 for 12; Beri casts Mage
Amor on herself, moves back; Kes yells for the clerics to bless
weapons or water, starts singing, shoots VS-3 for 7; Jenna steps back,
casts Searing Light
on VS-4 for 34, kills; Artes tumbles, flanks VS-2, hits for 4; Ben
casts Magic Circle
Against Evil, centered on himself.
2. Vampire Spawn hit Ulfgar for 17 plus 1 Negative Energy Level;
Ulfgar hits VS-1 for 12, 9; Zora hits VS-2 for 16; Beri casts Flaming Sphere at VS-3
for 9; Kes - Inspire
Courage goes into effect - shoots VS-3 for 6; Jenna casts Turn Undead: VS-2 flees,
Artes AoO on VS-2 for 6; Zora AoO on VS-2 for 20, kills, VS-3 flees;
Artes moves to VS-1, misses; Ben casts Turn Undead: VS-1 flees,
Artes AoO on VS-1 for 6, kills.
3. Ulfgar runs into room 80'; Zora yells, "Someone with light
follow me", runs 80'; Beri moves Flaming Sphere forward
30', moves self 60' forward; Kes runs 120' with light; Jenna runs
60'; Artes moves 80'; Ben moves 80'.
4. Ulfgar moves 80', finds pile of carrion in corner, VS-3
cowering next to it, yells, "Found him"; Zora runs 80' towards Ulfgar;
Beri moves Flaming Sphere
30', drops waterskins, moves self 60'; Kes runs 120'; Jenna runs 60';
Artes moves 60'; Ben moves 60'.
5. The tops of the columns around Ulfgar turn into Gargoyles,
which hit Kes for 13, Zora for 7, Ulfgar for 9; Ulfgar criticals twice
for 50 on Gargoyle-4, kills; Zora hits Gargoyle-3 for 17; Beri casts Magic Missile on
Gargoyle-3 for 10; Kes moves to put her back to the wall and go
total defensive; Jenna moves; Artes moves; Ben moves.
6. VS-3 cowers; Gargoyles hit Kes for 7; Ulfgar charges
Gargoyle-2 for 12; Zora hits Gargoyle-3 for 15; Beri casts Magic Missile on
Gargoyle-3 for 11, kills; Kes is total defensive; Jenna moves; Artes
tumbles and flanks Gargoyle-1 for 15; Ben charges Gargoyle-1,
Gargoyle-2 AoO on Ben for 5, but misses.
7. VS-3 cowers; Gargoyles hits Ulfgar for 2; Ulfgar hits
Gargoyle-2 for 26; Zora hits Gargoyle-1 for 17; Beri moves, shoots at
VS-3, but misses; Kes starts singing again, hits Gargoyle-1 for 6;
Jenna casts Prayer; Artes hits Gargoyle-1 for 11; Ben hits Gargoyle-2
for 5.
8. VS-3 cowers; Gargoyles hit Artes for 5; Ulfgar flanks
Gargoyle-2 and hits for 15, kills; Zora hits Gargoyle-1 for 20,
kills. Beri shoots VS-3 for 5; Kes picks up crossbow; Jenna
shoots VS-3 for 10; Artes hits VS-3 for 8; Ben shoots VS-3 for 11.
9. VS-3 cowers; ULfgar hits VS-3 for 26, kills.
Spawn 2,250 XP running total:
Gargoyles 1,500 XP
running total: 13,925
Everyone with Negative Energy Levels saves and thus sheds them.
Ben heals Kes and Artes and himself to full. We look at the
pillars the Gargoyles were on, there is nothing there. A look in
the pile of bones and skin finds nothing. We search the rest of
the room, find a pile of 1,200gp, Ulfgar carries them, and one
door. Artes listens, hears breathing. Door is not trapped
or locked.
Artes opens the door to a well-lit room with a bloated, two-faced
humanoid inside.
1. Kes reserves for
target; Ulfgar reserves for threatening action; WND charges Ulfgar, who
charges in turn, they crash without either one moving far enough to
gain a charge bonus, WND spits at Ulfgar for 1 acid damage; Ulfgar hits
WND for 15; Kes takes 5' step, shoots, misses; some people notice that
WND has a shriveled hand hanging from his neck by a cord; Jenna casts Dispel Magic against the
hand; Zora hits WND for 16, says, "There are faces on all four sides";
Ben moves to include Zora and Ulfgar in his Magic Circle Against Evil;
Beri moves for sightline and casts Fireball for 19; Artes
tumbles to flank with Zora, misses.
2. WND spits acid at Artes for 1 and doesn't save, Ulfgar
for 1, Zora for 1; Ulfgar hits WND for 35, 14; Kes shoots for 2 plus
poison; Jenna casts Bull
Strength on Ulfgar; Zora targets the cord holding the shriveled
hand, hits and breaks it, hand falls to floor; Ben keeps his Magic Circle Against Evil
in place; Beri casts Fireball
on WND for 18; Artes leaves the room.
3. WND spits acid at Ulfgar for 2; Ulfgar hits WND for 16, 14;
Kes bloopers and drops crossbow, stops singing - Inspire Courage will run
out in round [8]; Jenna casts Shield of Faith on Zora;
Zora hits WND for 13; Ben flanks with Zora, hits WND for 8; Beri sends
Valanthe in to retrieve the hand, Valanthe reaches and grabs the
hand; Artes tumbles into the doorframe (ouch).
4. WND spits acid at Ben for 1; Ulfgar hits WND for 15, 13; Kes picks
up crossbow, starts singing again; Jenna casts Divine Armor on herself;
Zora criticals for 34, kills; Ben moves to door; Beri gets hand from
Valanthe; Artes watches.
5. A Wraith rises out of the putrid mess of WND's body, hits
Ulfgar for 1, 3; Ulfgar hits for 27, which don't seem to really do that
much damage; Kes shoots for 9, which doesn't seem to do any damage;
Jenna casts Turn Undead
and it doesn't flee; Zora hits for 17 but seems to do much less damage;
Ben says, "Only Magic Weapons or really big blows will hurt it",
misses; Beri casts Lightning
Bolt for 18 on WND and Ulfgar; Artes readies shortbow.
6. Wraith misses Ulfgar; Ulfgar gets shortsword out of backpack,
Wraith AoO misses, hits for 8 which doesn't seem to do any damage; Kes
concentrates on singing; Jenna casts Magic Weapon on Zora's
sword: it is now +1 for five minutes; Zora hits for 14; Ben hits for 10
which doesn't seem to do any damage; Beri casts Shield on herself and
moves; Artes reserves for another target.
7. Wraith hits Zora for 1; Ulfgar switches back to his dwarven
waraxe, hits for 24, which does much less damage; Kes sings; Jenna
casts Bless; Zora
hits for 16, kills.
2,250 XP running total: 16,175
2,250 XP running total: 18,425 SIXTH LEVEL
Searching the room, find: 12pp; 1,300gp; 5 gems; shriveled hand;
gloves; ring; bag; scroll case. Scroll case has a puzzle piece inside.
[I thought healing was done, but the
diary doesn't record any.]