February 2, 2008

XP   starting out:   25,480

for roleplaying during previous run:
800 XP   running total:   26,280

Sword 3, 5038


Pushing on.

Sword 6


A giant charges down the road towards us.

0.  Giant hits Artes with great-axe for 18.  It is a Frost Giant.

1.  Ulfgar dismounts, charges, and criticals for 38; Beri casts Fireball for 25; Zora dismounts and charges for 15; Ben advances and casts Shatter on the great-axe, but it saves; Jenna advances and casts Random Action; Kes casts Glitterdust; Artes dismounts, then tumbles to behind Giant; Giant's random action is to drop his great-axe.

2.  Ulfgar hits for 11, 4, 29; Beri casts Magic Missile for 18; Zora hits for 19, 13; Ben shoots and criticals for 5; Jenna reserves for a different target; Kes shoots but misses; Artes misses; Giant's random action is to swing blindly with fist - Ulfgar AoO for 14 - hits Ufgar for 16.

3.  Ulfgar hits for 13, kills.

840 XP   running total:   27,120

Jenna casts Cure Moderate on Artes for ??. 

Searching the body finds:
    1,500 gp
    6 gems
    a dull-grey stone [faintly magic]
    6" circular prism with a handle  [faintly magic]
    necklace of beads [faintly magic]
all placed in bag of holding.

Jenna says the pineal gland can be used for making Enlarge potions; Kes cuts it out.

Jenna casts Detect Magic (see results above). 

Get through the rest of the day.

Jenna casts Cure ??? on Ulfgar for ??? (enough so he'll heal to full HP by morning).

Sword 8


We're approaching a charcoal burner's hut and oven.

1.  Kes reserves for a threat; Artes calls out "Hello"; Ulfgar waits; Charcoal Burner (CB) stands there, leaning on his rake, with his mouth open, staring at our group; Zora waits; Beri calls a greeting; Ben casts Detect Evil, feels like the spell didn't work (!), says, "Everyone please stop"; Jenna stops.

2.  Kes stops, tries Sense Motive on CB but gets nothing, and tells that to group; Artes attempts to disbelieve but it seems normal to him, his Sense Motive also gets nothing, he moves off to the right, then stops; Ulfgar stops; CB doesn't move, but the group is hit with an Ice Storm for 7 impact, 7 cold; Zora runs her horse full out towards CB; Beri moves off to the right and hides behind a tree; Ben calls out, "my Detect Evil finds something strange about him - mark him as a threat", moves 60', shoots, but misses; Jenna casts Searing Light on CB but the spell fails, which she tells the group.

3.  Kes sings Inspire Courage, looks around for another opponent (perhaps someone casting Ice Storm), and moves off to the right; Artes disbelieves again, and this time sees through the illusion, recognizes a Rakshasa, tells that to group and closes to flank with Zora; Ulfgar closes with it; Rakshasa casts a spell - Zora AoO for 17, Ulfgar AoO for 14; Artes AoO critical for 38; Zora hits for 19, miss; Beri moves 60', casts Summon Monster III::Celestial Bison, which charges; Ben casts Spiritual Weapon, but spell fails; Jenna disbelieves in the illusion, moves 40', casts Holy Smite but the spell fails.

4.  Kes moves up, shoots crossbow for 5; Artes hits for 29, but takes 9 HP of fire damage; Ulfgar dismounts, hits for 15; Rakshasa casts spell - Artes AoO critical for 41, Zora AoO for 17, Ulfgar AoO for 15, Bison AoO for 13 - Hell Hound appears behind Artes, breathes: Zora, Ulfgar, and Bison each take 2 HP fire damage; Zora hits for 17, 20; Beri casts Magic Missile on Hell Hound for 15; Bison hits for 15; Ben casts Protection from Evil on himself; Jenna moves 40', shooots Hell Hound for 5.

5.  Kes moves 60', shoots at Hell Hound, misses; Artes hits for 26, knocks unconscious; Ulfgar attempts coup de grace, succeeds, kills, Hell Hound disappears.

1,050 XP   running total:   28,170   EIGHTH LEVEL 

Jenna heals Ulfgar for 21, Kes for 13, Artes for 9; Ben heals Zora for 17.

Searching the body we find:
    seven gems in a pouch
    ring [faint magic]
    smoking jacket (that smells like charcoal)

Jenna says the heart is good for making potions of Spell Resistance +5 that would last 12 hours.

Beri checks the ring, see symbols of humanoid, alternating with a faint version of the same symbol, alternating around the ring.

Everything goes into the bag of holding.

Sword 9

We have a vague feeling that there is not as much wildlife around as there ought to be.  It's quiet ... too quiet.

Sword 10

It's still unusually quiet.

2nd Watch 

Those on watch see a bunch of Vampire Spawn heading our way.

1.  Zora yells "wake up!", hits VS-1 for 16; Artes hears Zora yell, wakes up, stands up; Ulfgar hits VS-2 for 9, 11, 13, kills; Ben hears Zora, wakes up, stands up; Beri casts Daylight on a stone and throws it; VS-1 hits Zora for 5 & one negative energy level; Artes is Charmed and freezes; VS-2 hits Ulfgar for 5 & one negative energy level; Jenna hears Zora, wakes up, stands up; Kes hears Zora, wakes up, stands up, starts singing Inspire Courage.

2.  Zora hits VS-1 for 14, kills, cleaves VS-5 for 21, hits VS-5 for 18, kills; Artes is frozen; Ulfgar hits VS-3 for 13, 11, kills, hits VS-8 for 13; Ben casts Turn Undead, VS-4, VS-6, and VS-7 turn and flee; Beri casts Fireball on VS-10, VS-11, VS-12, VS-13, VS-14, and VS-15 for 32, VS-10, VS-12, VS-13, VS-14, and VS-15 killed; VS-11 hits Zora for 5 & one negative energy level, grapples Zora for -2 CON; Jenna moves 15' and casts Greater Turning, VS-9, VS-11, and VS-16 turn to dust; Kes keeps singing.

3.  Zora charges VS-3 for 20, kills; Artes frozen; Ulfgar hits VS-8 for 12, 9, kills.

We go shake Artes and wake him up.

Zora and Ulfgar recover from their negative energey levels..

Jenna uses wand[6] on Zora for 13.

At the changeover from 2nd to 3rd watch, the three vampire spawn who ran away come back:

4.  Zora reserves for Beri to cast; Artes sleeps; Ulfgar reserves; Ben sleeps; Beri casts Fireball, VS-6 killed; Zora charges VS-7 for 17, kills; Ulfgar charges VS-4 for 14, kills.

1,375 XP   running total:   29,545

Searching the bodies (and piles of dust) we find:
    sixteen pouches with 300gp each (4,800gp total)
    ring [medium magic]
Everything goes into the bag of holding.

Sword 11

Jenna casts Lesser Restoration on Zora to restore her CON.

2nd Watch 

Those on watch see four skeleton-like creatures; Beri thinks they're Mohrgs.

1.  M-1 moves to Zora hits for 7; M-2 moves to Zora, hits for 11; M-3 moves to Ulfgar, hits for 7; M-4 moves to Ulfgar, misses; Zora yells, "Wake up!  Skeleton....thingies", hits M-1 for 21, 17; Artes wakes up and stands up; Beri yells, "Mohrgs", casts Magic Missile on M-2 for 14; Ben sleeps; Kes sleeps; Ulfgar hits M-4 for 11, 11, 13; Jenna wakes up and stands up.

2.  M-1 hits Zora for 11, 7 and paralyzed for 1 minute; M-2 on Zora misses, misses; M-3 hits Ulfgar for 7, misses; M-4 hits Ulfgar for 8, 9; Zora paralyzed; Artes shoots M-2 for 6, 5; Beri casts Fireball on M-1 and M-2 for 44, then moves back; Ben wakes up and stands up; Kes wakes up, stands up, and starts singing Inspire Courage; Ulfgar hits M-4 for 13, 13; Jenna moves towards Zora, casts Greater Turning, to no avail.

3.  M-1 moves to Jenna hits for 11; M-2 moves to Ben, misses; M-3 hits Ulfgar for 7, bloopers and loses a round; M-4 hits Ulfgar for 10, miss; Zora paralyzed; Artes shoots M-2 for 6, miss; Beri casts Fireball on M-3, M-4 for 29; Ben casts Bless; Kes shoots M-1, for 8, 5, kills; Ulfgar hits M-4 for 10, kills, hits M-3 for 7, 11; Jenna casts Searing Light on M-2 for 39, kills.

4.  M-3 hits Ulfgar for 8, 9; Zora paralyzed; Artes shoots M-3 for 6, 5; Beri casts Magic Missile on M-3 for 15; Ben shots M-3 for 9; Kes shoots M-3 for 5; Ulfgar hits M-3 for 12, kills.

1,375 XP   running total:   30,920

Zora becomes unparalyzed after a minute.

Jenna casts Cure Critical on Ulfgar for 38, Cure Moderate on Ulfgar for 22; Ben casts Cure Critical on Zora for 33

Nothing on the bodies.

3rd Watch 

Jenna and Kes each see four Ghasts, but they are not the same four.

1.  Artes sleeps; Kes yells, "we're under attack again!" and shoots G-3 for 8; Ulfgar moves to Ben and wakes him up by picking him up; Jenna casts Turn Undead, G-5 and G-6 run away; Zora hears Kes, wakes up, stands up; Ben casts Turn Undead, G-3 and G-4 run away; Beri wakes up and stands up; G-1 moves 30' towards Kes; G-2 moves 30' towards Kes; -7 moves to Jenna, hits for 5, 1, 4; G-8 moves 30' towards Ulfgar; Beri is overcome by a foul stench (-2 for next ten minutes).

2.  Artes wakes up and stands up; Kes moves back 30', shoots G-2 for 3; Ulfgar charges G-8 for 14; Jenna casts Turn Undead, G-7 and G-8 run away - Ulfgar AoO on G-8 for 12; Zora moves to G-2, hits for 15; Ben casts Turn Undead, G-1 and G-2 run away.

While we are waiting to see if they come back, Kes starts singing Inspire Courage; Beri casts Mage Armor on herself.  About nine miutes later the Ghasts come back.  Jenna and Ben reserve to turn the first two the each see.

3.  Artes waits for Ghasts to engage fighters; Kes continues singing, shoots G-2 for 9, 10; Ulfgar moves up slightly, reserves to engage passing Ghasts; Jenna casts Turn Undead, G-7 and G-8 flee; Zora moves 40' towards Ghasts; Ben moves 15' casts Turn Undead, G-1 and G-2 flee; Beri casts Ice Storm on G-3 and G-4 for 20; the non-fleeing Ghasts move 30' towards us.

4.  Artes bloopers, drops weapon, and falls prone; Kes shoots G-3 for 7, 8, kills; Ulfgar hits G-5 for 14; Jenna casts Searing Light on G-6 for 38; Zora moves to G-4, hits for 17; Ben casts Magic Circle Against Evil and includes everyone except Ulfgar; Beri casts Magic Missile on G-4 for 17, kills; G-6 hits Ulfgar for 3.

5.  Artes stands up, picks up his weapon; Kes moes, shoots G-6 for 6, kills; Ulfgar hits G-5 for 13, 11, 13, kills.

Fourteen minutes later, the other four come back.

6.  Jenna reserves; Zora shoots G-1 for 7, 10; Ben shoots G-2 for 11, kills; Beri casts Ice Storm on G-7 and G-8 for 13, G-8 killed; G1 and G-7 move 30'; Artes shoots G-1 for 5, 2; Kes shoots G-7 for 10, miss; Ulfgar moves to G-7, hits for 14.

7.  Jenna watches for other foes; Zora moves to G-1, hits for 17, kills; Ben shoots G-7 for 5, kills.

1,375 XP   running total:   32,295

Nothing on the bodies.

The rest of the night passes.

Sword 12

1st Watch 

Artes sees two wraiths moving towards us, he yells.

1.  W-2 on Artes misses; W-1 on a sleeping Zora hits for 2; Zora wakes up, stands up, hits W-1 for 13, yells, "the rest of you wake up!"; Artes hits W-2 for 8; Jenna wakes up and stands up; Kes wakes up and stands up; Beri sleeps; Ulfgar sleeps; Ben casts Magic Circle Against Evil.

2.  W-2 moves to Ulfgar - Artes AoO for 7 - hits for 3; W-1 misses Zora; Zora hits W-1 for 20, but feels the blow not connect, for 13 which does connect; Artes hits W-2 for 4, and for 8 which doesn't connect; Jenna casts Greater Turning, both turn to dust.

1,375 XP   running total:   33,670

There is nothing left but the dust.

2nd Watch 

Those on watch see a bunch of Ghouls moving towards us.

1.  Ulfgar goes to Ben, picks him up and points him towards the undead; Artes sleeps; Beri yells, "Ghouls!  Wake up!", and casts Fireball on all of them for 21; Zora moves to Jenna and picks her up; Ben moves 60' and casts Turn Undead, G-10 and G-16 flee; G-4 moves to Ben, misses; G-5 moves to Ben, misses; other Ghouls move towards group - Ben AoO on G-2 but misses; Kes wakes up and stands up; Jenna casts Turn Undead, G-8 and G-11 flee.

2.  Ulfgar moves, hits G-12 for 14; Artes wakes up and stands up; Beri casts Fireball on G-1, G-3, G-5, G-9, G-12, and G-13 for 27, G-3, G-12, and G-13 killed; Zora takes a 5' step and charges G-7 for 14; Ben hits G-15 for 11, miss; G-1 bites Ulfgar for 3, claws Ulfgar for 2; G-7 claws Zora for 3; G-6 claws Zora for 2; Kes shoots G-5 for 3, kills, shoots G-2 for 5; Jenna moves to G-6, hits for 8.

3.  Ulfgar hits G-9 for 9, 11, kills, hits G-1 for 13, kills; Artes shoots G-4 for 5, 4; Beri casts Magic Missile on G-2 for 13, kills; Zora hits G-7 for 13, kills, cleaves G-4 for 14, kills, cleaves G-6 for 17, kills, moves to flank G-15 with Ben; Ben hits G-15 for 9, misses; G-14 misses Ben; G-15 misses Ben; Kes reserves for another target; Jenna charges G-14 for 9.

4.  Ulfgar charges G-15 for 11, kills; Artes goes back to sleep; Beri casts Magic Missile on G-14 for 15, kills.

Seven minutes later, the other four Ghouls come back.

5.  Zora shoots G-10 for 7, 4; Ben shoots G-16 for 11, misses; G-8 charges Ulfgar for 7; G-10 bloopers and bites itself; Kes sleeps; Jenna sleeps.

6.  Ulfgar hits G-16 for 11, kills, hits G-8 for 9, 13, kills; Artes sleeps; Beri watchs for other foes; Zora hits G-11 for 17, 16, kills, cleaves G-10 for 17, kills.

1,025 XP   running total:   34,695

Ben uses one shot on his wand to heal Ulfgar for 12.

3rd Watch 

Jenna sees a Specre.

1.  Spectre moves to Jenna, hits for 6 & two negative energy levels; Kes starts singing Inspire Courage, wakes Ben; Zora sleeps; Ulfgar draws a +1 longsword and moves; Jenna casts Searing Light for 48, yells for everyone to get up; Beri sleeps; Artes wakes up and gets up; Ben wakes up, gets up, recognizes Spectre.

2.  Spectre hits Jenna for 3 & two negative energy levels; Kes keeps singing and hits for 8; Zora sleeps; Ulfgar charges for 15 (no effect); Jenna casts Holy Smite for 25; Beri wakes up, stands up; Artes tumbles towards Spectre; Ben casts Magic Circle Against Evil.

3.  Spectre hits Jenna for 2 & two negative energy levels; Kes hits for 10 (no effect); Zora wakes up, gets up; Ulfgar hits for 15 (no effect), 14; Jenna goes total defensive and backs away; Beri casts Magic Missile for 13, kills.

1,375 XP   running total:   36,070   NINTH LEVEL 

Jenna regains all her levels.

Jenna uses wand[7,8] to heal herself for 13.

Get through the rest of the night.