April 7, 2007
Plow 1, 5038
In the city of Bearsgate. The City Watch approaches Ben to
subcontract the group to do odd jobs for the Watch. Report to Zoe
Sergean. Need a group to guard the East Gate; salarly: 5sp each
per day.
Meet Pierce Ward at East Gate. 10 hour shift. Some stay at
gate, others at guard house. We're here as muscle.
First day all that happens is a cart breaks down that we need to help
Staying at the Inn: Monkey & Dog.
Innkeeper is named Gale Chater;cook is his wife Wilhelmina Chater; maid
is their daughter Corra Chater; dishboy is their son Kendrick (Kenny)
Chater; bartender is their son-in-law Bjom Burle; barmaid is his wife
Petra Burle.
Kes will perform for 4 hours an evening, for 1sp plus tips. Artes
goes to another Inn and practices his abilities to pick up a little
spare change. Ulfgar goes along as unofficial backup. Artes
palms a 1sp from a table quite smoothly. A second try
succeeds, but the patrons are getting suspicious. So the come
back to the Monkey & Dog.
Plow 2, 5038
Back to the East Gate again. Nothing happens. 5 more sp
each. Ben goes to talk with Zoe Sergeat, to see if there is some
way we can be of more help. Zoe says that they're getting
complaints, from one section of the city, that pets are
disappearing. Find out why. Salary still 5sp each per day,
but with a bonus of a percentage of any confiscated booty. Ben checks
with the group, then tells Zoe we'll do it.
Artes goes to the Hall of Records to look for irregular patterns.
Ulfgar goes with him, looks for a map. The staff will not let
him see any of their maps. By the time the hall closes, Artes has
determined the locations of the ledgers he's interested in (property
deeds, court fines). Kes ask Monkey & Dog staff if they've
heard of these disappearances; they have not.
Plow 3, 5038
Go to the area of town where these disturbances are. Seems very
empty. No kids or adults in the streets. But there are
Ben sends Ulfgar and Artes to look around back alleys. Sends Kes
and Jenna to talk to store owners. Ben, Zora, and Beri find
temples and other community leaders. Meet in front of the Dirk
& Buckler Tavern in five hours.
Kes and Jenna find store owners concerned about loss of business.
Rats are still around. Only domestic animals and livestock.
Jenna looks for kids, talks to one of shopkeeper's teenage
daugher. She complains that friends are moving away. Kes
asks if there is anything new in town, but "no". Jenna ask if any shops
are doing better, "no" again. Animals ususally disappear at night.
Beri, Zora, and Ben go to the nearest house of worship, a shrine of
Pelor. Ben asks to speak to head of Shrine, who is an assistant
healer named Francisco. She started getting reports two or three
months ago. She's only heard vague rumors. No signs of foul
play (e.g., blood) or of rituals. No symbols of evil gods.
No newcomers to area.
Ulfgar and Artes go to area where livestock disappeared to search
alleys. Find a well traveled alley. Ulfgar looks for
animal prints. Finds pig prints. Go to houses with pigs in
yard. Man in first house - Glassford Burman - asks if they are
going to restore his pigs. He claims he had seven, but we don't
believe him. His pigs disappeared six weeks ago. Says he's
heard about more recent disappearances to the North and West.
Ulfgar and Artes go Northwest, look for recent tracks. Walk
around, trying to narrow it down to most recent losses. It
appears to be centered on one location, with occurrences more recent as
they go out (in a square). Most recent was a couple days ago.
Everyone gathers at the Dirk & Buckler.
Ben sends Jenna and Kes to talk to the tavern owner. Business has
been horrible. Kes offers to perform as a way of gathering
information. Kes sends a message back to the Monkey and Dog that
she won't be able to perform there tonight.
Ben goes to find a pig for bait. Buys pig for 1gp. Seller
has not had anything stolen. Buys 10' of rope as well.
Ulfgar and Artes try to get a better feel for the pattern of
disappearances. Steadily expanding. Ulfgar asks
people to report anything to the tavern.
Ben leaves pig with Beri and goes with Jenna and Kes to talk to a man
who would not speak to Ulfgar and Artes. He refuses to come out
and talk. Convince him to open door. He thinks people who
left are wimps. He's a stonecarver, mostly carves headstones.
Ulfgar and Artes are fairly confident that, within the perimeter,
whenever an animal is put out after dark, it disappears. Ben
picks an abandoned house to use as a stakeout, and ties the pig up in
its backyard.
Kes performs at the Dirk & Buckler. Zora stays with her.
Artes and Beri (with Volanthe) go to watch the stonecutter. Half
an hour after his lights go out, Artes opens the back gate, goes to the
back door, hears nothing, door is deadbolted. Goes to the front
door and picks the lock, but that door is also deadbolted. Opens
a window, hears nothing, uses piton to hold the window open.
Climbs in through the window. Very cluttered, dirty room.
Goes to the front door, undoes deadbolt. Removes piton and closes
window. Explores, finds kitchen, family room. Opens internal door
from kitchen, finds stairs down. It's quiet. Artes gets out
his Continual Flame
torch, finds workroom. Searches for secret doors and doesn't find
any. Continues looking through house (not bedroom). Artes
leaves the house through the window, after resetting the front door
Kes performed, got tips, but no info, and then goes to the stakeout
house with Zora. Around midnight, Artes, Ulfgar, and Ben see a
gargoyle break the pig's tender and fly away with it. Southeast
in a straight line They race after it. Artes extrapolates
where he thinks the gargoyle is headed. When Ulfgar catches up
with him, the proceed to reconnoiter the house that Artes thinks the
gargoyle flew to. It is deep within the "dead" zone, and appears
to be all boarded up. Artes sneaks up to the door -- double doors
at front of house, sided by boarded-up windows -- listens, hears
nothing. Single story house which can be overlooked by some of
the neighbor's higher houses. Artes goes up onto the roof of a
neighboring house, doesn't see anything notable. Comes down,
climbs to roof of boarded-up house. He exchanges hand signals
with Ulfgar below, then walks the perimeter of the roof. Finds
chimneys in the left rear corner. Comes down. Both go back
to house, leaving markers so they'll be able to find it again tomorrow.
Ben gathers everyone, Ulfgar and Artes report what they've discovered
and deduced. Ben sends everyone to sleep, so that by 9am everyone
will be rested and ready.
Plow 4, 5038
In the morning a local boy is hired to send a message to Zoe, telling
about the gargoyle and the suspected house.
Troop heads to gargoyle's house. Beri casts Mage Armor on
herself. Artes, listens, hears nothing, finds no traps, opens
door. Inside is a foyer with a door at far end, 20' away.
Artes listens, hears nothing, finds no traps, opens door [Editor's Note: ok, that's really boring to
type; consider it to have happened unless stated otherwise].
1. Zora kills Spider-1;
Ulfgar kill Spider-2
[Editor's note: that's all the info
in the diary.]
XP running total: 75
Big room, dropclothes over presumably furniture.
0. Rat-1 misses Kes;
Rat-2 misses Ben; Rat-3 misses Ulfgar; Rat-4 misses Ulfgar; Rat-5
misses Artes; Rat-6 bites Artes for 1.
1. Artes tumbles behind
Rat-4 and sneakattacks for 4; Kes drops crossbow, draws sword, begins
singing Inspire Courage,
misses; Ulfgar criticals on Rat-3, kills; Ben drops crossbow, draws
mace, hits Rat-2 for 8, kills; Beri moves behind other people; Zola
hits Rat-5 for 13, kills; Jenna shoots at Rat-6 but misses; Rat-1
misses Kes; Rat-4 bloopers; Rat-6 bites Zola for 4.
2. Artes misses Rat-4;
Kes's Inspire Courage
begins taking effect, Kes hits Rat-1 for 8, kills; Ulfgar hits Rat-4
for 5, kills; Ben reserves for new enemies; Beri reserves; Zola hits
Rat-6 for 12, kills.
XP running total: 475
Under one tarp is broken furniture; under the other broken musical
instruments. Nothing in rats' nest.
Kitchen. Stirges.
1. Artes tumbles
away; Kes continues singing; Zola jumps to the top of the table,
reserves for a target, says, "Stirges! They suck blood!"
Ulfgar throws axe at Stirge-1 for 9, kills; Stirge-2 attacks Zola,
Zola strikes for 14, kills; Stirge-3 attaches itself to Ulfgar; Beri
stays in the hall; Ben reserves for a target; Jenna goes under the
2. Artes tumbles to flank
Stirge-3, sneak attacks, criticals for 9, kills.
XP running total: 925
Remove the useful parts of the Stirges. Ulfgar carries.
Jenna checks out ovens, finds nothing. Right pantry:
nothing. Left pantry: nothing.
Dining Room. Spider comes out from under table. Zola
goes to spider, hits for 11, kills.
XP running total: 1,225 SECOND LEVEL
Artes seraches the spider's nest, finds 20sp.
We're at the top of the stairs. Artes goes down, turns
left. We follow. Find a bedroom. Artes searches
cabinet. An owl flies out. Ben casts Detect
Magic. Nothing on the owl; no magic in the room. Owl flies
Another bedroom. Four Giant Fire Beetles come out from under the
0. GFB-1 hits Ulfgar for 6;
1. Zola hits GFB-2 for 13,
kills; Ulfgar hits GFB-1 for 12, kills; hits GFB-3 for 9, kills; Beri
moves out into hall; Artes bloopers, loses turn; Kes starts singing,
watches our back; Ben reserves for a target; GFB-4 misses; Jenna moves
into hall to look for owl, doesn't see it.
2. Zola hits GFB-4 for 16,
XP running total: 1,325
Each beetle has two eye-glow glands. Place four in each of two
vials; Ben and Zola carry.
Another bedroom, four rats.
0. Rat-2 bites Artes for 4.
1. Kes shoots Rat-4 for
5,kills; Artes hits Rat-2 for 6, kills; Ulfgar hits Rat-1 for 30,
purees; Zola hits Rat-3 for 13, kills.
XP running total: 1,475
Search cabinet, find 33gp.
Another bedroom (211): four hobgoblins.
0. Hob-3 hits Artes for 6.
1. Artes hits Hob-1 for 12,
kills, moves down hall out of the way; Kes keeps singing, watches
backs; Ulfgar hits Hob-2 for 11, kills, steps 5', hits Hob-4 for 9,
kills; Zola hits Hob-3 for 12, kills.
XP running total: 1,775
On the Hobgoblins, we find: 4 studded leather, 4 light shields, 4
longswords, 4 javelins, 200sp, one scroll. Beri determines that
the scroll has two arcane spells: Invisibility (2nd) and Detect Secret Doors
(1st). We take the silver and the scroll, Beri takes one
longsword, will come back for the rest later. Ben casts Cure Light on Artes for
Another bedroom. Artes opens dresser, small snake comes out,
misses Artes; Ulfgar splatters snake for 27.
XP running total: 1,925
At door of another room, Artes hears the sound of armor inside.
Ulfgar knocks, no response. Ulfgar opens the door: four goblins.
1. Zola hits Goblin-2 for 14,
kills, hits Goblin-1 for 15, kills; Artes
moves to Goblin-3, misses; Kes sings; Goblin-3 hits Artes for 4; Ben
shoots Goblin-4 for 9, kills; Ulfgar moves to Goblin-3, hits for 11,
XP running total: 2,025
Searching the bodies and room, we find 4 leather armors, 4 light
shields, 4 masterwork morningstars, 4 javelins, and 5,000cp.
Jenna takes one morningstar, we leave the rest for later.
Another bedroom. Artes searches dresser, finds 19gp.
Coming around a corner in the hallway, there is a giant
centipede. Ulfgar charges, hits for 21, kills.
XP running total: 2,325
Cut it up and take the useful part(s).
Another bedroom. Artes opens the dresser, a weasel pops out,
doesn't attack anybody. Ulfgar hits it for 12, kills.
XP running total: 2,375
Another bedroom. Artes opens the dresser, finds 21gp.
At top of stairs leading down.