August 24, 2018
Sword 19 - 21, 5040
We spend the rest of Sword 19 sorting treasure. Stay in the hut
overnight; then again on Sword 20 and Sword 21 nights. Ben and
Beari detect which items are magic. Beari spends two eight hour
periods casting Identify on the consensus most important 16 items
(since entering the mound, not just this one treasure trove).
Zora, with untrained help, is skinning the Dragons and
retrieveing such other body parts as will be useful. This all
takes well into Sword 21.
Sword 22, 5040
Go back out to the octagonal room. Open the final (North) door.
We see glowing walls, floor, and ceiling. Vanishing point
is lost in the glow. No shadows.
Pass a picture of a rhino, hear "Save the Unsveldt Unicorns (Magic
We find a pit. Beari disbelieves the masking floor illusion, sees
a pit w/ statues and four other things. Beari fails one of four
saves and becomes a statue. A uses Stone To Flesh dust and turns
Beari back into a human. There are basilisks in the pit, they can
eat statues, they have the confrontational gays. We close eyes
and jump over pit, planning to ignore them and proceed.
F announces that she just went past her brother - that he must be in
the pit. Beari casts Fireball into the pit; Ben casts
Flamestrike; Beari casts anothe Fireball; Z jumps in and finishes them
all off. A collects eyes. F re-fleshes her statue brother.
Elion joins group as F's twin: he has robes and a backpack and is
a Monk.
We continue on. A sees some symbols. Beari casts Read Magic
& uses Spellcraft to identify Symbols: Insanity, Fear, Stun,
Party moves back further and A tries todisable symbols. Disables
Insanity. Disables Discord. Disables Fear. Disables Stun.
Good job A! You're a really great disabler :-) A
marksthe floor so we know where to stop on the way back.
10:00 We find a big deep pit with spikes on the bottom. Beari
casts Mass Fly and we all fly over the pit.
10:01 Arrive at a very large circular room. There are some
Rangers, a Bard, a Barbarian, Fighter, and some Beastie things (4 to be
exact) each standing in an opening on the far side of the room.
Bard says something.
E reserves; F shoots Bard for 43; A moves & shoots; E moves in;
Beari casts Chain Lightning on them all; Fighter and Barbarian move up
to attack; Z flanks Fighter to slike and dice, hits twice; Ben casts
Maximized Flamestrike and kills 1 Ranger.
F moves and shoots at Bard; A attacks Fighter sneaky-style, kills; E
Charging Leaping Kick at Bard, goes through Bard and into passage
behind Bard, sets off Symbol of Death, loses 150 hp and is unconscious;
Ranger shoots at Beari, hits 3 times; Beari casts Delayed Blast
Fireball at Ranger, does damage; Barbarian attacks F, damage; Z attacks
Bugbears, kills one; Bugbears attack Z and A; Ben flies up, casts
Flamestrike on Barbarian; Bard casts a spell, voice comes from
F, 5' step, Shot on the Run at Barbarian; A yells at E, tumbles to
flank Bugbear with Z, stabs; E uses Wholeness of Body to regain hp;
Ranger shoots at F, hits, hits, misses, hits, hits, misses; Beari casts
Fireball on Bugbears; Barbarian attacks Beari; Z kills Bugbear, flies,
attacks Barbarian, hits; Bugbear attacks A, misses; Bugbear moves
towards F; Bard casts, distracts A.
F shoots at Ranger for 42 pts + 11 pts + 12 pts; A does not save, still
distracted; E stands up, uses Dimension Door to get away from Symbols;
M attacks Barbarian; Beari shakes/pokes Ben to wake him up; Barbarian
attacks Z; Z attacks Barbarian, kills; Bugbear attacks Z, hits; Bugbear
charges F, hits, F falls down; Ben flies, attacks Bugbear; Bard
distracts Beari, she sees pretty colors.
F bleeds; A sees pretty colors; E does Running Kick, kills Bugbear;
Beari sees pretty colors, sings Rainbow Song; Z attacks Bugbear, kills;
Ben casts Heal on F, she feels better; Bard - who knows?
F reserves for target; E moves to Ben for healing; A sees pretty
colors; Z subdual on A to wake him up; Ben reserves for party to
gather; Bard - who knows?
F reserves; A wakes up, asks questions; A wakes Beari up; all to Ben;
Ben casts Heal on all.