Adventuring with Ahb
Durggedin the Black Stronghold
2002/05/25 Wealsun 23 - 28, 586
-- meet and join group, first (Tarva) trip to Stronghold
2002/11/16 Richfest 3 - Reaping 1, 586
-- group changes members; mostly fighting Stirges
2003/02/01 Reaping 1 - 6, 586
-- songs; more exploring, a second entrance
2003/04/05 Reaping 7 - 21, 586 -- training; Duergar,
desecrated temple, wisdom draining from Allpy
2003/05/25 Reaping 22 - Goodmouth 14, 586 -- in town:
training; fun with dimwits; Succubus; Water Dragon
2003/07/12 Goodmouth 15 - Harvester 4, 586 -- finish
searching Stronghold; take new job offer
Marikest Keep
2003/08/02 Harvester 4 - 7, 586 -- travel to Marikest
2003/09/27 Harvester 7 - 8, 586 -- recon, then
infiltrate and clear out
(The above runs have not had their diary entries transcribed as yet.
Please refer to the following monthly summaries until they are.)
Reaping, 586
Goodmouth, 586
Harvester, 586
Durzh's Keep
2003/11/15 Harvester 9 - Patchwell 22,
586 -- turn over Keep; Rowan joins; Carrica kidnapping:
elfavator; Carrica leaves
2003/11/16 - 2003/12/19 Patchwell
8 - 22, 586 -- learning about Heart's Reach
2003/12/20 Patchwell 18 - Ready'Reat
8, 586 -- "don't outrun the party"; Stone Reaver Clan
sickness; Durzh's Keep
2003/12/21 - 2004/01/30 Ready'Reat
6 - 13, 586 -- negotiations for Beldwyn to leave party and
take over the Keep
2004/01/31 Ready'Reat 12 - 24, 586
-- Lycanthropy; Giants; rescue Darred & Glendon, who join party
2004/02/01 - 2004/02/27 Ready'Reat
24, 586 -- discussions
2004/02/28 Ready'Reat 24 - Sunsebb 8, 586 -- rescue
children; travel through pass; Blue Dragon
2004/02/29 - 2004/03/05 Sunsebb
8, 586 -- more discussions
Temple(s) of Elemental Evil
2004/03/06 Sunsebb 8, 586 - Fireseek 6,
587 -- training; acolytes Lysette & Neva;
Grey Renderer
2004/03/07 - 2004/04/23 Fireseek
6, 587 -- yet more discussions
2004/04/24 Fireseek 7 - 8, 587
-- find entrance; take out Air Temple
2004/05/31 Fireseek 8 - 9, 587
-- Hydra; Orcs; un-raided Dwarven Temple complex
2004/07/17 Fireseek 9, 587 --
into D'Gran's stronghold
2004/08/21 Fireseek 10 - 11, 587
-- wipe out D'Gran's stronghold; start towards Earth
Temple; Umber Hulks
2004/11/20 Fireseek 11 - 12, 587
-- Digester; Dragon (part one)
2005/01/08 Fireseek 12 - 14, 587
-- Dragon (part two); Rust Monster; Gargoyles; Cloakers;
Blade Spirit; Destrachani
2005/02/26 Fireseek 14, 587
-- Fire Temple: Mephits, guards, smoke room & pit, more
guards; Traveling Gate