First Battle.
1. I think we did pretty will with the initial execution of our plan,
however, we had a few rough spots. Things broke down on the right side
of the battle, with several ogres penetrating our lines and breaking
down the flow of the battle. When this happens, support characters such
as Taizu and Darrod get attacked. Due to the nature of the foes we are
fighting, rounds where 20-30 points of damage get doled out will cause
these characters not to last more than 1 or 2 rounds.
Here is sort of what it looked like:
Giantess Bear
Arvee Tarva
Ogre Ahb Ogre Chief
Thus, the two ogres could damage support, and when Ahb had to retreat
to not get killed, they also had attacks of opportunity. I think
that if we can keep our front:
Arvee Tarva Ahb
Arvee Rowan Ahb
Arvee Tarva Rowan Ahb
(In cases were the front of the battle is large)
Then we can keep the bulk of the baddies away from our support
2. Try to keep magic tactically smart. Glendon placing the Flaming Sphere between
Arvee and the Giant-Dragon kept him from charging.
Second Battle
Honestly, I don't have a lot of complaints about this one. The Stonshape successfully
kept the dragon from bringing all of its attacks. As I mentioned to
Ahb, the fact that it was a touch versus ranges spell surprised me, and
I think I would have changed things, as being Invisible didn't work,
at all, and rather wasted a lot of charges. In this case, we probably
have started inside the lair. Darrod ending his turn in the middle of
the open against a flying creature probably was not great (Always keep
a tree between you and the helicopter type thing). The new singing that
got picked up was great, maybe we want to think about using it on other
characters than Arvee, who already has a butload of hitpoints. Although
it takes a round, maybe it would make a great emergency heal.
I think though, that the second battle will be indicative of what we
are really going to start facing, with really, really high AC (The
dragon had a 27 without its dexterity), magic resistance, and multiple
Ahb, Here are Tarva's thoughts and suggestions:
1. Healing -- Tarva's two slots of Cure Light have already
been used up for today, but she still has her Faith Healing, now for
18 points.
Taizu has a fair amount of healing he can do (I don't have the exact
numbers at my fingertips, will be able to tell you after I finish the
diary transcription).
We have one (1) potion of Cure
Light Wounds left. We also have several kelly green
potions from the giant's lair. But, rather than use those before
getting them lored, Tarva suggests asking Rowan to help out with her
wand. That's assuming that Ahb can't fix everyone up (with a little bit
of help from Taizu and Tarva).
The main point here is that Tarva is expecting Ahb to direct all their
various healing abilities so as to best get everyone back to full
strength again.
2. Searching -- do you have any interest in looking past the
rubble-obscured doorway in the 'treasure room'?
3. Body Parts -- Can you, Ahb, cast the spell Gentle Repose?
Because Tarva thinks this would help us get dragon _parts_ [*] back to where we could sell
them off, without those parts deteriorating (rotting) away to
uselessness in the meantime.
Tarva's a little cautious about suggesting this, because it isn't
anything she knows about personally. Only, back in Albion, it was
a standard technique for adventurers to use: to keep parts of monsters
-- hearts, brains, stamen, roots, hides -- preserved until they could
be sold to an alchemist.
[*] _parts_ because Tarva is sure that an
entire dragon, even one which isn't an adult yet, is too heavy for us
to drag, let alone carry, off to an appropriate town. And of course
Tarva has no idea how the spell would interact with any such
field-dressing: if the spell were cast first, would each cut-apart
section retain the preserved quality? Or should be spell be cast on
each part, separately, after the field-dressing has been done?
Tarva is confident that Ahb, perhaps with a bit of help from Rowan,
will know all this.
4. Identify --
Tarva has no idea how long it will take to properly field dress this
dragon. She will remind Ahb that if it is going to be any
significant amount of time, then Tarva can, if Ahb wants her to, cast Identify to find out a
little more about some of our acquired, known to be magic, but
otherwise unknown items. Currently, Tarva could cast this spell twice in one
day -- but she would be doing nothing else for that entire day, and
possibly would not have one of her spell slots for the next day (but
that's hardly a big concern for someone who is still having to remind
herself that she does now have spells). For each eight hour
casting of Identify,
Tarva can currently find out about three objects.
Tarva knows that Arvee is very anxious to find out what the giant
king's boots do [although she herself suspects they're not Leaping and
Jumping (or whatever the proper name is) but instead are something
appropriate to snow and ice]. The giant king's circlet, bracers,
and brouch; the trophy room blue steel ring and the blue dragon pair of
wands also seem like interesting items.
[I'm sure that if Ahb doesn't know that Tarva has many times more
curiosity than is safe for her, it can only be because Ahb has been way
too busy trying to lead this group to notice. If that is the
case, I'm also sure that Taizu will be delighted to fill Ahb in with
all sorts of examples (non-X-rated, sorry John, sorry Patrick) of
Tarva's curiosity getting her/them into scrapes. Preferably in
Tarva's hearing, of course. However, since we are now fairly sure
that Heart's Reach is the only self-aware magical item on this world
{outside perhaps of some rare artifact nobody has heard of}, even he is
fairly sure that it's safe for Tarva to use the Identify spell.
And what this really means is that Tarva really wants to find out why a
Dragon Skull and a Tusk are magic; and doesn't care much about weapon
or armor details -- but she'll be good and find out about items in
whatever priority order Ahb wants.] [Except the longbow.]
But at any rate Tarva cannot cast any Identify spells today,
as she has already used those slots for healing.
5. "going to the horses" etc. -- At the death of the dragon, it is
9:18:24am on Sunsebb 8. For Taizu's Leomun's Tiny Hut spell
to last until 8am tomorrow, he cannot cast it until 2 this afternoon -
almost five hours from now. Tarva suggests that she and someone
go get the horses and bring them here; and we camp just outside the
lair: so as to discourage anything else from tearing into the body
before we've harvested and preserved the parts we want to take with us
(not that she expects to find too many other predators living within
the same range as a blue dragon...)
Furthermore, she thinks we ought to build a fire...;-)
Glendon has a two person tent that he can use to build a makeshift
drag litter to help carry the gear. All I need is two long
and somewhat straight tree branches and I foldwrap the canvas of the
tent around them. I then tie two smaller branchs at the top and bottom
of the litter for extra support. One end is secured to the
respective stirrups of a saddleled horse and the other end drags
on the ground. Depending on the size of the horse, this
will carry a full szied man plus 100 gold pieces in wieght.
Depending on how many horses we have, we should be able to carry a
great deal because we can also fashion them so two people can drag a
litter. All we need is some long strong sticks, some strong
cloth, (or the giant male shirts maybe?) and we can move a great deal
of material. That's my two bits on moving the gear, loot, and the
dragon bits.
On the dragon skin: It will demand a higher price if we can keep
it in one piece.
Arvee comments:
I think that the boots
should be at the top for several reasons: 1. Arvee, as a pack mule, can
haul as much as the pack mules, and with his strength (20), not really
be too burdened with it.
2. As I asked in the past, is a pony comfortable carrying an unladen
Arvee? According to what Frank sent out, unless that is in addition to
rider, Arvee's pony Barto (It's a lose translation, although Tarva will
be wondering why I have named him after the really strange fork you
find at fancy dinners) at this point will need to spend several years
at the chiropractor.
3. As for the whole carrying off of the dragon, I'm pretty sure we just
took out the top of the food chain of predators in the area, and
therefore we wouldn't have too much trouble defending the cave if we
want to carry it back to town. However, would there be that many people
in town willing to buy dead animal parts (We probably should have
visited the sorcerer that was mentioned to identify and possibly
lighten the load anyway).
Ahb responds to earlier suggestions:
1. Healing - Ahb still has most of her spells left and can
probably bring everybody up to full fairly easily. Would anybody
if I peek at their character sheet to see how many they need?
Then I
can do the rolling and the healing and stuff before Saturday. Or
if you don't want me to look and know what you are down just send
me a
note back. Once I know what the damage is I can figure out best
how to
split up the speels to get the most out of them.
2) Searching - Ahb thinks it might be a good idea to cast
Divination and
make sure whether we are meant to venture further into
this structure or continue on.
3) Ahb can not cast "Gentle Repose". It
is a Necromantic Spell
and we don't do those. Ahb has no knowledge of how to field dress
anything, but does have a decent amount of Alchemical knowledge and
might be able to give some idea as to what parts are the most valuable.
4) Identify -
Ahb doesn't know how long it will take to field
dress a dragon either, but would be happy for Tarva to cast Identify
tomorrow (if we are still here for the day) and find out
some more
about the things we have found. Ahb would want Tarva to
concentrate on
the wands and potions and such before moving on to other items.
If it
turns out all those Kelly Green potions are Healing (Ahb thinks
probably are) that could be very good to know.
5) "Going to the horses" etc - Ahb thinks we could easily
camp inside the cave for the rest of the day. If we close the big
doors to the inner room, we should be relatively safe and we could
probably just bring the horses in here. It seems unlikely to Ahb
anything is going to attack us from outside today/tonight considering
that a dragon has recently been living in here.
Tarva replies:
And (I'm extrapolating) we can wait on the other two colors until we're
in a town.
Tarva thinks that it is a shame that you are now our chief alchemist,
as otherwise it would make a lot more sense for someone else to taste
the potion, with you standing by to help if anything goes wrong. By
comparison, Tarva is a very poor second-place (she is planning to
obtain Delay Poison at her next level, but that won't help now).
But finding thirteen Cure
<some> Wounds that we could distribute around the
characters would help immensly in any upcoming fights, when Ahb can't
get to everyone at once. So Tarva agrees that testing/tasteing
them is worth the risk. (She's just kinda wishing it made sense for her
to take the risk instead of Ahb.)
Tarva isn't used to these 'schools' of magic. There were some on
Albion, but they were structured differently, and besides back then
Tarva didn't have any interest. She would never have
intentionally asked Ahb to do something foreign to Ahb's nature, pleads
ignorance, and hopes Ahb isn't upset.
Darred, Glendon, can either of you cast this?
Rowan, I hope you know something about field dressing. Tarva is so
completely ignorant that she doesn't even know if it's part of the
Wilderness Lore skill, or and entirely separate Craft or Profession.
Ahb understands Tarva's reservations about the whole potion
tasting thing, but won't let Tarva take her place no matter what she
Rowan says, "Arvee let's talk further about melee ve. ranged weapons. I'd like to
come to an agreement as to when
each is most called for."
Arvee responds: I'd think
about it in two different situations.
The first is the slugfest where
we try and keep a front line of
fighters and keep the support
behind us where they are safer. If
Tarva goes melee and we can keep
a hedge between the support and the baddies,
I don't think its a huge problem
for you to start in Missile. But as
the battles get longer, I think
that's when you should get in. Nobody
is going to have a lot of
hitpoints during a five hour slugfest, and at the point where you think you have more hitpoints then
step in to take the heat off. If
the line breaks and bad guys are
attacking the support archers
and casters, then I think you
should step in at that point, trying
to get the bad guys to switch
their attention to you in order to get the
support characters out of
the melee.
The second is what we tend to
do more, which is more a fluid
battle, which sounds much better
than chaos. At this point, it is very
discretional on your part, and I
actually recommend that there is no set
in this point, other than if you
see a support character getting into
melee that you should move to
I would argue that you have the
most versitile (yes, my spelling
sucks) character in battle
because you are equally effective
with the bow and the sword,
giving you both range and close in fighting, plus with the boots you have high maneuvaribility. While
you do a little more damage with
the bow (I think), with the
sword you get a chance to critical
when you roll a 17, 18, 19, or
20 for either double or triple damage.
That's very effective to be this
good with either weapon. For this
reason, I would think it would
be better to start you in the middle of
the front line and the rear
support so that if you can utilize bow and
spells, you do that, but
have the speed with the boots to quickly react on melee and join the front line if necessary (And you
learned battle one that getting
well ahead of the rest of the
front line will get you in trouble).
I think that tactically, you
make fairly sound decisions, and
I don't think you need to change
your style. However, I think
that as the battles go long in
length, that you should not stay in missile
combat. You did great in the
first battle, and you did plenty of damage.
But I think if you would have
stepped in on the ogres in melee that perhaps
Taizu wouldn't have gotten to -9.
So how about these three simple
ideas for when to enter melee: 1. To preserve the line. If we start
to get flanked on a side, step in to hold the line 2. To protect support characters
from melee. 3. After one of the
other melee characters is the primary
target of the creature you are
attacking and you feel that this will
be more effective than the bow
(You do this damn well now)
So here we have 2 different
situations for you, the first
two which are you are going to
get hit a lot (numbers 1 and 2), and
the second, number 2, where
someone else will get hit but the two person
combo will take down the enemy
Arvee tells Tarva (about the above miscount), "It's been happening a
lot lately, I'm thinking of switching to a 1,2,
many, lots sort of counting system.
"That sounds complicated," Tarva replies. "How about a: lots,
lots, lots, lots, lots, ... sort of counting system? That way:
you can never lose your place; even the most complex,
multi-dimensional, differential matrix" (not that Tarva knows what one
of those is) "resolves to the simple answer of 'lots'; in fact, you can
give the answer to any problem as 'lots', and be absolutely correct."
Wow. Hey, Tarva wants one of these, too. Oops,
correct that: Tarva wants lots of these, lots.
"Hey, Taizu, come over here. Ok, now give me one of those
distribution and net worth problems. Um, hum, ... oh, there
are a lot of fractions in that ... give me a second ... ok, the answer
is, 'lots'. Ta, da!
"Arvee, this is wonderful, you'ra a genius, I'm going to write a song
for you.
"What, Taizu? What do you mean 'lots' isn't an acceptable
answer. Not only is it an acceptable answer, it's the correct answer. We've just
proven that. What proof? Why, Arvee here with his plus lots
"No. Leggo. Ow, my hair! Nooo! If I go in the
stream you're g..." splash!