Something else to consider - Ahb can cast Silence which would
it easy to sneak. Also I have been thinking about the possiblity
cast Light on
pebble for each person before the combat then we could
sneak in invisible and all throw our pebbles in the middle when we are
ready - thus creating a small distraction and allowing everybody to
signal their readiness to engage without becoming visible first.
Something else - at 9th level Ahb can cast Plane Shift - which
means if we can find a forked metal rod keyed to Tarva's home world
(probably pretty unlikely) I could send her home. If we link
hands the
spell would work for all of us. Only trouble is - once there we
have to find our own way home.
To which Tarva replies:
Rowan has mentioned to Tarva that she would like a
light pebble.
Hey, Tarva wants to know, Ahb: can you alter the
color of the light on each pebble? Then, based on which color
pebbles appeared, we'd all know who was present and ready, and who
either not ready or not present. [And besides, it would be
Oh! What Fun!
But the first
thing we ought to find, or make, or buy, and which Ahb should then
carry on her person at all times, is a forked metal rod keyed to
Oerth. We should do this even if we never plan to leave
Oerth. That way, if something else were to gate us somewhere, Ahb
could get us home.
[On this, Tarva suspects she has more hands-on
experience than, not only the other group members, but also most of the
inhabitants of the Flanaess. After all, her Aunt Millicent gave
her this amulet for exactly that purpose, with exactly that reasoning:
if one is at all likely to be gating among the planes, then one ought
to prepare one's return trip ahead of time. (The fact that
Heart's Reach has been using the amulet to stay alive, and has thus
made it unusable for that purpose, is completely beside the
point.) And Tarva had been adventuring with her first group for
less than an hour, before a demon gated all of them away from
Albion. And this visit to Oerth is the second time Tarva has left
Feyland involuntarily. So it's not like we'll only need to worry
about returning if we first plan to leave.]
But, beside from that, Tarva thinks this sounds like
fun. [Some while ago Tarva asked Taizu: if 'wanderlust' describes
someone who can't stand to stay in one town; what is the word to
describe someone who can't stand to stay in one plane?] Not that
Tarva's bored with Oerth yet -- there's still a lot more to see,
here. But someday, when she and Taizu are both ready...
Hey: HR is from Albion, he's metal, and if you count
the crossarm he's forked (sorta;-). Maybe he's not just from
Albion but keyed to it. And if not, and he can figure out how to
become keyed; well I'll bet you he'd be quite motivated to get back to
a world where he can talk, and isn't in danger of being squished out of
existence if he doesn't constantly keep his guard up.
So if you want to try...
But first, make sure it's a round trip by getting
this world's key.
Back on the tactics discussion, Taizu says:
Okay, here's the issue. We all would prefer to be bow lenght away and
behind full cover when fighting a Giant. However, at 10 or so points of
damage a shot, the giant would look like a pin cushion before he or she
was "unhappy." When we reach town, Taizu plans to invest in a magic bow
of his own so Tarva can have hers back and all the archer types will
have magic bows.
Despite Arvee's general hatred of invisibility we've done very well
with it. Sure, trying to find equally invisible foes (the quarry with
the Coucil of Wrath - BTW we need to educate the monks on that issue if
we chose to invite them to join and they are inclined to) was just kind
of silly but it did allow Taizu to get into position without the bad
guys knowing he was there. If he hadn't been there to attack the magic
user, neither Tarva or Rowan would be with us.
Ditto on the Keep. If Taizu hadn't gone in invisible, the bad guys
would have waited to a time of thier choosing to get out. I agree a
better exit strategy was needed (also dark vision goggles!) but onve
outside Taizu was able to flank before exposing himself.
So, it does work. There are just details we need to address.
Rowan responds to Tarva's request for language help:
I don't think that Rowan would make a very good
teacher. But if you want to practice what you learn
with her, she'd be happy to help you in that capacity.
Tarva thanks Rowan:
Explaining that she's not looking for a teacher -- she'll find, and pay
for, an instructor when we next hit a town -- she just wants to get a
bit of a head start on the instruction. So 'practice' exactly
describes the help Tarva is looking for.
Taizu tosses in:
Gee, Tarva, we get you hooked on learning and there is no
stopping you. You go girl. Of course, Taizu will help you
learn Elven. He's also in the process of learning dwarvish.
Tarva says, "Does that mean I can skip
differential equations? Or at least complex fractions?"
Tarva tries to compliment Taizu in Dwarvish, and Ahb
winces and says, "No, Tarva, Taizu in no way resembles Delver
dung. Maybe you should just not do any talking in Dwarvish for a
while. Until we've gone over everything Arvee has taught you."
"All right, Ahb," Tarva agrees meekly.
And Taizu laughs. "No, it does not
mean that you get out of math! If you want to learn music you must
learn math. But it was a good try."