Fireseek 9 (briefly continued):  We get through the night.  Tarva finishes her Identify spell about 2am.

Ahb is 10th level!

Fireseek 10:  10:00am  Tarva tells the group that: (a) the horn has only a fading aura and is not magic - whatever powered it either hasn't been renewed, or else was only effective within the limits of the (un)holy portion of the temple.  The fact that the Air Temple cleric used it there, rather than bringing it closer to the enemy (us), suggests the latter.  Tarva leaves it with the rest of the booty, seeing no need (or use) in carrying it around any more).  (b) The longsword is a +2 (and of course may have other powers as well).  Taizu is still carrying it, but is not inclined to investigate it further just now.  (c) The alabaster wand is a Wand of Divine Favor, with 25 shots.  When cast, the castor is +2 to hit and +2 to damage (weapons only, not spells)  for one minute.  As the only person present who can use it, Ahb is carrying the wand.

There is a mild amount of discussion on strategy.  Abeted by some confusion as to what temple we were just in (was it the Earth temple?  but why did the Ogre Mage have a Fire symbol, then?) suggestions include: going the other way around; frontal assault; check out other passages and hope to find another way in; leave; careful frontal assault.  The final decision is to check out the other passageways first, then if necessary do a careful frontal assault.

10:20am  There are two unexplored passages.  The first we pick up again at the foot f the stairs.  Glendon, with his goggles in the dark, is scouting ahead of the group, which has several light stones out.  He goes past a watchpost, deserted, and reaches a door.  Taizu, mapping, thinks this is the other door into the temple; various people recall that it was barred from the inside - thus trying to barge through it would be noisy, time-consuming, obtrusive, and provide plenty of opportunity for a counterattack.  So we go back and take the second passageway.  Again scouting ahead, Glendon comes across a wall-to-wall barricade of tower shields, set edge to edge, with gaps usable as arrow slots.  There is no sign of any actual beings behind the barrier, but when he comes back and tells the rest of the party, the decision is to not bother with it, and instead switch to the careful frontal assault.

We go back to the temple door we'd used yesterday.   Taizu sings Inspire Greatness on Rowan; Tarva sings Inspire Geatness on Arvee.

0: Rowan opens the door; Arvee steps into the doorway (Taizu and Tarva standing just out of sight to the sides of the doorway, Ahb, Darred, and Glendon are a bit further back, hopefully protected by the angle of the passage at that point), and sees, 100' down the main corridor a barricade across the hallway, 6' high, made of dead bodies, from wall to wall, but with a 3' gap in the middle, and the tips of many horns sticking out above the barrier. 

1: Glendon steps to where he has a clear line of sight through the (Arvee-filled) doorway and to the barrier, and casts Flaming Sphere immediately behind the (our) right barricade, for 5 points; Taizu, singing, reserves to stay with Rowan; OgreMage mutters, and a cold, cloying, greasy cloud envelopes all of the party but Darred -- Arvee, Ahb, Rowan, Taizu and Tarva each take 4 hp, Glendon takes 9 hp, feels very ill, and is -2 on everything; Rowan reserves for Arvee getting out of the way; Ahb reserves on Arvee getting out of the way; Tarva, singing, reserves to stay with Arvee; Arvee runs to the first (left) side passageway and ducks in for shelter, but along the way a blast of fire from the lefthand wall hits him for 11; Rowan runs to the same side passageway with Arvee, tumbling past the section of wall which blasted him; Ahb casts True Seeing on herself; Tarva moves to keep up with Arvee, also tumbling past that section of wall, but stays out in the main corridor; Taizu moves forward to the corner of the foyer and the corridor, still close enough to Rowan to keep her covered but not exposing himself; Darred casts Mage Armor on himself, wisely staying outside the cloud; Hill Giant steps out from the right branch of the cross passage, throws a stone at Tarva, but misses; Ahb's spell causes her to see nothing not visible to normal eyes.  Through the gap, all can see that the horns belong to Minotaurs, carrying great axes and wearing studded armor with ToEE symbols (but without any temple affiliation).

2: Glendon's Flaming Sphere does another 10 hp damage, while Glendon runs (without bothering to try and dodge the section wehre Arvee got burnt) into the same side passage; some can hear the OgreMage (not yet seen) mumble something; Arvee activates his boots successfuly, chargers through the barrier gap, takes two hp from the Flaming Sphere, yells "move the damn sphere", hits on Minotaur1 for 19, designates Minotaur2 as his dodge opponent, goes berserk, hits Minotaur1 for 24; Rowan rushes to the left barricade, starts pulling it down, Minotaur3 AoO for 16; Ahb runs all out for 80'; Tarva, singing, moves 60' after Arvee; Taizu, singing, moves 60' after Rowan; Darred moves into the (remnants only) cloud, casts Fireball behind Minotaur5, doing 23 to Minotaur3 - Minotaur8; Hill Giant rumbles, "Kill them all" (Arvee mutters, "Oh, I will..."), and Minotaur1 - through Minotaur8 start foaming at the mouth; Minotaur2 falls down, Arvee AoO for 24; Minotaur1 hits Arvee for 16; Minotaur3 moves to Rowan, Arvee AoO for 24, hits Rowan for 15; Halfling behind Glendon hits him for 22, Glendon loses concentration and the Flaming Sphere winks out; Hill Giant throws a rock at Taizu but misses.

3: Glendon turns around and hits at Halfling but misses; OgreMage comes out of the cross corridor, is seen only by Ahb until he turns visible while hitting at Taizu for 23; Arvee on Minotaur1 hits for 26, kills, cleaves on Minotaur2 for 24, strikes at Minotaur2 but misses, misses; Rowan on Minotaur3 hits for 9,8; Ahb steps 5' and casts Castigate on the OgreMage for 25, and he is deafened for 3 rounds {except I don't think that is how the spell works}; Tarva, singing, tumbles to flank OgreMage with Taizu, tumble fails but OgreMage AoO misses, hits for 15, kills; Taizu, singing, shoots at Minotaur3 and hits for 12, 6; Darred moves 30' and casts Magic Missile on Minotaur3, kills; Halfling criticals on Glendon for 13; Minotaur2 gets up and hits at Rowan, misses; Minotaur4 on Arvee hits for 14; Minotaur5 on Arvee hits for 21; Minotaur6 on Arvee hits for 14; Hill Giant throws rock at Taizu and hits for 15.

4:  Glendon on Halfling hits for 8; Arvee on Minotaur2 hits, kills, cleaves on Minotaur6 for 25, strikes at Minotaur6 for miss, 24; Rowan moves 5' to Minotaur6 and hits for 11, criticals for 20, kills; Ahb casts Harrier and sics it on Hill Giant, which it hits for 4, and moves 20' towards Glendon; Tarva, singing,  switches to her bow, shoots at Minotaur4, misses; Taizu stops singing [Inspire Greatness on Rowan will wear off in round 9] and drinks a potion of Cure Serious for 25; Darred casts Lesser Electric Orb at Halfling, but Halfling dodges, moves in front of Glendon, Halfling AoO on Darred for 7; Halfling strikes at Darred and hits for 6; Minotaur7 to Rowan, Arvee AoO for 24, hits Rowan for 19; Minotaur4 on Arvee hits for 14; Minotaur5 on Arvee hits for 12; Hill Giant on Harrier misses.

5:  Glendon's illness is over, he casts Magic Missile at Halfling for 4; Arvee on Minotaur7 hits for 24, 24, >1, kills, cleaves on Minotaur4 for 24; Rowan on Minotaur8 criticals for 21, hits for 12; Harrier hits Hill Giant for 5, Ahb moves to Glendon, casts Cure Serious for 21; Tarva, singing, on Minotaur8 shoots for 8, misses; Taizu begins singing Inspire Courage, on Minotaur8 shoots for 10, 5; Darred casts Burning Hands, Halfling AoO for 9, Darred loses concentration and the spell, tumbles 5' away; Halfling on Darred misses; Minotaur8 on Rowan hits for 15; Minotaur4 on Arvee hits for 22; Minotaur5 on Arvee hits for 14; Hill Giant on Harrier misses.

6: Glendon casts Magic Missile on Halfling for 10; Taizu and Tarva notice that OgreMage's body has disappeared (damn!); Arvee on Minotaur4 hits for 24, 24, 21, kills, cleaves on Minotaur5 for 23; Rowan on Minotaur8 criticals for 17, kills, moves towards (but not within reach of) Hill Giant; Harrier hits Hill Giant for 5, Ahb moves to Halfling and hits for 10; Tarva stops singing [Inspire Greatness on Arvee will wear off in round 11], shouts, "Ahb, the OgreMage's body just disappeared!", shoots at Minotaur5 for 8, 4; Taizu, stops singing [Inspire Courage takes effect, will wear off in round 11], moves to Arvee, casts Cure Moderate on Arvee, Minotaur5 AoO on Taizu for 12, Taizu keeps concentration, successfully touches Arvee for 23; Darred casts Magic Missile on Halfling, Halfling AoO on Darred misses, for 8; Halfling surrenders; Minotaur5 on Arvee hits for 22; Hill Giant on Harrier misses.

7: Glendon steps back, cocks his crossbow at Halfling; OgreMage becomes visible while hitting Rowan for 20, then disappears again; Arvee hits Minotaur5 for 25, 22, kills, charges Hill Giant and hits for 26; Rowan drinks a Cure Serious for 25, OgreMage becomes visible again taking an AoO on Rowan for 24; Ahb moves 40' towards the OgreMage; Tarva shoots at OgreMage for miss, 10; Taizu casts Sculpt Sound on OgreMage; Darred tries to knock out Halfling, but merely waves his arms over the Halfling's head like a benediction; Halfling does nothing; Hill Giant hits Arvee for 22, 14, Arvee falls unconscious at -9.

8: Glendon guards on Halfling; OgreMage on Rowan criticals for 35, Rowan falls unconscious at -8, OgreMage vanishes again; Arvee stabilizes, does not lose any more; Rowan stabilizes, does not lose any more; Harrier hits Hill Giant for 5; Ahb casts Flame Strike on OgreMage for 19 fire plus 19 divine, OgreMage falls down, but only to Ahb's sight, as it doesn't turn visible; Tarva moves to Rowan, casts Cure Light for 4; Taizu moves to Arvee, Hill Giant AoO for 22, casts Cure Moderate on Arvee for 22; Darred starts to tie Halfling up; Hill Giant on Taizu hits for 21, Taizu falls unconscious at -7, moves 5' and hits at Tarva for 19.

9:  Glendon guards on Halfling; OgreMage gets up and flies down corridor away from us, seen only by Ahb; Arvee drinks a potion of Cure Moderate for 16; Harrier hits Hill Giant for 7, Ahb casts Healing Circle for 17 to Arvee, Taizu, Rowan, Tarva, and herself; Tarva drops her bow and draws HR, tumbles to Hill Giant, hits for 13; Taizu uses wand to cast Invisibility on himself; Darred tying Halfling up; Hill Giant on Tarva hits for 14, criticals for 39.

10:  Glendon guards on Halfling; OgreMage (as seen by Ahb) is at the end of the corridor, drinking a potion; Arvee gets up, flanks Hill Giant with Tarva, hits for 17, kills; Rowan gets up, drinks a Cure Light for 11; Harrier vanishes, Ahb moves to next to Arvee, casts Sword Storm on OgreMage for 18, OgreMage falls down, still seen only by her, "It's 30' in front of me"; Tarva moves 30' towards where she thinks Ahb means, swishes her sword through air; Taizu drinks a potion of Cure Light for 10, gets up, casts See Invisible on himself; Darred (having tied the Halfling up in a mere 12 seconds, a new rodeo record) tells Glendon to leave the Halfling, does a double move towards the rest of the group.

11:  Glendon moves 80' towards the group, pulls out a flask of oil; OgreMage does nothing; Arvee moves to OgreMage, hits for 17; Rowan moves 60', shoots at OgreMage and hits for 13; Ahb administers a coup de grace for 22; Tarva administers another coup de grace and decapitates it; Taizu starts studying the body; Darred starts moving back towards the Halfling.

1,200 ep
Arvee makes 10th level!

Glendon goes with Darred, suggests that Arvee come along also for the usual intimidate-the-witness interrogation.  Rowan guards at the cross corridor; Tarva takes the OgreMage head (so it can't accidentally reattach) and asks outloud if there are any useful body parts in an OgreMage, such as could be used to make potions, then takes the head even further away to go guard the end of the corridor.  Ahb mentally runs through her alchemic knowlege and says that there is a gland at the base of the skull (let's hope Tarva didn't ruin it) that is uweful for flying; and the liver is good for invisibility (both of these we saw [or didn't see;-] as inate abilities of the OgreMage). 

Arvee comes up to the Halfling, swats him and knocks him out.  Taizu strips and searches the OgreMage's clothing, and Ahb then starts working to extract the liver (she took instruction on how to preserve body parts, for just this kind of need).  With the Halfling temporarily out of the way, Arvee, Darred, and Glendon start checking out the rooms down that side hall.  The first is, just as it was yesterday, a storeroom with basic food stuffs.  Around the two right angle bends, Arvee opens the door to the room on the right to a 20'x20' room, with two massive 10'x5' beds, chest, pelt, large wolverine.  Arvee closes the door, says, "It's not asleep," opens the door again, and steps in.

1:  Wolverine hits Arvee for 7, 12; Darred casts Lightning Bolt on Wolverine for 16; Glendon shoots his crossbow at the Wolverine but misses; Arvee hits for 20, criticals for 90, kills.

64 ep.

The chest is locked.  The other room - on the left - is 20'x15' and a jumble of beds.  The three of them search it and find: a flask of oil, a 20' coil of rope, a battle axe, and a longsword.

Ahb takes the head from Tarva, determines that the gland was not damaged, and successfully extracts it.  Darred goes to get Taizu to open the chest.  Glendon goes to help burn the OgreMage body.  Except that pouring oil on the body and setting it afire burns only the oil, not the body.  There is discussion on what to do with the body.  Suggetions which result in it possibly alerting others as to our presence are rejected.  What did we do with it? 

Ahb heals on us a lot; Tarva Faith Heals on Arvee; Rowan uses her wand five times to cure the last few points. 

11:00am  While definately low on spells, we're also fairly sure we won't encounter anything else here of a challanging nature, and it would certainly be better to search everything now, before anything new can move in.  The bunk room is the same as when we left it (except that all the bodies were used in the barricade).  Going down to the cross passage, taking the left arm, its double doors open into a 40'x50' room.  This seems to be a feasting room.  There is a pile of  4" black spheres (someone tells Tarva they're used for torture: heated white hot then strapped into the back of someone's knee, to painfully criple them -- Tarva is appalled / disgusted, and tries to put it out of her mind, immediately forgetting who told her so she won't associate that image with that person).  Along the hallway behind this room is a small, 15'x15' room full of bones.  While everyone else goes on, Taizu stays behind to search it (which means that Tarva stays behind, also).  He finds a small bag with a huge number of items inside.  Especially including many vials of potions, a wand, some scrolls, and a thief's kit.  There are several differnt colors among the potions, but twenty-five of them are the Light Green of a Cure Light Wounds.

 The group finds various other rooms, an armory, and an alchemical lab.  One room has a locked chest, which Taizu is called to.  It has a trap, he finds: a poisoned arrow. Carefully and slowly, he is able to work around and disam it.  There are a lot of silver coins in it (Taizu has Tarva cast Easy Math and estimate them at 1,280 coins), three smokesticks, and a map to what looks like a cave about ten miles from this temple complex.  As our mapper, Taizu keeps that.

noon  Taizu casts Detect Secret Doors and finds a passage, which eventually opens out into the main corridor.  Going into the alchemist room, with sigils on the walls and floor, and a strong smell of incense, Darred opens one of the books there.  With a flashBOOM all the books are destroyed as Darred and Glendon take 19, and nearby Ahb, Tarva, and Taizu take 9.  Another room has a strange head impaled on an upright sphere.  Someone recognizes it as being that of an Umber Hulk.  The 20' wide stone bridge does indeed span to the volcano's central isle/peak, arching over the grey-white water (?) of the caldera.  There are 20' high bird-like statutes at each end of the span, with a 3' long lozenge-shape  ??fire??.

[For a more complete description of D'Gran's GuardKeep, see the maps.  For what we found in each room, see the booty list.]

[As always with interrogations, validation of what I've written is appreciated.]
The Halfling, having been dragged around by Arvee all this time, begins to come to.  He seems much more willing to talk now.  He attacked Glendon because D'Gran told him to stay back there, then backstab whomever he could.  This isn't a temple -- the nearest temple is Air; next nearest is Earth, in the other direction.  That's where the nearest exits to the outside are, also.  D'Gran guarded the bridge for the Masters.  Master DoomDreamers, in the Fane: he's never seen them.  Otherwise, he confirms our guesses as to who lived in which room (D'Gran lived in the room full of bones).   The Umber Hulk's head was a prized possession of D'Gran: he'd killed it in single combat and was quite proud of that fact. From when her True Seeing spell was active, Ahb knows that the Halfling isn't evil, and tells Taizu this when he asks.  Since Ahb had placed Taizu in charge of all decisions regarding prisoners, Taizu declares that we'll give him back his armor and scimitar, toss in a week's rations, and send him on his way (but not let him stay inside).  While Taizu and Glendon finish searching rooms and bodies, Arvee and Darred escort Halfling to the Air Temple front door, and send him out with his chain and scimitar restored, plus a week's supply of provisions.  

Ahb announces that rather than sleep back in Dwarf Haven (as we're certainly not doing any more exploring today), and possibly coming back to here to find that it's acquired new inhabitants, we will spend the night here, instead.  Treasure will be moved back to the care of the Acolytes, however.  All the (potential) booty is gathered together and Glendon casts Detect Magic on it to discover what is and isn't.  All of the non-magical weapons that aren't magical are taken into the armory, other non-magical items are mostly abandoned (except coins and high-value appearing items).  Tarva also has a couple of better looking bows kept aside and taken back to Dwarf Haven. 

2:00pm  Tarva asks Ahb it she'd like Tarva to cast Identify again "tonight", and Ahb thinks this is a good idea.  Tarva suggests checking out the cloak from the Air Temple fighter, the gloves from D'Gran (the OgreMage), and a pair of slippers found on one of the bodies in the barricade.  Ahb thinks that is a good choice.  Tarva would like to start earlier, today, and thus not have to throw off the group's schedule tomorrow - which means she won't be available to help with all the back-and-forth to Dwarf Haven.  This also is fine with Ahb.

Before she starts casting her spell, Tarva is also asked by Ahb to distribut the 25 new Cure Light potions in the best way.  Based on what each person still has unused, Tarva distributes most of them, then gives one extra to each of Darred and Glendon, as being the people who didn't have their own healing means: Ahb, Taizu, and Tarva have healing spells, and Tarva and Rowan have wands with shots of healing (and Arvee claims that Cure Light does too little to help him, to be worth drinking in combat).  Thus the numbers distributed are:
          Ahb          2
          Arvee       4
          Darred     3
          Glendon   4
          Rowan     6
          Taizu        3
          Tarva       3

Taizu takes the wand he found, under the suspicion that it is the same Shatter wand used against Heart's Reach yesterday (boistered by the jagged tracery on the wand itself), and goes into the armory to try using his Spellcraft to figure out how to activate it.  He succeeds, shattering one of the normal swords there.

During the transfer of treasure back to Dwarf Haven, the acolytes cast Cures on everyone to bring them back to full health. 

4:00  Taizu has suggested that Tarva use the armory for casting her spell, because it only has one entrance and will be easy to defend.  Tarva casts Identify on the three items.  Eight hours later, at midnight, she knows that:
    the cloak is a Cloak of Resistance: Saving Throws +1
    the gloves are Gauntlets of Ogre Power: Strength +2
    and the slippers are Slippers of Spider Climbing

Fireseek 11:  Outside, the smaller moon Luna will be full tonight.  Tarva tells everyone what she's learned about the items.  By considered consensus: the gauntlets go to Rowan, as our second-best fighter (and because Arvee's already has some); the slippers are carried by Ahb (who would prefer to wear more protective footwear most of the time); and everyone joins in to convince Tarva that she should take the cloak (a surprise to her, and she is very touched by the respect it implies).

Taizu casts Detect Secret Door again, and checks out those parts of the GuardKeep he wasn't able to check yesterday.  He finds no additional hidden compartments, etc. 

Rowan wants to know more about the monster who's head was on the spear.  She's heard a little about Umber Hulks, but if we're likely to run into them, she'd appreciate knowing everything anyone in the group knows, as well.  As some of us don't know anything about them, that applies even more for us.  Pooling their information, those in the know tell us that Umber Hulks live underground, they can "go through rock like cheese", move about 20' a round, look like huge beetles, are a lot brighter than they look.  That's not much to go on, but certainly more than Tarva knew before.

9:00am  We're leaving by the tunnel at the far end of the corridor from where we came into D'Gran's GuardKeep.  Glendon is once again scouting ahead.  Very soon he comes across a 60' diameter circular room, with a 10' diameter circular pit, 6' deep, in the center.  The pit has obviously been used as a trash dump and midden.   Shortly thereafter he comes to a larger cave, filled with several types of fungus, some up to 3' or 4' high.  Within sight are two openings along the right-hand side.  Glendon comes back and tells this to us, asks Ahb's permission to carry her back to the cavern, to see if she can identify the various fungi, and whether or not they're safe.  Glendon, with Ahb on his shoulders, and accompanied by Arvee go ahead, while those of us with light stones stay further away.  As Ahb, wearing Glendon's goggles, is saying that she doesn't recognize some of the species...

0:  UmberHulk1 charges Gelndon, hits for 13; Glendon bolts, 
UmberHulk1 AoO for 11; Arvee says, "It's an UmberHulk, put Ahb down."; Glendon puts Ahb down, takes his goggles back.

1:  Rowan runs up; Taizu runs up; Ahb releases her light stone necklace, runs towards Arvee;
UmberHulk1 hits Arvee for 12, 13, 14; Glendon runs back to UmberHulk1, strikes, misses; Darred runs up; Tarva runs up; Arvee turns and strikes at Ahb (!) for 18, miss.

2:  Rowan drops her sword, takes her bow, shoots at
UmberHulk1 for 6; Taizu casts Daze on Arvee, to no effect; Ahb on UmberHulk1 misses; UmberHulk1 on Ahb misses, misses; Glendon on UmberHulk1 misses; Darred casts Hypnotic Pattern, then yells, "If they don't move, don't hit them!", Tarva starts singing Inspire Courage, changes to bow; Arvee does nothing.

3:  Rowan picks up her sword, switches to it, and moves near
UmberHulk1; Taizu reserves for attacking UmberHulk1 if it moves; Ahb reservers for UmberHulk1; Glendon backs a step, reserves for UmberHulk1; Darred shouts out several rounds worth of advide and commands; Tarva keeps singing, Inspire Courage takes effect, reserves for UmberHulk1; Arvee does nothing.

4:  Rowan reserves; Taizu moves to beside
UmberHulk1, changes to sword; Ahb reserves; Glendon reserves; Darred concentrates on his spell; Tarva switches back to HR, moves up to UmberHulk1; Arvee does nothing.

5:  Rowan on
UmberHulk1 hits for 15, criticals for 29; Taizu on UmberHulk1 hits for 13, criticals for 20, kills.

As Darred keeps his spell going, and Tarva keeps singing, the others start discusing how to release Arvee.  Glendon hears a noise, in the closest passageway, and tells everyone.

0:  Taizu reserves for a target; Ahb moves to Rowan; Darred concentrates on his spell; Tarva continues singing, reserves for a target; Roawn switches to her bow; Glendon casts Grease in front of the closest passageway, gets out a wand of Web; Arvee does nothing.

1:  Taizu is listening to pinpoint the noise better; a hole opens up under Tarva, she falls 10' and takes 6 hp, stops singing [Inspire Courage will run out at round 6];
UmberHulk2 hits Tarva for 12; Ahb to the edge of the hole, jumps in, takes 1 hp, on UmberHulk2 criticals for 31; Darred concentrates on spell; Tarva on UmberHulk2 hits for 8, miss; Rowan moves to edge of hole; Glendon blindfolds himself (turns his goggles backwards), jumps in the hole (no damage), on UmberHulk2 miss.

2:  Taizu moves to hole, casts Daze into the side passage where
UmberHulk2 is , no effect; UmberHulk2 on Tarva hits for 10, on Ahb hits for 10, on Glendon misses; Ahb does nothing (!); Darred concentrates on spell; Tarva sees what Glendon has done, shuts her eyes and uses her Blind Fight feat (or not) on UmberHulk2 miss, miss; Rowan reserves for target; Glendon on UmberHulk2 miss.

3:  Taizu tosses a tanglefoot bag into the shaft; Rowan
on UmberHulk2 (now a target thanks to the tanglefoot bag) criticals for 26, hits for 9; UmberHulk2 on Tarva hits for 7, miss; Ahb on Glendon (!) hits for 12, miss; Darred concentrates on spell; UmberHulk2 backs up, Tarva AoO for 10, Glendon AoO for 7, kills.

342 ep
Tarva made 10th level!

Taizu lowers a rope to Glendon.  Tarva sings Fascinate on Ahb, but fails when attempting to piggyback a Suggestion, for Ahb to sit down and talk about Pelor, on top of it.  However, Ahb does nothing for the three rounds that the Fascinate is in effect.  During that time Glendon climbs out, then holds the rope for Taizu to go down.  As Tarva's Fascinate runs out, Taizu sings his own Fascinate at Ahb, but also fails to piggyback a Suggestion to her.  Tarva climbs out.  Nine rounds later, when Taizu's Fascinate runs out, Ahb is back to normal.  Ahb changes to her slippers and Spider Climbs out, while Taizu uses the rope (now held by Tarva).  Encouraged by Ahb's recovery, Darred releases Arvee from the Hypnotic Pattern.  He also is no longer confused. 

Hit points down:
Ahb        --  18,  1, 10  =  29
Arvee     --  12, 13, 14  =  39
Darred    --  none 
Glendon  --  13, 11, 12  =  36
Rowan    --  none
Taizu       --  none
Tarva      --   6, 12, 10,  7 = 35