Grammar Police


(revised 1997)


CHAPTER  1  --  Sentences

CHAPTER  2  --  Puns

CHAPTER  3  --  Citations

CHAPTER  4  --  Judicial Guidelines

CHAPTER  5  --  Footnotes

CHAPTER  6  --  Footnotes

CHAPTER  11  --  Spelling

CHAPTER  77  --  Emoticons

CHAPTER  87  --  Subject Lines

CHAPTER  518  --  Footnote Emoticons

CHAPTER 612  --  Subject Line Footnotes

CHAPTER  613  --  Subject Line Emoticons

CHAPTER  4923  --  Combining Quotes and Parenthenses

CHAPTER  1  --  Sentences

Section 1, Article 1, Paragraph 1:
A sentence shall consist of a subject, a verb, and an object.

Section 1, Article 3, Paragraph 1:
The subject, verb, or object may be implied, rather than explicitly stated.  

Section 1, Article 3, Paragraph 2:
’Get in the carriage!' has an implied subject of 'You'.   

Section 1, Article 3, Paragraph 3:
'Jason was starving when he came across the half-empty box of candy.  He ate.' has an implied object of 'them' or 'the candies'.

Section 1, Article 3, Paragraph 4:
'This sentence no verb.' has an implied verb of 'has'.

CHAPTER  2  --  Puns

Section 27, Article 9, Paragraph 1:
The number of points awarded for the first use of a pun shall be 16.

Section 27, Article 9, Paragraph 2:
Each subsequent use of that pun shall result in an additional bonus of 16 points, provided that there is no overlap between the audience for this use of the pun, and the audiences for any previous use of the same pun.

Section 27, Article 9, Paragraph 3:
If there is an overlap between the current audience and any previous audiences, the points awarded are decreased in an inverse geometric scale.  That is, if any current audience member has heard the pun once before, the points awarded are one-half the original; twice before, one-fourth the original; three times before, one-eighth the original; four times before, one-sixteenth the original.

Section 27, Article 9, Paragraph 4:
If any audience member has heard the pun five or more times previously, no points are awarded for this current use of it.

Section 27, Article 9, Paragraph 14:
The intentional use of a multi-layered pun results in an additional bonus of the number of points for the original pun times the number of layers.

Section 27, Article 9, Paragraph 15:
The intentional use of a pun, coupled with any unintentional multi-layering, results in an additional bonus equal to the number of multi-layers.

Section 27, Article 9, Paragraph 16:
In cases where the discoverer of the unintentional multi-layering is made by the creator of the original pun, the additional bonus shall be the number of points for the original pun times one less than the number of layers.

CHAPTER  3  --  Citations

Section 6, Article 13, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of twenty-five grammar points is earned for the first occurrence of a citing of ones original work.

Section 6, Article 13, Paragraph 2:
An additional syntax credit of five grammar points is earned for each additional citation of the same original text, /except/ in the case where the citing is being done by the original author, in which case no additional syntax credits are accrued.

CHAPTER  4  --  Judicial Guidelines

Section 2, Article 5, Paragraph 3:
Judges are instructed to take a demonstration of contrition and remorse, over an instance of illegal syntax, into consideration when imposing a fine.  As a guideline, the otherwise standard penalty should be reduced by at least half.

CHAPTER  5  --  Footnotes

Section 2, Article 1, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of six grammar points can be earned through the use of an appropriate reference, in a later footnote, to an earlier footnote in the same missive.

Section 2, Article 4, Paragraph 1:
When the distance between a footnote flag, and its associated footnote, is non-artifically enlongated to an abnormally long separation, a syntax credit of one grammar point will be awarded for each inch of vertical separation beyond an established reasonable normal maximum separation.

Section 2, Article 4, Paragraph 2:
The reasonable normal maximum separation, between a footnote flag and its associated footnote, is established to be six vertical inches.

Section 3, Article 14, Paragraph 8:
Syntax credits shall be rewarded for the use of multiple footnotes, in a quantity increasing with the number of footnotes, according to the formula: 'summation from 1 to N-1, where N is the number of multiple footnotes'.  For example, with four footnotes, N would be 4, N-1 would be 3, and the summation would be 1+2+3 or 6.

Section 6, Article 3, Paragraph 2:  
Three syntax credits shall be awarded for the appropriate placement of a footnote anchor point as a stand-alone object.

Section 8, Article 1, Paragraph 1:
The presence of a footnote without an associated anchor point within the main text shall result in a penalty of 13 syntax debits.

Section 8, Article 1, Paragraph 2:
In addition to the above, the presence of a footnote without an associated anchor point within the main text shall also result in a twenty-four hour period during which the writer shall be referred to as "<appropriate honorific> Pot".

Section 8, Article 2, Paragraph 1:
The  presence of a footnote mark, without an actual associated footnote shall result in a penalty of 8 syntax debits.

Section 8, Article 2, Paragraph 2:
In addition to the above, the presence of a footnote mark, without an actual associated footnote shall also result in a twenty-four hour period during which the writer shall be referred to as "<appropriate honorific> Kettle".

CHAPTER  6  --  Footnotes

Section 31, Article 14, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of one grammar point per cascade level can be earned through the usage of footnotes in response to footnotes.
[There is a currently-ongoing lawsuit whose purpose is to determine whether or not the initial footnote is included in the cascade count.  Thus you are assured of at least one point, but will have to wait upon the court decision to find out whether that is all you have earned, or if instead you have earned two points.  (I apologize on behalf of the legislatures who were so sloppy in their tax code writing.) ]

Section 31, Article 14, Paragraph 4:
A syntax credit of three grammar points can be earned through the simultaneous usage of footnotes and parenthetic phrases, but only if (different) parenthetic phrases appear in both the main text and in the footnote.

CHAPTER  11  --  Spelling

Section 8, Article 1, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of two grammar points can be earned by creating a new portmanteau word.

Section 8, Article 1, Paragraph 2:
A syntax credit of eight grammar points can be earned through the definition of a portmanteau word by identifying the two underlying source words.

Section 8, Article 1, Paragraph 3:
The originator of the portmanteau word, and the definer of the portmanteau word, do not need to be the same person.

Section 9, Article 17, Paragraph 1:
When a word is considered to be misspelt only because it does not match the primary, and commonly accepted definitive spelling, but does match a (minor or major) variant, then this is not to be construed as a misspelling.  However, five of the seven judges, in a majority opinion, believe that the word should be "corrected" to the definitive spelling.  The first time that this condition is recognized, the difference between the definitive word, and the variant actually used, shall be kabalistically used to determine the number of points to be rewarded.

CHAPTER  77  --  Emoticons

Section 3, Article 1, Paragraph 1:  
A syntax credit of eight grammar points can be earned for a missive whose entire body -- excluding salutations, signatures, etc. -- consists of only a single appropriate emoticon.

Section 3, Article 1, Paragraph 2:  
The appropriateness of an emoticon employed for the purpose of the Chapter 77, Section 3, Article 1, Paragraph 1 shall be entirely up to the decision of the recipient of the missive.

Section 3, Article 2, Paragraph 1:  
A response missive to a missive whose entire body was a single emoticon (i.e., a missive in compliance with all the paragraphs of Chapter 77, Section 3, Article 1) which in turn is also a single appropriate emoticon, will gain the writer of the response a syntax credit of six grammar points.

Section 3, Article 2, Paragraph 2:  
Any subsequent reply to previous missives, of any depth, each level of which is a single emoticon (in compliance with all other Articles and Paragraphs of Chapter 77, Section 3), will earn each writer of each such reply a syntax credit of four grammar points.
Section 25, Article 7, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of sixteen grammar points can be earned through the first use (invention) of a new emoticon.

Section 25, Article 7, Paragraph 2:
Subsequent uses by the inventor are worth zero grammar points.

Section 25, Article 7, Paragraph 3:
Subsequent uses by other writers earn royalties for the inventor of one grammar point per use.

Section 25, Article 7, Paragraph 4:  
Inspiration for a new emoticon will entitle the inspirer to 1/3 of teh grammar points otherwise earned by the inventor.

Section 25, Article 7, Paragraph 5:  
Initial use by an inspirer earns a royalty for the inventor of one grammar point.

Section 25, Article 7, Paragraph 6:  
Subsequent uses by the inspirer are worth zero grammar points.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 1:
Minor variations ('variant') on existing emoticons are worth four grammar points each for the initial user.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 2:
Subsequent uses of the variant by its inventor are worth zero grammar points.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 3:
Subsequent uses of the variant by other writers earn royalties for the inventor of the original emoticon of 1/2 grammar point per use.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4:
A minor variation from an existing emoticon shall be a change in a single character, such that both the original and the changed character fall in the same typographical group.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4, Clause 1:
Alphabetic Group shall be the letters A to Z, both capital and lower case.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4, Clause 2:
Numeric Group shall be the digits 0 through 9.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4, Clause 3:
Bracket Group shall be '(', '[', '{', '<', ')', ']', '}', and '>'.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4, Clause 4:
Punctuation Group shall be ',', ';', ':', '.', '!', and '?'.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4, Clause 5:
Accent Group shall be ''', '"', '`', '~', '_', '-', and '^'.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4, Clause 6:
Partition Group shall be '/', '\', '|'. and '&'.

Section 25, Article 8, Paragraph 4, Clause 7:
Symbol Group shall be '@', '#', '$', '%', '*', '+', and '='.

CHAPTER  87  --  Subject Lines

Section 12, Article 3, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of eight grammar points can be earned through the use of a Subject Line dictionary look-up which results with the validation of a successful spelling, except under the conditions outlined in Chapter 87, Section 12, Article 3, Paragraph 2.

Section 12, Article 3, Paragraph 2:
The frivolous lookup of common words, resulting in a trivial validation of successful spelling, is deemed a "foul", and results in the loss of sixteen grammar points. The Judges' ruling, on whether or not a particular word is frivolous, is final.

Section 12, Article 3, Paragraph 3:
A syntax credit of two grammar points can be earned through the use of a Subject Line dictionary look-up which results in the correction of an unsuccessful spelling.

CHAPTER  518  --  Footnote Emoticons

Section 12, Article 3, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of nine grammar points can be earned through being the first person to have the entire contents of a footnote taken up by a single emoticon.

Section 12, Article 3, Paragraph 2:
A syntax credit of four grammar points per emoticon can be earned through being the first person to have the entire contents of a footnote taken up by multiple, non-repeating emoticons; provided that all such emoticons apply meaningfully to the footnoted text.

CHAPTER 612  --  Subject Line Footnotes

Section 1, Article 1, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of five grammer points can be earned through the use of a Footnote, anchored in the Subject Line, and referenced in the text of the missive.

Section 2, Article 1, Paragraph 1:
All other Footnote rules, as per Chapters 5 & 6, shall apply to Footnotes in the Subject Line.

Section 6, Article 1, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of twenty-five grammar points shall be earned through the use of a Footnote, anchored in the text of the missive, and referenced in the Subject Line.

Section 6, Article 1, Paragraph 2:
The presence of the Footnote reference in the Subject Line must make sense within the context of both the Missive as a whole and of its Subject Line.

CHAPTER  613  --  Subject Line Emoticons

Section 3, Article 7, Paragraph 1:
A syntax credit of seventeen grammar points can be earned through the first-time use, within a specific paired correspondence, of an emoticon in the subject line.

Section 3, Article 7, Paragraph 2:
A syntax credit of three grammar points can be earned through the first-time use, by each side of a specific paired correspondence, of an emoticon in the subject line.

Section 3, Article 7, Paragraph 3:
No syntax credits will be given for an emoticon in the subject line, when its presence there is merely the result of a reply to an earlier missive.

Section 3, Article 7, Paragraph 4:
The credits of Chapter 613, Section 3, Article 7, Paragraph 1, and Chapter 613, Section 3, Article 7, Paragraph 2, are cumulative.

Section 3, Article 7, Paragraph 5:
A one-time syntax credit of five grammar points can be earned for the first use, within a specific paired correspondence, of a footnoted emoticon in a subject line.

CHAPTER  4923  --  Combining Quotes and Parenthenses

Section 1, Article 1, Paragraph 13:
A syntax credit of thirteen grammar points can be earned through the use of quotes within parentheses.  A syntax credit of fifteen grammar points can be earned through the use of parentheses within quotes. However, if more than two instances of these constructs appear within any one document, the credits from the excess instances can only be used to offset penalty grammar points incurred elsewhere within that same document.