Mom in front of her Chapel Hill college dorm

Mom's roommate Carolyn in front of their college dorm

Carolyn and her boyfriend Blair

Mom and ??? double-dating with Carolyn and Blair

Mom taking a selfie to generate a Christmas Card

A framed copy of their wedding invitation.

The picture of Mom that sat on Dad's desk at work.

National Association of Social Workers diploma

American Orthopsychiatric Association Fellowship

Board Certified diploma in Clinical Social Work

Volunteer of the Year Award
Attached to the back:
"Virginia has had a long-term commitment in advocacy for children and youth.  She has had the courage to disagree and stand up for what she believes.  She works for 'win-win' situations in the Council and was always available this year to assist in any way when called upon.
"I first met Virginia Coleman 15 years ago when she was willing to see a student who had been brutally raped and needed to be seen immediately.  The local mental health center had her on a waiting list and at the most would see her once a week.  Virginia ageed to see her right away, twice a week, pro bono.  Since that time I have observed Virginia go the extra mile, over and over and over.  She is always willing to help and always looking at new ideas, such as going to Hawaii to see Healthy Start first hand.  Equally uplifting to me is her ever-present smile.  Virginia epitomozes how I hope to age -- creatively, with an open mind, willing heart, and a lot of grace."

Plaque of Recognition from Healthy Start

Appreciation from Child and Family Services

Phil Grossfield was the owner of Moonstone Bookcellars, Art & Frank's favorite bookstore.  One year he sent Mom a birthday present with this bookmark.

Obituary in The Oak Ridger