PLYNCK's Undead-Infested Specific
anti-Undead Religious-based Skills
[Eventually, these skills will be added into the regular Plynck Skill
Given how heavily infested with Undead Plynck is, the various religions would have come up with ways to make their clerics more effective in combating them.
There has been no corresponding effort to research and develope skills for controlling Undead: there is such an abundance that nobody - who might have been so inclined - has seen any "need" for them to sacrifice their time in that manner.
NAME: Undead Hater
MIN STATS: Charisma 14
PREREQS: Cleric level 4 or Paladin level 6
SKILL MODS: Additional 4 Turn Undeads per day
TIME: 3 months
COST: 125.00; or 500.00 if at temple of another deity
DESCRIPTION: Similar to the Extra Turning feat. Does stack with that
feat. But does not stack with itself (can only be learned once).
NAME: Undead Turner
MIN STATS: Charisma 15
PREREQS: Cleric level 6 or Paladin level 8; Undead Hater
SKILL MODS: see Description
TIME: 4 months
COST: 200.00; or 750.00 if at temple of another deity
DESCRIPTION: When rolling to see how many HD of undead can be turned (or
dusted), roll 3d6 instead of the normal 2d6. Does stack with Undead
Duster. Does not stack with itself (can only be learned once).
NAME: Undead Duster
MIN STATS: Charisma 16
PREREQS: Cleric level 8 or Paladin Level 10; Undead Hater; Undead Turner
SKILL MODS: see description
TIME: 5 months
COST: 250.00; or 1,000.00 if at temple of another deity
DESCRIPTION: When rolling to see how many HD of undead can be turned (or
dusted), count Cleric -- or Paldin's Effective Cleric -- Level as 1.5
times her actual level. Use this modifier also for checking against the
undeads' HD to determine whether they are turned or dusted. Does not
stack with itself (can only be learned once).
NAME: Undead Bane
MIN STATS: Charisma 17
PREREQS: Cleric level 10 or Paladin Level 12; Undead Hater; Undead Turner; Undead Duster
SKILL MODS: see description
TIME: 6 months
COST: 300.00; or 1,500.00 if at temple of another deity
DESCRIPTION: When rolling to see what the highest HD of undead can be
turned, use _twice_ the cleric's normal CHA mod. Does not stack with
itself (can only be learned once).
NAME: Undead Scholar
MIN STATS: Charisma 14; Intelligence 12
SKILL MODS: Knowledge::Religion +2 RANKS (rather than bonus)
TIME: 6 months
COST: 50.00; or 250.00 if at temple of another deity
DESCRIPTION: If a Cleric (or Paldin) has five or more ranks in
Knowledge::Religion, then they receive a bonus +2 when rolling to see
what will be the highest HD of Undead they can affect. If the Cleric
(or Paladin) also has this skill, then that bonus is doubled to +4.
Does not stack with itself (can only be learned once).