Fun Run on May 9, 2009; John Webster DM
While we're standing around, there's this sudden, strange, unworldly --
perhaps even otherworldly -- sorta- -vibration / -shiver through
everyone and everything. Eevra and Taizu each give a kinda
nervous start, thereby shaking off a thin coating of rock dust: and the
two of them are back with us. Taizu is completely well, but Eevra
needs some healing, which is provided.
So, we've got the second staff, and now need to head back to the statue
chamber and follow the inscribed directions. Darred assertains
that the central upwards shaft is a dead end: no way to get out through
it. That means we need to go back through the mazes. The
only fully known (walked -- or sometimes run) path between here and the
entryway has at least one Fear
Symbol. Trying to avoid that, we
speculate that a longer walk down the acid fumes filled corridor
_might_ avoid other traps. But just in case we do cross any Fear
Symbols, we decide to rope ourselves together into two groups of four
(counting Shea, of course). The hope being that if only one
member of tied-together group fails, their panicked run will be aborted
by the other three.
This works well until the first group is in the acid fume corridor, and
suddenly Taizu, second in line, finds that the rope between him and
Tarva (leading) has gone slack. Intelligently concluding that
this indicates another Teleport trap, that group backs out of the acid
fumes and stops the other group from going in. Since avoiding
that Teleport trap would be impossible, they decide to go over the
known Fear Symbol instead. Taizu and Shea both fail. Rowan and
Glendon have a fairly easy time grapeling Taizu and tying him up.
Darred and Eevra have to be somewhat more brutal and subdue Shea.
Shea is too heavy to carry, but Eevra can drag her; while Rowan
and Glendon frogmarch Taizu between them.
They get back to the bladed corridor trap. Not knowing how to
disarm it, or even how to avoid the trigger, they all just run through:
accepting that taking damage is the price to get out. Meanwhile,
Tarva had been teleported to a spot which she recognizes - thanks to
the chalk marks Darred had made earlier. Even though she knows
that one direction will let her rejoin where she left the group, she
decides to (cautiously) proceed in the other direction - in hopes that
it will lead more quickly to the entrance. And indeed she joins
up with the group again just after they pass through the bladed
corridor trap. Much healing ensues.
Side notes on artifacts:
"flying saddle" is actually a 4' wide triangular shaped flying carpet,
with stirrups to help keep the rider in place.
"helm" detects magic, protects versus gaze attacks, and provides a +4
bonus versus enchantment
Back in the statue chamber, Darred checks out the two sarcophagi,
looking for any triggers or openings. Tarva asks Taizu and Rowan
to check the walls of the room for secret doors. Nobody finds
anything. Tarva comments that she would like to find the chamber
where the Golden Gynosphinx -- the one the murals depict as helping
Khubsheth defeat Queen Ahgharat; and later as being sealed up in this
tomb -- is waiting, and enlisting her as an ally for our final
encounter with the Queen. Rowan cautions that Tarva may be way
over-optimistic: that if the Golden Gynosphinx has been entombed here
for several millenia, then she's not likely to still be sane.
Everyone positions themselves, then Taizu and
Eylissandra carefully and simultaneously lay the two staffs into the
sitting statue's two upturned hands. Nothing happens. Tarva
activates her shield's Blinding property, aiming it at the Queen
statue's head. Again nothing happens. Eylissandra casts
Light on the statue's head.
Beams of light spring out from the
crown, strike and bounce off the two staffs, and hit several gems along
the sarcophagi. Both of their lids raise. Nothing is inside
them. On the underside of the lid of the West (gynosphinx)
sarcophagus, there is writing in Sphinx. Tarva tries really hard
and manages to read the entire enscription:
To defeat Queen Angharat,
your enemy
You must first defeat your greatest advisary
Taizu comments that in all the Bardic tales and legends, going back
forever, "your greatest advisary" was always "yourself".
Tarva asks for some experiments. Eylissandra and Taizu remove the
staffs from the statue's hands. Both lids slam down.
Putting the staffs back causes them both to raise again.
The same effects ensue when removing and replacing just one
staff. Tarva asks for a volunteer: she and Darred are going to
get into the sarcophagi, let the others remove a staff, let the lids
close, wait three rounds, then put the staff back. And then
Darred and Tarva could announce if they saw anything from inside.
Darred and Tarva simultaneously (or almost) get into the two
sarcophagi, the lids to both immediately close -- without anyone
touching the staffs. After a round, the East
lid rises again, to show an empty sarcophagus: no Darred. Three
rounds later one staff is removed and Tarva is happy to get out of the
very close space she'd been in. No Darred means some sort of
teleport -- which presumably we're all going to need to go through.
But it seems that only one of the two sarcophagi actually does
that. Eylissandra offers to go next, and gets into the East.
Nothing happens. ?Perhaps someone has to be in the West, in
order for the East to work? [If so, that's going to make it
awkward for the last person.] Tarva gets back into West.
Both lids close. A round later the East lid raises, with no
Eylissandra inside; and playing with the staff is used to open the
West. While
Tarva stays in place, Shea hops into East. Both lids close.
One round later the West lid raises to show that Tarva is
gone. Staffs are used to raise East, and let Shea out.
The people who are still there debate about what to do. If both
sarcophagi have to have bodies in them, before they'll close and
transport one person, then not only will the last person not be able to
leave this room, they'll also be trapped in a very small, dark, closed,
airless space with no way to even escape into the larger room.
That seems very bad. They decide to wait and hope that the
others will somehow get back to here. Ten minutes go by.
Meanwhile, Darred has appeared on a 3' tall platform, on a dais reached
by four curving wall-to-wall steps, at one end of a 100' long, 60' wide
room. There are two rows of columns between the dais and the far
wall, which has a 20' high by 20' wide pair of stone doors, with
writing on them. Darred is initially facing a 4' diameter crystal
sphere, which is (from the viewpoint of the stone doors) behind the
platform. One round later an anti-Darred steps out of the crystal
and proceeds to try to kill Darred. Not being prepared for this,
it takes Darred a bit of time to recover -- and by then Anti-Darred has
cast Feeblemind on Real-Darred.
Real-Darred fails to save against this, and now has an
Intelligence of 1. As such Real-Darred cannot speak or understand
speech, let alone cast spells, use wands, or even come up with clever
ways to fight his advisary. Just as a precaution, Anti-Darred
casts Improved Invisibility on
himself, before proceeding with his plan to kill Real-Darred.
Before that can be completed, Eylissandra appears, shortly followed by
an Anti-Eylissandra. Neither of the druids have much left in the
way of combative spells; which is just as well as Real-Eylissandra has
figured out that the visible Darred is the real one, and that there's
an invisible one around trying to kill him. Accordingly most of
her time is being spent on keeping Real-Darred from becoming completely
dead (as opposed to the -x HP knocked down condition he's being
reduced to almost every round).
Several rounds later Tarva appears, sees the two Eylissandras and the
one Darred. Not knowing who is whom, she tries to interrupt one
melee (which it will later turn out was between Real-Darred and
Anti-Elyissandra), also casting Detect
Evil to try and figure out who is whom -- but nobody is Evil, so
that doesn't help. Anti-Tarva appears, but pauses to first buff
herself up with Aid (as Tarva
herself has been given to doing before encounters). Before
Anti-Tarva can do anything else, Real-Tarva sings a Fascination at her, which will give
Real-Tarva five rounds to study the situation before having to be
concerned again about self-survival.
An unseen voice mutters, and people can see a streak of fire from an
empty point in the side wall, and then a Fireball
bursts and affects the Real-Darred and Anti-Eylissandra.
Real-Elyissandra springs in, uses a wand to heal Real-Darred back
above 0 HP, and springs away again. That's enough of a clue for
Real-Tarva to figure out which character is which. Real-Tarva
moves closer to the stone doors and reads the runes (in Sphinx), which
Behind lies the Queen's Tomb
Enter and visit Evil's Womb
While Real-Eylissandra avoids the attacks from Anti-Eylissandra
--including creating a Dinosaur Stampede
-- and simultaneously keeps Real-Darred from finally succumbing to
Anti-Darred's attacks, Real-Tarva moves back towards the dais,
platform, and sphere, carefully sheathing HR and not making any
threatening or aggressive motions, while she keeps the Fascination on
Anti-Tarva going. When the time on that is about to run out,
Real-Tarva has the sphere between her and Anti-Tarva and can't be seen:
upon which Real-Tarva draws HR and strikes the crystal sphere;
shattering it. Immediately all three Anti-characters disappear.
And immediately after that, Fireballs
begin to stream out from a spot
halfway up the wall over the stone doors. Tarva tries to cast
Glitterdust on the supposedly
invisible creature there, but only
highlights the wall itself. Avoiding the still present dinosaurs,
Tarva moves to the wall and starts climbing it. Darred, luckily
also avoiding the dinosaurs, goes to the stone doors and tries to open
them. Discovering that they're locked, he next tries to pick the
lock, but with very little success. Eylissandra changes into an
eagle and flies along the wall. When Tarva is about 30' up, the
head of a Golden Gynosphinx pokes through the wall and breathes on her,
also knocking her down to the floor. With that as a hint,
Eylissandra disbelieves in the wall, and instead sees that it is
illusionary and that there is an alcove extending above the (real)
stone door. In the alcove is a Golden Gynosphinx with draconic
hindquarters. Tarva yells up to the Gynosphinx, in Draconic: "As
you helped
Khubsheth to defeat and capture Queen Angharat, please now help us to
destroy her and her evil." Darred, un-self-aware that he is
spouting gibberish, does not understand why nobody is responding to his
reasonable requests for help with these uncooperative doors.
Eylissandra lands and turns back to a half-elf. Seeing how
frustrated Darred appears, Eylissandra uses her Stone Shape spell to disengage the
hinges from the wall for the stone door on the left.
Tarva climbs again and reaches the alcove; she repeats her
earlier statement in Common.
The Golden Gynosphinx bullrushes Trava, knocking her back out of the
alcove again, and then flies out into the room. Eylissandra and
Tarva are not very effective at fighting it (and Darred is singularly
Meanwhile, back in the other room, the ten minutes have passed.
Taizu and Eevra help the others to proceed through the
sarcophagi. When it is only the two of them left, they try
various workarounds: putting an inanimate object into one sarcophagus
(doesn't work). Summoning a monster and having it get in one
sarcophagus (also doesn't work). Finally, with a sense of
resignation and a lot of hope, they both get into the sarcophagi
themselves. The lids close. One round later one lid opens
to show that Eevra has been transported. At the end of a second
round the other lid also opens, to show that Taizu is also gone.
[With all the adventurers gone, one might ask just whom
is it that these sarcophaci are being shown to, as being empty.
ahead, the answer is that Queen Angharat possesses Clairaudience and Clairvoyance, as inate abilities, and
has been keeping a very close watch on all the adventurers, ever since
entered the tomb.]
The other members of the party appear in the room, one by one; are
appraised of the situation, and move to help with the fight against the
Golden Gynosphinx. Glendon notices that Tarva is looking very
hurt and moves to her to give her some healing. Eevra flies up to
fight the sphinx in the air.
After a couple of blows she powerknocks him off of the carpet and
he falls to the floor. Luckily he is still in command of the
carpet and can verbally command it to come down to him. Rowan
peppers the sphinx with arrows, and other people also add their
Finally she falters, falls, and lies dying. Just before she
expires, the light of madness leaves her eyes, and she begs of those
nearest to finish the deed we've started: and destroy the Evil Sphinx
Queen and her Crown.
Rowan doesn't quite tell Tarva, "told you so"; but Tarva does
acknowledge to Rowan that Rowan's prediction was right.
Tarva wants the group to spend the night here, and recover HP and
spells, before venturing any further. We check the alcove and
find nothing, so that seems a better place to spend the "night".
Searching the Golden Gynosphinx's body, we find:
Necklace with six beads:
moderate Evocation
moderate protection
Stone, suspended from her chest: low transmutation
From what we saw, we conclude that the Necklace's beads are fireball
seeds. Eevra will wear it, so as to have some magic he can wield
further away than the tip of his scythe. The other two items go
into a bag for later identification.
We do a lot of healing on Darred, Rowan, Eevra, and Tarva. Nobody
has any good ideas for how to heal Darred's feeblemindedness.
We're going to bring him with us, of course; but we worry that
he's going to be most useful as catapult fodder until we can get him
back to a temple.
The next morning we get all prepared. Taizu casts Improved Invisibility on Rowan, Blur on Glendon, and Displacement on Eevra and himself.
Tarva casts Aid on
everyone, and Blur on herself.
We position ourselves such that Eevra is ready to charge through,
Rowan is ready to shoot, and Tarva casts Detect
Evil in advance. We open the (previously de-hinged) door,
and discover a Symbol of Death.
Darred succombs and dies. Ouch. There is nothing we
can do for him here. Eylissandra collects a small body part.
Pragmatically, we borrow some of Darred's more important
possessions, to use in the upcoming fight:
Shatter Wand -- Tarva
Cloak of Bat -- Taizu
Wand of ?Illusion? -- Taizu
Wand of Fireballs -- Eylissandra
Wand of Hypnotic Pattern -- Glendon
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 -- Eevra (replacing his personal +1 one)
Taizu uses his spell of Detect
Secret Doors, and finds that there is one, centered behind the
platform at the other end of the room. Tarva looks at the stone
door enscription again, then smacks her head: "Behind", which she'd
taken to mean "beyond these doors", clearly is intended as a
double-meaning with the 'real' interpretation being behind the reader.
Taizu says that the secret door is unlocked, but that it is definately
set up to activate a trap when opened -- subtly different from the door
being itself trapped. Suspecting another Symbol, and hoping that
the artifact Helmet will give her some additional protection, Tarva
suggests that she open the door. Everyone else gathers just over
60' away -- so that if it is a Symbol, they won't be affected with
Tarva -- and she opens the door. To find a Symbol of Fear on the floor. Tarva saves
against its effect; which means that it can't reset for as long as she
stays within 60'. Everyone else comes past her, through the
door, and into a 60' corridor. Tarva reminds everyone that, if
the opportunity presents itself, she will try to Fascinate the Evil
Queen. Rowan, in true BFF style, cautions Tarva about hubris: to
not think that Tarva can charm anyone and everyone with her singing.
After Rowan's being right about the Golden Gynosphinx, Tarva
takes this advice to heart.
Once again we line up with archers at the ready, then Taizu and
Eylissandra open the double doors. Into a large, circular, dark
room. Tarva asks Eylissandra to cast Light onto one of Rowan's arrows, and
for Rowan to shoot it across the room. In flight we see that the
roof is flat and about 40' up,; there are columns on both sides of the
arrow's path, and at the far end is a platform with a shrouds-wrapped
sphinx-shaped body on top of it, plus lots of treasure around it.
With a reminder to everyone of the Statue Chamber engraved
warning against taking treasure, Tarva runs across the floor to the
front of the platform. Triggering in the process three different
unseen Symbols as she crosses over them: Sleep
(affecting none of us); Death
(this time everyone saves); and Stunning
(everyone saves).
Rowan, Glendon, Eylissandra and Shea, Eevar, and Taizu all enter the
room and spread apart. Glendon triggers another Symbol, but
everyone saves. Suddenly darker shadows come through the floor
and ceiling, touch some of the group, and disappear through the ceiling
or floor, in the same direction they'd started from. Those
touched feel their Strength ebbing out of them. Tarva recognizes
them as being Shadows, and in particular Sphinx-shaped Greater Shadows:
their touch drains Strength; they're incoporeal, thus non-magical
weapons cannot hurt them at all, and ordinary magic weapons and spells
have only a 50% chance of actually connecting with them and doing
damage. Rowan remembers that the artifact flaming sword she is
holding has the Ghost Touch ability, and thus can always hit incoporeal
Some of us hear a mumbling from the ceiling, and suddenly Rowan is
visible. [*] Glendon casts a Glitterdust
spell at where he heard the voice, but only outlines a section of the
ceiling. Taizu, who unknowningly was very close to Rowan, moves
to her and casts Displacement on
[*] Evil Sphinx Queen Angharat possesses Clairaudience
and Clairvoyance as inate
abilities. She can also See
Invisible. So she was aware that the group's preparations
had included Taizu's casting Improved
Invisibility on Rowan, and had been able to follow where Rowan
was, despite her being invisible. Then, to help her Greater
Shadows soften up her enemies better, she cast Dispel Magic at the Improved Invisibility on Rowan.
All of us reserve for the Shadows to appear again, so as to have some
sort of chance to hit at them. Tarva and Eevra jump up on the
platform with the mummified sphinx body. The Shadows do come
back, and some of us manage to hit some of them. Rowan in
particular is quite effective; destroying the one that came at her (and
thereafter it was noticable that all the other Shadows stayed away from
her). Two shadows attack Eevra and Tarva on the platform; Eevra
kills his, but Tarva is vastly weakened by hers. Eylissandra
casts Flame Strike on Tarva's,
incidentally setting the mummy's shrouds on fire. Something about
that doesn't look right to Tarva, and that doubt causes the illusion to
be stripped away: the mummy and all the treasure disappear, leaving
only a bare platform. Tarva shouts this information to everyone
else; but most are too busy to pay attention. Eevra, right beside
her, is convinced that she's been smoking something. To prove her
point, Tarva walks across the platform - seemingly through the
mummified body. Now Eevra gets it, and shouts out that "she's
The last of the Greater Shadows are killed off, but before we can worry
about how we're going to recover from these Strength drains, we hear
more muttering from the ceiling. Something small and vague-shaped
(to most of us) -- a Phantasmal Killer
-- flies out of the ceiling at Rowan. Whatever it looks like to
Rowan, it is
straight out of her personal nightmares. She doesn't save to
disbelieve in it, and it flies into her body. Rowan does make her
Fortitude save, and thus doesn't die from Fear, but does still take 3d6
Tarva, remembering another seemingly solid surface through which spells
were cast, and also aglow from a seemingly unsuccessful Glitterdust
spell, only one room away from here, wonders if this ceiling is perhaps
not as real as it looks. She fires an arrow through the middle of
the Glitterdust glow -- and her
arrow disappears through the ceiling.
This breaks the illusion for her, and she warns everyone else
that the ceiling is an illusion, and that just above it is the hovering
Evil Queen Sphinx. The first 40' of the room, counting from the
door we came in through, has a ledge across it at 40' up, but Angharat,
in order to cast her spells at Rowan, is over the center of the room.
She is wearing a black crown with gems in it; and a neck torque.
Eevra decides that since Tarva was right about the mummy being an
illusion, she's probably right again, so he easily also disbelieves in
the ceiling, sees Angharat, and takes his carpet up to fight her.
Only suddenly there are five of her, as she casts Mirror Image on herself. Then,
deciding that Rowan is her biggest worry, she dives at Rowan.
Angharat's hovering so close to the floor is raising huge clouds
of dust, making it impossible to see anything from more than a few feet
away. Eevra, Eylissandra, Tarva, and Glendon converge on the spot
anyway -- hoping to get close enough to see and do some damage.
Except for Glendon, who is used to Blind Fighting, and goes into
the dust cloud with his other senses extended and ready. Tarva,
unfortunately, crosses over another Symbol of Fear as she rushes in. Everyone
except Taizu saves, but Taizu runs in panic away from the Symbol.
Once out of the dust cloud he can see the corridor we came down
and runs through it, eventually ending up at the far end of the
neighboring chamber.
Angharat casts Charm on Rowan,
who does not save; and Angharat tells her, in Common, to "Protect me
from your friends." She then flies away, with her much
diminished in number (because of the people who have "successfully" hit
them) Mirror Images. Tarva, having heard what Angharat said to
Rowan, moves close enough for Rowan to see her, and starts to sing: Fascinating Rowan so she won't attack
the rest of us. At the other end of the chamber, Eevra,
Eylissandra, and Glendon are in melee with the Queen, mostly reducing
the number of Images. As the dust cloud around Rowan settles, and
the new one rises, Tarva moves further away from Rowan, and then tries
shooting arrows into the new dust cloud (almost all of them miss).
Despite her strong Damage Reduction and Fast Healing abilities, the
Queen is actually being affected by some of the strikes that hit her,
so she produces a new set of Mirror
Images. Tarva's Fascination
runs out - but it has lasted
long enough to give Rowan a chance to fight against the Charm spell,
and this time she makes her save. She charges Angharat, causing
enough damage to cause the Queen to abandon her dust cloud and rise up
to about 30'. Tarva sings Inspire
Greatness at Eevra as he takes his carpet up again. Even
with no cloud in the way, Tarva only has a very small chance of
shooting the Queen or one of her images, but she still tries.
Eylissandra casts Stone Shaping,
Greater, and creates a ramp --
30' high, 40' long, 1' wide -- that raises her up to where Angharat is.
Glendon runs to the bottom of the ramp and up to its top, then
onto the back of the sphinx!
Worried, Tarva calls out to Eevra to come down to her and get some
healing. She then sings Inspire
Greatness at Rowan. Angharat moves away from Eylissandra's
ramp, and decides to try again to take Rowan out, swooping for a pounce
attack with a bite and all four paws. Glendon manages to stay on
the Queen's back while she does this. Eylissandra runs down her
ramp and moves to attack the Queen. And Eevra flies to Tarva so
she can Lay On Hands to give him
more hit points.
Eevra flies to where Rowan is (temporarily) single-handedly fighting
the Queen. Angharat makes a Disarm Attempt and Eevra is chagrined
to find that his scythe is now down on the floor. As the Queen
returns her attention to Rowan, Eevra pulls off one of the Necklace
beads and throws it, hurting himself and the Queen with a ten-die Fireball, and also destroying her last
Mirror Image. Tarva moves to behind Rowan, accepting a swipe from
Queen Angharat in passing, and uses Lay
Hands to give Rowan more hit points also.
With a Disarm Attempt, Angharat knocks the relic flaming longsword out
of Rowan's hand. Rowan draws her own longsword and continues to
attack. The
next round Tarva darts over to where the relic flaming longsword has
fallen, and moves in to attack with it also. Annoyed, and
beginning to feel somewhat hurt, the Queen once again takes to the air.
Glendon falls off. Eevra follows the Queen, and Rowan
switches back to her bow and pumps several criticals into the sphinx.
Angharat's body falls to the floor. Immediately tremors shake the
chamber. The center of the room opens into a vortex of sand,
extending further down, 20' across, and growing. The (real, much
higher) ceiling begins to shake apart and drop blocks on us. The
Queen's crown falls off of her head and performs the obligatory death
rattle spinning on the floor. Several people notice that the
corridor doesn't seem to be experiencing any of the destructive effects
we're seeing here, shout warnings to the rest of us, and dash for it.
Tarva stops to pick up the crown (she has, after all been Geased to destroy not only the Queen,
but also her crown). Rowan, with the sphinx right in front of
her, manages to rip off the torque and carry it off also. Glendon
announces that he is going to retrieve Darred's body. Tarva
shouts ahead to ask Eevra to help get Taizu subdued and escorted to
wherever we find that might be safe. By the time we get out, the
sand vortex has grown to 60' across, and we're all taking damage from
the falling stones.
However, the corridor remains stable and safe, as does the neighboring
chamber. We wait out the destruction next door. When it is
all finished, there is a deep rift extending down from the surface to
where we are. In later years (we somehow know) it will become a
tourist attraction and people will come from all over to look at what
will be called Angharat's Last Breath. More immediately, we are
able to climb up the roughly 1,000 feet to the surface, and make our
way back to civilization.