Fun Run on April 18, 2009; John Webster DM
Since the right hand path proved trappish (slippery, not monks), Tarva
decides to go leftward this time. The rope gets spliced / tied
together where the gargoyle sliced through it. Tarva jumps to the
first disk, then to the next disk to the left, where she encounters no
problem. Then to the central platform, which immediately starts
to tilt under her weight. With balancing and moving towards the
center, she manages to stay on. Grabbing the sculpture
surrounding the staff causes it to drift apart into many, many floating
daggers, some of which strike her before they reform the lattice.
Telling everyone what she'd doing at each step, Tarva reaches
through the lattice and grabs the staff. Again, the lattice
disolves into daggers, and several hit her; but also the platform
tilts again and she almost falls off, barely managing to hold on with
one hand. Shouting a warning to Eevra of her intentions, she
brings her feet up to the edge of the platform and launches herself
back towards the landing. Eevra pulls the rope's slack in as fast
as he can, and thus when Tarva slams into the wall, she is actually
above the "waterline" of the lava -- even if only by 2'. Various
people help pull on the rope while Tarva uses (one-handedly) finger and
toe-holds to climb up to the landing, taking some additional heat
damage along the way.
Once up, there is healing, and Tarva asks that everyone give some
thought to what the lyrics carved into the floor might mean: especially
in terms of helping to keep us from being surprised at a future
encounter. Nobody has any aha! moments, but we do wonder about
turning everyone invisible, and also about possibly having to each of
us encounter the Sphinx Queen individually, rather than as a group.
Nobody has any way of producing pure daylight, either.
When we get back to the central chamber, some people notice, and point
out, that the later murals have changed: the humanoids in those panels
now resemble our party much more closely.
Going through the other doors, and down the corridor behind them, we
hear another voice:
Beyond ....
find .... labrynith of isolation
twelve deadly
regard bite,
avoid laughter
here flame can
be friend
(and lots of other words that got lost)
This means that the staff we already have (in Tarva's Quiver of
Ehlonna) must be ITI-ATUN.
"avoid laughter" sounds like a sonic \ voice weapon, such as perhaps a
banshee. Various people get wax and mold it into ear plugs.
We also take a few moments to let the military experts in the
group coordinate us on a few simple handsignals, against the chance
that we won't be able to hear each other:
run away
go there (point)
look there (point)
spread out
There are three doors at the end of the corridor: two in front of us
and one to our left. We go through the left one. Shortly
thereafter, we trip a trap, and some people are cut apart by blades
filling the corridor. Taizu cannot find the mechanism.
There's a sigil on the floor of a side corridor, but looking at
it doesn't seem to trigger it, so we proceed along the corridor we'd
been in. Very slowly, with Taizu checking for traps at every
step. Some of us start hearing strange whispers carried on
intermittent gusts of wind:
___ feels a faint gust of wind and hears, whispered in Common:
"The Queen's eyes conceal all her lies."
___ feels a faint gust of wind and hears, whispered in Common:
"Beware the Queen's curse; the fate of death, not worse."
___ feels a faint gust of wind and hears, whispered in Common:
"Release the beast to halt its feast."
___ feels a faint gust of wind and hears, whispered in Common:
"The hour of the Sphinx has passed, but the minute of man will
not last."
Taizu finds and helps us avoid some traps. We reach another side
passage, also with a (different) sigil on the floor. Darred
offers to cast Read Magic and see
what he can learn about the sigils, going back to check out the
previous one first. Glendon goes partway with him, to cover him.
However, after Darred turns the corner into the side passage, the
light from his lightstone disappears, and he doesn't respond to calls.
Keeping the rest of the group together, we all go back to check
this out. Taizu finds that there is a trap between the main
corridor, and the spot in the side corridor where the sigil is.
He can't tell what the trap does, or how to disarm it.
Tarva postulates a pit trap, and has a rope tied to her: she
plans to trigger the trap, then get Darred out while she hold it open.
Unfortuately it is a teleport trap, and she (and another piece of
sheared-off rope) are sent somewhere else. Which turns out to not
be where Darred was sent.
While Darred slowly explores the corridor he is now in, and Tarva runs
to get out of the acid-fumes-filled corridor she's now in, the rest of
the group wait around for a while, then decide that further exploring
would be more useful. They deliberately go into an
acid-fumes-filled section of corridor, stumble their way blindly along
until there's a side passage, and exit through that.
Unseen because of the acid fumes, there is another sigil, and crossing
over it begins a Keystone Kops farce. All of the sigils are of Fear, and anyone who crosses over them
must save or be affected. Anyone thusly affected flees in fear
for many rounds - but is unaffected by any other Fear sigils they cross. Ordinary
dungeon traps do still inflict damage upon them, however. In
attempting to run after and save the fear-induced members of the party,
the unaffected must cross over yet other Fear
sigils, and some of them are then struck with Fear also. This
could have gone on forever (or until people collapsed from too much
trap damage); but somehow it all came to a stop, people recovered, and
we all got back together again.
At this point, someone had the bright idea to wonder just what it was
that our new staff _does_; and by extension to wonder if the golden
triangles might do more than merely run the elevator. Pulling
the staff out of Tarva's quiver, and the triangles out of Eilyssandra's
pack, we found that:
the three 'false' triangles aren't magical at all;
ITI-ATUN has strong Conjuration and Healing;
Anshek: strong Transmutation, moderate Abjuration and Evocation;
Kheteru: moderate Evocation and Conjuration;
Neteria: moderate Divination and Abjuration;
Hrukesh: moderate Transformation and Abjuration.
Touching the central eye cause each of the triangles to tranform into
an entirely different object:
Anshek: 3' diameter very bright shield (+3, animated, blinding)
Kheteru: sword that's on fire (+2, flaming burst, ghost touch)
Neteria: helmet: (?true seeing?)
Hrukesh: unfolds into saddle with wings and stirrups, floating in
air (40' per round flying)
The final twists of the maze lead into a central chamber.
Tarva takes a small hand mirror, crawls forward to look around
the final corner, sees the chamber with a multi-headed beast chained to
a ring in the floor. She backs up, tells everyone else.

Tarva suggests that she try Fascinating the monster, while everyone
else gets in place, in case we have to fight it (but preferably someone
will find the staff and we can flee without any fighting at all).
Someone suggests that these triangle artifacts might be useful
here -- especially the sword, especially given the corridor comment
about "flame can be friend". They're handed out thusly:
Anshek (shield): Tarva
Kheteru (sword): Rowan
Neteria (helmet): Taizu
Hrukesh (saddle): Eevra
Taizu casts Improved Invisibility
on Rowan, and Blur on Eevra.
Tarva casts Aid on each
member, plus Blur on herself,
then starts to sing and steps out in full view. The Hydra has
moved to the extent of its chain, and is waiting for her, but becomes Fascinated by her singing. Other
people move into the room, sometimes only barely not alarming the Hydra
out of its Fascination. No sign of the staff. Eilyssandra
goes with the maze-whispered advice to "release the beast", and raises
a stalagmite up through the floor, ring, and chain, breaking them.
The Hydra attacks with all twelve heads, concentrating a lot on Tarva
in front of it, but also on the two closest off to the side: Rowan and
Eevra. Several breaths -- mostly of Cold,
but each head can breathe Stone
once a day -- and bites (on its part) and arrows, blows,
flaming strikes, and spell (on ours) later, it is dead. But in
the meantime Eevra and Taizu have been turned to stone.
Darred spots the staff up inside the hollow tube in the middle of the
ceiling, uses his bat cloak to fly up there. Getting the staff
sets off a trap, and he is severely sliced getting it out and down, but
does accomplish that.
A Detect Magic on ITI-ANUN shows
it to have moderate Evocation.
Healing on everyone who isn't a stone statue.