Fun Run on February 28, 2009;  John Webster DM


A brief recap of what we know about Sphinxes:

Androsphinx:  winged lions with male humanoid faces -- Chaotic Good -- Male -- move 50'; fly 80'  -- casts spells -- Roars for fear and paralize  

Chriosphinx:  winged lions with heads of great rams -- Neutral --Male -- move 40'; fly 60' 

Gynosphinx:  winged lions with female humanoid faces -- ? -- Female -- move 30'; fly ? -- casts spells -- riddles

Hieracosphinx:  winged lions with heads of great falcon or hawk -- Chaotic Evil -- Male -- move 30'; fly 90'

(of course, there may be - certainly is - more than this)

We leave the room with the ten sphinxes that attacked us and after a while find ourselves at a door into the Pyramid Room.  The door we are coming in through is at the  West corner.   The room itself is square, internally lit, with a stone sphinx (one of each type) "guarding" a door in each of the four walls (which are 45° off grid: NorthWest, NorthEast, SouthEast, and SouthWest).  There is a mural on each wall, surrounding the door; and writing on each door.

pyramid room

Taizu examines the central pyramid in the room, and notes that there is a triangular inset, about 1" deep and 1' on a side, near the top of each face of the pyramid.

Tarva finds that she can make some sense of  the writings on the doors.  It's difficult, but after a lot of studying -- and once again the minor objection that she doesn't "know" Sphinx -- she reads the NE door as saying:


She recites this aloud to the group, and through great teamwork using word association, we figure out that it is "knowledge", and that door swings open, revealing a corridor which is not lit, and extends further than any of us can see into its dim or darkness.  Before venturing down the corridor, Darred asks Tarva to read the other three doors, after cautioning everyone to not make any guesses at any answers yet.  Tarva tries, but isn't very successful.  For the NW door, she gets:

. . .   DARKNESS  . . .   LIGHT  . . .
. . .
. . .  WINGS  . . .
. . .  FALL  . . .
(feeling = between states)


. . .  ALONE  . . .   CROWD . . .
. . .  PEAK  . . .  MOUNTAIN  ...
. . .  GUIDES  . . .
. . .  WEIGHT  . . .
(feeling = army general Rowan knew)


. . .   STAND  . . .   WALLS . . .
. . .
. . .  ROOT . . .   BEGINNING  . . .
. . .  END  . . .
(feeling = builders)

And then apologizes to everyone for not being able to make more sense out of the writings.  

Hoping that they might offer a clue, Tarva studies the murals on each wall.  The NW mural (to the group's left as they entered the room) depicts the Sphinx Queen slaying a majestic gold dragon, and then framing the Naga Council for the deed.  The NE mural shows the Golden Sphinx fleeing and leaving his army in disarray, while fighting the Nagas.  The SE mural denotes the bloody civil war of the Sphinxes, between Khubsheth and the Sphinx Queen.  Finally, the SW wall is about Khubsheth convincing the Golden Sphinx to return and lead their armies to victory; but the Sphinx empire has been destroyed.  None of that seems to be related to the doors' writings.

Abandoning any attempt to solve the other puzzles for the moment, we go down the one corridor that's open.  About 500' later we come to another door, which opens up to a room with a large black obelisk in the center, plus an alcove with a smaller obelisk with writing on it.

obelisk room

The smaller obelisk turns out to be a Roper, with an illusion spell, which it drops when it grabs as many of us as it can.  Rowan peppers it with arrows, and then Eerva finishes it off with a single mighty blow.

Taizu finds that there is "writing" in bas relief, black on black, on the real obelisk.   With his help, Tarva can also feel it, decipher it for the group from the Draconic it is written in:


Scaling the black obelisk, Taizu finds a golden triangle, about 1' on each side.  Thinking back to the indentations in the pyramid, he pulls this triangle out.  The ceiling falls, damaging but not crushing everyone who didn't evade it.  With some effort, particularly Eilyssandra casting Stone Shape and Shape Shift spells, those not trapped release those that are.  It seems that the ceiling didn't just fall, but was pushed down by some mechanism.  Strangely, the black obelisk is not affected by the ceiling.

Once everyone is out, we use wands and staffs to heal all back to full HP, then go back to the Pyramid Room, taking the gold triangle with us.  

Tarva studies the doors again, and while she can't make out any  more words, she does get a vague feeling about two of the inscription as a whole.  Once she mentions this, others also scrutinize the doors, and Rowan also gets a feeling about the other one.  [Feelings are listed with the puzzle fragments, above.]

With the feelings to help, the group concentrates on the SW door, and  through great teamwork using word association, we figure out that it is "foundation", upon which that door opens.  There is another dark corridor, also about 500' long, ending in another door, which Taizu says has a lock but it isn't engaged.  Opening the door reveals a sand-covered floor with stone winged lions, two large and four small.  One of the large Leonides has a golden triangle worked into its chest.  

leonides room

Taizu goes in to see if he can detect and defeat the trap we all suspect is on the triangle; but the trigger was actually anyone entering the room.  Several grapple Taizu and others grapple Tarva and Eevra, because they were nearest the dor.   Eevra doesn't get grappled, actually, kills his Leonide, then charges the big one that's not on Taizu.  Rowan is shooting lots of arrows.  Taizu tries to pull the triangle off, but can't.  Glendon rushes in and slips his Headband of  Ferocity onto Taizu.  Taizu takes way too much damage, and dies.  The doors -- heavy, 1' thick stone -- suddenly slam shut, leaving Eevra, Glendon, Tarva, and Taizu's body inside with the Leonides, and Darred, Eilyssandra, and Rowan outside.   The ceiling opens and sand starts pouring into the room.  Eevra and Glendon finish killing off the Leonides (Tarva remains grappled until rescued).  Eevra pulls the golden triangle off of the dead Leonide.  There are attempts from both sides to yell through the doors and coordinate attempts to open it.  As the sand mounts up, the three inside find it harder to stay on top of it, and start taking more damage.  Eeilyssandra summons an Earth Elemental, and has it beat on the doors, which finally break apart and spill sand and companions into the corridor.  

A few minutes later, all the sand - including that in the corridor - disappears, leaving a bare scattering on the floor of the room.

Tarva and Heart's Reach have a difficult conversation, and then HR touches Taizu and casts a True Resurrection, bringing Taizu back to life and in full health.  But other people notice that after this, HR isn't talking any longer.

Taizu, convinced that the room should contain not only the triangle we found, but also another verse (such as was on the black obelisk), wants to go back into the room and search for it.  Including checking for words on the floor under the sand.  Shortly after he goes in, the sand starts falling from the ceiling again, and he wisely gets out (at least the crushed doors couldn't close again).

Back in the Pyramid Room, and through great teamwork using word association, we figure out that "balance" is the answer to the NW riddle.  This dark corridor is closer to 750' long, and once again ends at a door.  Inside is a long hall, with curved ceiling, filled with what looks like water, and with a board leading to a small ship, equipped with oars and sail.  About halfway down the hall, say 60', an orb is suspended from the ceiling and is acting as a surrogate "sun" by casting light, but apparently not heat.  

ship room

Tarva dips her third bow into the water, to try and see how deep it is.  When she pulls it back out, nothing is left of it that was below the "water"line.  She also casts Detect Evil, but finds none within range of her spell.  Taizu uses a wand to turn himself into a bird, then flies to look over the ship.  There's a scroll on a podium at one end: when Taizu starts to read it, the ship starts to move.  Taizu decists from that and returns to us.  Tarva wonders out loud if reading the scroll backwards would cause the ship to move in the opposite direction.  Taizu tries that, but stops immediately when the ship goes forward again.  None of us like the idea of being in danger of falling into a universal solvent, so we decide to leave this for now and try the fourth door.

The SE door's riddle is answered through great teamwork using word association, as being "leadership".   This corridor is also 750' long.  The door on the other end opens onto what looks like a normal, outdoor, large desert.  Very hot, with possibly an oasis, dimly seen through the heat waves, some distance away.

desert "room"

Illusion?  Taizu wads up a sheet of paper and tosses it through the door: it lies there on the sand.  Tarva shoots an arrow, trying for the maximum distance she can, but with all the heat distortions, everyone loses sight of it while it's still in flight.  Then Rowan shoots one after setting it flaming, but even that additional aid to vision isn't enough to follow its full flight.  Tarva casts Mage Hand and retrieves Taizu's paper, hopefully thereby prooving that the doorway, or portal, isn't one way.  Tarva asks HR (who can now only answer by vague empathy) if this is a gate, and is told "no".  

Well, the oasis seems to be the only reasonable destination here, so we head off for it.  It takes quite a while before we're even sure that's what the vague shape is, and by the time we get there many people are suffering from heat exposure.  There is a perimeter of trees from the edge of the oasis to the pond, which is irregularly shaped but about 40' across on average.  At one end is a statue of a Gynosphinx.  

statue at pool

Tarva casts Detect Evil, and finds that there is some in the direction of the statue.  Stupidly, she doesn't concentrate more to find out additional details, but instead warns the group that the statue is a danger.  When we get closer, we see a golden triangle at the bottom of the pool.  Because the statue is "looking" at its reflection, Tarva suggests that any disruption of that reflection, as by someone entering the water and causing ripples, would be the trigger to set it off.  Using Mage Hand and a mirror from Taizu, Tarva positions the mirror so that the statue is now "seeing" its reflection in it, instead of in the water.  Taizu dives in and starts swimming towards the triangle.  He gets to it, but can't get it loose from the stone it's attached to, so he comes back to the surface and climbs out.  Unrealized by himself, his being in the water has dropped his Wisdom to 2.  Several people along the shore of the pond hear a seemingly disembodied voice trying to convince them that they're incredibly hot and thirsty, and want to drink from the pool.  Suddenly Taizu is hit and knocked down, as his Wisdom is drained to zero.  Other people saw this, however.  Eilyssandra sends Shay to investigate, and Shay tells us that something was there, in front of Taizu, and has gone back towards the statue.   Darred casts Glitterdust in an area just in front of Taizu, but doesn't "catch" anything.  Tarva lets the mirror drop and casts Glitterdust also, closer in to the statue from where Darred cast, and outlines what she recognizes (and yells out to the rest) as being a Lamia.  Several people converge to fight the Lamia, but before they can it triggers the statue and swarms begin to emerge from the statue's mouth.  The Lamia is killed, and Eilyssandra stuffs the statue's mouth with wadded up clothing, thus preventing any more swarms from emerging.  Darred cast several fireballs and eventually the swarms that had emerged were destroyed.  

At the stopping point, this triangle is still at the bottom of a Wisdom draining pool; Taizu has zero Wisdom; Tarva is down 56 points and Eevar is down 101; and Glendon, Taizu, and Eevar have heat-induced stun damage of 2, 4, and 11, respectively.