April 24, 2010
Day 1 (cont.) <date TBD; late spring>
Tarva casts Detect Magic and
checks all of the things we've found on the Fire Giants (well, except
for the strange hearts, which are already destroyed). The only
thing which detects as magic is the Rod, of Moderate Strength,
Enchantement school.
Velia asks for permission, then tries to activate the Rod with Use
Magical Device; she succeeds and a 30' area of Darkness appears.
Tarva's Dark Vision can see into the area, so it isn't any
especially strong type of Darkness. Zeln is of the opinion that Darkness is too minor a spell for
anyone to waste the effort and expense to imbue it into a Rod, and thus
the Rod must do something additional. We decide to wait until we
have enough items to cast Identify on; meanwhile Zeln will carry this
We decide to abandon the Fire Giant's huge weapons and armor; Velia
arranges them artistically, so anyone coming across them will get the
idea that they should turn back.
For lack of a better direction, we have been proceeding mostly due
North. Rowan and Velia each sense that there is some sort of
'wrongness' just to the West of due North. Sort of a ripple, sort
of like a heat shimmer, only felt more psychically than seen.
They have a good fix on what direction it was in. Tarva
thinks we should go investigate it, so we change our bearing to head in
that direction.
Side note: Rowan is now tracking for the group at 60' in front, closer
than her previous 100'.
Several of us hear the sound of something very large approaching,
pushing trees out of its way as it comes. We can see tree tops
waving, even though we can't see it yet.
1. Rowan shoots two Seeker arrows which hit for 14, 14; Velia
moves up, see huge humanoid made of earth and stone; Ninalyn flies up,
feels that she is in the presence of Unhallowed land - except that it's
moving; Tarva moves up and sees ditto; Zeln moves up, casts Timestop:
1.1 moves up to X, sees that it has corpses and tomestones sticking out
of its body;
1.2 casts Sphere of Ultimate Destruction
(but X's SR makes it fizzle);
1.3 casts a Wall of Force, 100'
long by 17' high, to the creature's left and along its backtrail;
1.4 casts Web (and Stinking Cloud as a side effect), moves
way back;
Axe activates his boots::Speed and moves up to X; Surune moves up
towards X; X hits Axe for 27, grapples.
2. Rowan shoots for 88; Velia moves around the far end of the
Wall of Force; Ninalyn charge-flies for 20; Tarva uses
Knowledge::Undead to determine that X is a Corpse Gatherer (henceforth
CG) but doesn't know much more, tells everyone that it's an undead
called a "Corpse Gatherer", SpringAttack's for 10 plus HR::Holy; Zeln
casts Enlarge Person on Axe to
help his grapple; Axe tries to break grapple but fails, fails; Surune
charges for 64 & 5-fire; CG absorbs Axe for 23, hits Ninalyn for
40, grapples, hits Surune for 31, grapples.
3. Rowan shoots for 98; Velia shoots crossbow for no
effect; Ninalyn tries to break grapple but fails; Tarva springAttack's
for 15 plus HR::Holy; Zeln casts Enlarge
Person, Mass on Ninalyn, Surune, and Tarva; Axe Rages, tries to break grapple but
fails, fails; Surune tries to break grapple and succeeds; CG crushes
Axe for 24, absorbs Ninalyn for 20.
4. Rowan shoots for 17, kills; it dissolves into thirty humanoid
zombies (plus Axe and Ninalyn). Everyone suffers 2 hp damage
while killing the 1/2 hd zombies. Axe deactivates his boots.
A -76 N -62 R -2 S -33
T -2 V -2 Z -2
-47 -33
0 -4
0 0 0
Ninalyn Cure Serious Mass
-8 0
Ninalyn Cure Critical
wand Cure Light (twice)
No treasure.
Tarva and Ninalyn dissect bodies: Zombie hearts 'normal' (as much as
they can be for Zombies); CG has no heart left over.
Velia reports that the ripple of wrongness has appeared twice more.
Both times it (or we) was closer, but not close. We're
still going in the right direction.
Various people spot three winged creatures flying directly towards us
from the direction of the ripple. They seem to be dragonish in
shape, but are of no discernable color. People have time to
position themselves among the trees and open spaces.
0. At roughly 600', Tarva can see that they are strangely
multi-colored dragons, she doesn't know of anything like this, says,
"they look like Patchwork Dragons", shoots D-2 for 19; Rowan moves up,
shoots D-2 for 18; Dragons move much closer; Zeln casts a region of Reverse Gravity immediately above Tarva
and to the sides; Velia moves up; Surune moves up; Ninalyn flies
forward; Axe activates his boots::Fly, goes up to the treetops.
1. Tarva shoots for 18; Rowan shoots for 111; D-1 on
Surune for 15; D-2 towards Rowan; D-3 on Ninalyn miss -- close up we
can see that these are constructed (?constructs?) of the body parts of
many different dragons stitched together -- the stench causes Surune to
be shaken for 20 rounds, Ninalyn for 21 rounds; Zeln runs up, casts Tactical Teleportation and moves Velia
(who becomes shaken for 22 rounds), Axe (who becomes shaken for 21
rounds), and Ninalyn (to ground level) to help Surune surround D-1, and
moves Rowan back into some trees; Velia hits D-1 for 34; Surune hits
D-1 for 44 & 3-fire, then misses, then bloopers and drops her
sword; Ninalyn hits D-1 for 39; Axe hits D-1 for 153, kills.
2. Tarva moves directly under D-2 (hoping that its flying
skill won't let it turn on her there) and shoots for 28; Rowan shoots
D-3 for 101; D-2 on Rowan for 14 and shaken for 18 rounds; D-3 on Zeln
for 17 (Zeln saves and is not shaken); Zeln <<does
something>> and turns into a Beholder, uses his Finger of Death eye on D-3 but nothing
happens, uses Spellcraft to determine that Dragon Flesh Golems are
immune to magic; Velia charges D-3 for 10; Surune picks up her
sword then moves towards D-2; Ninalyn moves towards D-2; Axe on D-3 for
3. Tarva changes to HR, charges D-2 (shaken for 21 rounds)
hits for 19; Rowan switches to her longsword and hits for 73; D-2 on
Rowan hits for 27, on Tarva hits for 28; D-3 on Zeln hits for 24, on
Axe for 9, on Velia for 29; Zeln flies away, AoO from D-3 for 34; Velia
on D-3 for 30; Surune charges D-2 for 49; Ninalyn charges D-3 but
misses; Axe on D-3 hits for 28, kills.
4. Tarva on D-2 kills.
A -9 N 0 R -41 S -15
T -35 V -29 Z -56
-8 0
-2 -6
-23 Ninalyn Cure
Serious, Mass
Ninalyn Cure Serious
Tarva wand Cure Light (three)
Rowan and Tarva pick up their bows.
Tarva and Ninalyn dissect bodies: hearts are as normal as they can be
for constructs.
Everyone is able to detect the ripple of wrongness, this next time it
manifests. Tarva asks Heart's Reach if he thinks there might be
a Gate involved -- since there seem to be non-local monsters coming at
us from it. HR says that when we get closer, Tarva's amulet may
be able to tell us with more certainity. Meanwhile, HR might have
a better chance of determining that if Tarva kept him out. So
Tarva will be walking with HR drawn. Later, both HR and Zoln
believe that there is a Gate near the ripple.
0. DD-1 appears behind Ninalyn, standing in the air, hits
for 21, plus 6 from adjacency; DD-2 appears behind Tarva, criticals for
56 plus 5 from adjacency; Velia shoots at DD-1 but misses; Tarva turns,
uses Knowledge::Planes to recognize a DeathDrinker, yells,
"Deathdrinker. Demon. Resistant Acid Cold Fire Electricity" (she
also knows that it is also immune to negative energy and poison, but
figures nobody would be trying those anyway), criticals on it for 30
HR::+6; Rowan shoots DD-1 for 19.
1. DD-1 Greater Teleports
behind Rowan for 50 plus 11; DD-2 hits Tarva for 41 plus 11; Velia
moves behind DD-2, hides poorly; Zeln starts to cast Channel Sound Blast; Ninalyn moves to
near DD-1 and casts Banishment,
"By the power of Kord's goodness I banish you back to the Hell you came
from", gets past the SR, DD-1 doesn't save, is banished; Surune
charges DD-2 but misses; Tarva misses, criticals for 42, hits for 18;
Rowan shoots for 116; Axe charges DD-2 for 51.
2. DD-2 Greater Teleports
behind Ninalyn for 49 plus 11; Velia moves to DD-2, uses
Flick-of-the-Wrist to surprise attack for 39; Zeln reshapes Greater Sound Blast as four 10' cubes,
gest past DD-2's SR, for 29; Ninalyn casts Banishment, gets past the SR, but DD-2
saves; Tarva moves, charges, misses; Rowan crits for 51, crits for 55,
rest total 57; Axe stands back-to-back with Zeln.
3. DD-2 on Velia for 29, crit 49, 26, 31, plus 11 on
Velia, 4 on Tarva, 9 on Ninalyn; Velia tumbles away, hides;
Zeln uses <<something from a membership?>> to
pull Tactical Teleport back into
his available spell set; Ninalyn crits for 56; Surune charges for 28;
Tarva hits for 15 plus HR::Holy 9; Rowan shoots for a crit of 53, rest
total 58; Axe moves, charges, misses.
4. DD-2 Greater Teleports
to behind Zeln for 24, 25, 22, crit 52, leaving Zeln down at -15,
laughs with delight, seems to get healtier; Velia is hiding;
Ninalyn casts Flame Strike, gets
past SR for 34; Surune moves towards DD-2; Tarva starts singing Inspire Courage; tumbles to Zeln,
defensively casts Cure Light for
10, stablizes; Rowan shoots for 87; Axe charges DD-2 for 39.
5. DD-2 Greater Teleports
to behind Ninalyn for 27, 26, 21, 25, leaving Ninalyn down at -24,
again laughs with delight, again seems healthier; Velia is hiding;
Surune charges, misses; Tarva - Inspire
Courage takes effect - tumbles to Ninalyn, defensively casts Cure Light for 7, stablizes; Rowan
crits for 58, rest total 84; Axe charges, crits for 127, kills.
A -9 N -187 R -61 S 0
T -92 V -146 Z -112
Tarva Faith
0 -116
-51 -105
-71 Ninalyn Cure
Critical, Mass
-61 -27 Ninalyn Cure Critical, Mass
-21 0
Ninalyn Cure Critical, Mass
Ninalyn Cure
Serious (twice)
Ninalyn and Tarva dissect the one DeathDrinker still here: its heart is
twisted and solid like the Fire Giants. Tarva asks HR if he
thinks he could destroy this heart, the way that Ninalyn destroyed the
Fire Giant hearts with her Holy sword. HR thinks it is worth
trying, and succeeds.
leg armor
Ninalyn casts Detect Magic,
DD-2's Breastplate and Longsword are both magic, moderately strong,
"w&a" school. We take everything except the leg armor
We move a short distance away, then Zeln casts Mordenkainen's Magnificant Mansion for
us to spend the night in.
Make it through the night.
During the night, Tarva asks Heart's Reach what he meant about Tarva's
amulet being able to help identify a Gate? Was he talking about
Aunt Millicent's amulet, which is a Gate? No, says HR,
he's talking about the amulet Mordenkainen gave Tarva. Part of
how it works, continues HR, is tied up with Gates. [Tarva knows
that the amulet's primary attribute is to protect her and HR from being
magically detected or spied upon: anyone trying that gets a response as
if they were no longer on this plane. Now that she thinks about
it, generating that false response does seem to be at least parallel to
Gateing -- she has this undoubtedly very wrong mental image of the Scry
itself being Gated onto a different place, where "Tarva not on this
plane" would be a true condition. Also, she knows that
Mordenkainen spent a lot of time teaching Heart's Reach a lot about
detecting Gates, and shielding himself from them, and possibly a lot of
related stuff that she wouldn't have been able to follow even if she
had been there; so anything HR says about Gates, Tarva is going to
accept as accurate.] Tarva asks how the amulet will help them
with this gate. HR isn't sure, he hasn't had any opportunities to
see the amulet near any Gates; but he knows that he will, from what
Mordenkainen taught him, be able to detect interactions between the
amulet and a Gate, once they get close to one.
Day 2
When we step out and across the Mansion's boundary, the world looks
different. The forest, which was normal looking when we left, is
now all gnarled and twisted; inidividual trees do not look healthy.
Passing very close to the entranceway is a nearly straight
East-West 20' wide path of total destruction: everything above
the surface of the ground has disappeared, and in the path are small
bits of stone and metal, all with spiral patterns on them. Zeln
uses Knowledge::Dungeoneering to recognize this spiral residue as being
left behind by a Spirax; Tarva uses Knowledge::Planes to know that a
Spirax is a titanic creature in a metallic shell which destroys all
life and organic matter in its path.
Rowan determines that the Spirax was moving from West to East, but
cannot put a time on its passage more accurate than somewhen in the
last twelve hours.
Despite the obvious danger the Spirax represents to any people or
township it comes near, Tarva declares that our primary task remains
taking out the insane Solar -- and that we're more likely to find him
near the 'wrong' rippling gate. So we press onward.
Some of us see a spherical cloud of darkness, but with tentacles, about
15' in diameter, flying (or at least drifting).
0. Velia points, says, "Big Bad Thing", and moves back
inside the group; Tarva starts singing Inspire
Courage, moves towards it; X moves towards us; Rowan shoots for
1. Velia reserves; Tarva's
Inspire Courage takes effect, Tarva moves to 60' away, sings Inspire Greatness on HR; X moves 40',
bounces Velia, Axe, and Zeln 100' into the Air, dispells that spell,
Axe and Velia fall for 29, Zeln's Phantom
Steed keeps him from falling; Zeln casts Wall of Fire as a ring around X, but
sculptured to leave a 10' opening in the wall; Velia activates
her boots::Fly; Rowan draws her longsword and casts Seering Light for 42, but resheathes
sword as light appears to be absorbed by X. Axe moves to opening,
positions himself for AoO; Ninalyn reserves to go after Surune; Surune
moves to other side of opening, positions herself for AoO; Ninalyn
moves, casts Blessing of the Righteous
on Rowan.
2. Tarva moves back 40' from the firewall and casts Magic Missile for 15; X Greater Teleports to behind Zeln (and
his steed); Zeln uses meta-Rod to cast Slow
as a quick action, dispells his steed, activates his Feather Fall ring, X AoO on falling
body for 19, grapple; Velia fly-charges X for 13, yells out "undead";
Rowan shoots for 122; Axe activates his boots::Fly; Surune taunts,
moves closer; Ninalyn flies closer, casts Heal
as a Ray for 156.
3. Tarva sheathes HR (with apology), shoots for 22; X pulls
Zeln inside a "void" for 34 & -3 Strength; hits Velia for 28,
grapples; Zeln casts Timestop:
3.1 casts Teleport to get to
3.2 casts Sphere of Ultimate Destruction;
3.3 casts Summon Monster IX: Celestial
Velia tries Escape Artist but fails; Rowan shoots for 128, kills.
A 0 N 0 R 0 S 0 T 0
V -57 Z -43
-5 Ninalyn Cure Critical
Cure Moderate
0 Ninalyn Cure Light
Ninalyn Lesser Restoration to bring back Zeln's
no body
end of run